1 | Elizabeth Blackwell,美国第一个女医生,创建了员工一直为女性纽约诊所。 | Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman medical doctor in the United States, founded the New York Infirmary , an institution that has always had a completely female medical staff. | |
2 | 不到早晨六点,他便到了滨海蒙特勒伊,他第一桩事便是把寄给拉菲特先生的信送到邮局,再到疗养室去看芳汀。 | A little before six o’clock in the morning he had arrived at M. Sur M., and his first care had been to post a letter to M. Laffitte, then to enter the infirmary and see Fantine | |
3 | 假使有个不曾见过沙威的人,当时看见他走进那疗养室的前房,这人一定猜想不到发生了什么事,并且还会认为他那神气是世上最平常的。 | Any one who did not know Javert, and who had chanced to see him at the moment when he penetrated the antechamber of the infirmary , could have divined nothing of what had taken place, and would have thought his air the most ordinary in the world | |
4 | 见习修士的住房和医务室另外安排在一栋建筑里,有专用的小教堂、浴室、饭厅、厨房和花园等。12~13世纪欧洲各地建造了许多大修道院,特别是在法国。 | The novitiate and infirmary were housed in a building with its own chapel, bathhouse, dining hall, kitchen, and garden. In the 12th-13th century, many abbeys were built throughout Europe, especially in France. | |
5 | 杰克只得到医院去检查那只发炎的眼睛,我知道他要我去看看他。 | Jack has to go to the infirmary to have that sore eye examined and I know he’ll want me to go and hold his hand. | |
6 | 她始终留在那间养病室里。 | She still remained in the infirmary | |
7 | 罗宾诺维茨挤过在医务室门外阻塞了通道的长队。 | Robinovitz pushed past the queue jamming the passageway outside the infirmary | |
8 | 马德兰伯伯叫人把他抬进疗养室,这疗养室是他为他的工人准备的,就在他的工厂的大楼里,有两个修女在里面服务。 | Father Madeleine had him conveyed to an infirmary which he had established for his workmen in the factory building itself, and which was served by two sisters of charity | |
9 | 马德兰先生雇了人把芳汀抬到他自己厂房里的疗养室。 | Madeleine had Fantine removed to that infirmary which he had established in his own house | |
10 | 美国的学院或大学里通常有“学生卫生服务处”或“医务室”,提供各种医疗服务。 | A United States college or university will usually have a "student health service" or "infirmary " which offers various types of health care | |
11 | 如果外国留学生发生了意外事故或疾病,他首先应该到学校的卫生服务处或医务室去诊治,这些地方有每个学生的病历纪录。 | If a foreign student has an accident or an illness, the student should go first to the campus health service or infirmary for treatment, as these facilities maintain a record of each student’s medical history | |
12 | 他的药是带到学校去卖好价钱的,留着原封不动,准备十倍原价去卖给穷乡僻壤的学校医院。 | He was actually bringing the medicine to the school so he could sell it at a high price.With the seals left intact, he was planning to sell his medicine at ten times the original price to the poor, remote school infirmary | |
13 | 我的母亲染上了伤寒,整旅程中都躺在船上的医疗室。 | My mother came down with typhoid fever and spent the entire trip’s infirmary | |
14 | 眼耳科医院. | the Eye and Ear Infirmary | |
15 | 在疗养室服务的两个修女叫佩尔佩迪姆姆和散普丽斯姆姆,她们和所有其他做慈善事业的姆姆们一样,都是遣使会的修女。 | The two nuns who performed the services of nurse in the infirmary , Lazariste ladies, like all sisters of charity, bore the names of Sister Perpetue and Sister Simplice | |
16 | Lincoln爬出医务室的窗户,抓住从医务室通向外面围墙的粗电缆线。 | Lincoln climbs out the window and grabs the thick cable leading from the infirmary to the far wall. | |
17 | Lincoln躺在医务室的床上,他的状态稳定了下来。 | Lincoln, stable, lies on the infirmary bed. | |
18 | Michael独自在院子里走着,心里想的都是当前发生的事件:Sara和医务室,Nick拒绝帮忙。 | Michael walks the yard alone, his mind heavy with events of the day: Sara and the infirmary , Nika’s refusal to help. | |
19 | Michael告知大家,只有医务人员才有那把门钥匙。 | Michael informs them that only the medical staff have keys to the infirmary . | |
20 | Michael向医务室的候诊室看去,Sara避免与他目光对视,Katie向Michael解释说,今天由她来给他打针。 | As Michael looks to the infirmary waiting room where Sara averts his gaze, Katie explains that she will be taking care of him today. | |
21 | Michael在医务室的某一个检查室外等候。 | Michael waits outside one of the examination rooms in the infirmary . | |
22 | Pope转身与勘查医务室门的一个男子交谈。 | Pope turns and addresses a man investigating the door to the infirmary . | |
23 | Sara和Katie走下医务室的楼梯,谈论最近的预算缩减。 | Sara and Katie walk down the stairs of the infirmary building discussing the latest budget cuts. | |
24 | Sara叫警卫送Michael回牢房,然后他打电话叫她的护士Katie到医务室来,说有点东西给她看。 | Sara sends Michael back to his cell, but then calls Katie, her nurse, up to the infirmary to show her something. | |
25 | Sara提醒Bellick,她的医务室可不是他做审讯的场所。 | Sara instructs Bellick that her infirmary is not a place for him to perform an interrogation. | |
26 | Sara在医务室门厅找到了Bellick,强烈要求他对事件进行内部调查。 | Sara finds Officer Bellick in the infirmary lobby and urges him to start an Internal Affairs investigation. | |
27 | Sucre排到了最后,他问Michael是否搞到了医务室的钥匙,Michael回答,“不算是。” | Sucre is last and asks Michael if he has the key to the infirmary . Michael replies, "Not exactly. " | |
28 | Sucre问Michael是否想到进入医务室的办法了。 | Sucre asks if Michael has handled their access to the infirmary . | |
29 | Sucre问是否他们还是通过医务室出去,Michael说他不能再腐蚀医务室的下水管道了,会引起疑心的。 | Sucre asks if they’re still going through the infirmary , but Michael says he can’t corrode the pipe in the grate again. | |
30 | 电子医务系统的研制与应用 | The development and application of the Electric Infirmary |