属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-永恒的守护者 The constant gardene
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生命的终点 The end of the line
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-乌干达产前护理进入移动时代
1 | 药膏,混合的或化合的,不含抗生素、激素、生物碱和微生物制品,未采取标准剂装或供零售的形式或包装 | ointment,medicinal,mixed or compounded,not containing antibiotics,hormones,alkaloids or microbial products,not put up in measured doses or informs or packings for retail sale | |
2 | 逾期接受仍有接受的效力,如果发盘人毫不迟延地用口头或书面将此种意见通知受盘人。 | A late acceptance is nevertheless effective as an acceptance if without delay the offeror orally so informs the offeree or dispatches a notice to that effect. | |
3 | 在操作系统VAX/VMS中,输入DCL的LOGOUT命令,通知操作系统用户已完成对某一终端的使用。 | In VAX/VMS, issuing the DCL command LOGOUT, which informs the operating system that user has finished using a particular terminal | |
4 | 在这个案例中,如果顾女士决定向她的上级或邢先生的上级报告这件事,她可以向他们暗示邢先生的行为可能带来的损失。 | In this case, if Ms. Gu informs her boss or his superiors of the situation, she could indicate to Mr. Xing how much damage might occur by bowing to the pressure of Mr. Calier. | |
5 | 主管机构在收到申请后迅速审查文件是否齐全,并以准确和完整的方式通知申请人所有不足之处 | When receiving an application, the competent body promptly examines the completeness of the documentation and informs the applicant in a precise and complete manner of all deficiencies | |
6 | ||1:马里斯这本著作为保护自然背后的思考提供了一份卓有见地的分析。||2:作者通过介绍那些已经灭绝的物种引出了“原始化”栖息地的观念,还提到了“辅助性迁移”的观念,比如林务员为应对气候变化栽种树木以促进当地林木多样性(当然,还有园艺家们做出的努力,他们通过扦插移植和幼苗移植将一处的植物带向地球另一端的某处)。||3:她还描述了设计生态系统的方法:比如改造一块地方的环境,使之能吸引筑巢的鸟儿在那里孵化幼鸟。||4:还有,非原生态的环境中也可以充满勃勃生机,比如城市里的屋顶花园。 | ||1:Ms Marris’s book is an insightful analysis of the thinking that informs nature conservation.||2:The author outlines the concepts of “re-wilding” habitats by introducing species that have been lost, of the “assisted migration” carried out by foresters who prepare for climate change by planting trees at the current limits of their ranges (and, indeed, the gardeners who transplant cuttings and seedlings from one part of the planet to another).||3:She describes how ecosystems can be designed: nesting birds can be encouraged to breed on a site by manipulating it to suit them, for example.||4:And nature can flourish in areas that are not wild, such as city roof-gardens. | |
7 | ||1:实用主义影响着很多葬礼的风俗习惯。||2:比如说,伊朗的拜火教按照传统将尸体放在高塔之上,让秃鹰啄食吃光,这样人的躯体就不会腐蚀土壤。||3:火葬在全世界越来越受欢迎,不仅仅是因为墓地的持续紧缺,而且价格上涨,同时也是因为骨灰更容易运输。||4:在不断全球化的世界中,这一点对于大多数强烈渴望落叶归根的人们非常重要。 | ||1: Pragmatism informs many funerary practices. ||2: The Zoroastrians in Iran, for example, traditionally leave corpses in towers for vultures to devour, so the bodies do not pollute the soil. ||3: Cremation is becoming more popular around the world, not only because land for cemeteries is increasingly rare and expensive, but also because ashes are easily transported. ||4: This is important in an ever globalised world, as for most people “the desire to be buried at home is the strongest”. | |
8 | 该智能手机应用程序会检查记录胎儿的心跳声。奥凯洛表示,如果该应用程序怀疑有问题的话,它就会提示助产士可以采取的其它操作。 | The smartphone app records and examines the sound of the unborn baby’s heartbeat. Mr Okello says, if the app suspects a problem, then it informs the midwife of different actions she might take. | |
9 | “你知道什么人”决定你被给予的获取想法的途径和时机。 | "Who you know" informs what kind of access to ideas you’re given, and when. | |
10 | “新的美国政府提出让我们放弃耶路撒冷的方案真是令人难以接受,”这位利库德政客说道。 | "The new U. S. administration informs us with intolerably ease that we have to give up Jerusalem, " the Likud politician said. | |
11 | Chromium博客告诉我们,谷歌将会经常推出更稳定的浏览器版本。 | Chromium Blog informs us that Google will release stable Chrome versions more often. | |
12 | Error把一般问题告诉用户,例如不正确的密码、失效的会话等。 | Error Informs the user about general problems, for example, incorrect passwords, an expired session, etc. | |
13 | ieee_virtual_eth:如果值为1,就通知IVM这个适配器支持IEEE802.1Q。 | ieee_virtual_eth: A value of 1 informs the IVM that this adapter supports IEEE 802. 1Q. | |
14 | LastFilled列显示最后一次使用每个逻辑日志的日期和时间。 | The Last Filled column informs the user of the date and time when each logical log was used for the last time. | |
15 | LotusServer.Load记录开始时间和结束时间,并在测试结束时通知您。 | Load keeps track of the start and end time, and it informs you when the test has completed. | |
16 | Michael告知大家,只有医务人员才有那把门钥匙。 | Michael informs them that only the medical staff have keys to the infirmary. | |
17 | real_daemon通知wrappers实际的守护进程,如ftpd、telnetd和sshd在哪里。 | The real_daemon informs wrappers where the real daemons live like ftpd, telnetd, and sshd. | |
18 | 阿尔贝塔.格林告知他俩,杰米.法雷尔的母亲在过去4个月收受了30万美元。 | Alberta Green informs them that Jamey Farrell’s mother had received $300, 000 over the last four months. | |
19 | 此警告提示您需要考虑您的 | This warning informs you that you need to consider how you want your | |
20 | 从某种意义上说,数学指引着我规划自己的生活。 | In some sense, mathematics informs the way I run my life. | |
21 | 从我们的市场调查表明你们有兴趣进口机械设备。 | Our market survey informs us that you are interested in the import of machinery. | |
22 | 当敌人被告发以后,美军第二天就会踢开他家的大门,然后就是枪战。 | A family informs on its enemy, the U. S. kicks down the door the next day, and there may be shooting because of the raids. | |
23 | 到达手动测试时,将出现第二个对话框,通知可以运行手动测试。 | When a manual test is reached, a second dialog box informs you that it is ready to be run. | |
24 | 的生效日期将会通过CSA通知宣布或者CSA证明通知。 | CSA Effective Date The effective date for CSA will be announced through CSA informs or a CSA Certification Notice . CSA | |
25 | 第二大脑也会以更隐晦方式告知我们的精神状态。 | The second brain informs our state of mind in other more obscure ways, as well. | |
26 | 对此的设置将通知WebSphereApplicationServer应该使用客户端证书身份验证对内部请求进行身份验证。 | Setting this informs WebSphere Application Server that inbound requests should be authenticated using client certificate authentication. | |
27 | 对于负责维护的工作人员来说,纪念的负担对每个方面的修复工作都有影响。 | For the preservation staff, the burden of remembrance informs every aspect of their restoration efforts. | |
28 | 方法,以编程方式解决有害消息的情况,该方法通知服务器端组件的作者:所有播放被推迟的激活的尝试均已失败。 | Method, which informs the server-side component author that all attempts to play back the deferred activation have failed. | |
29 | 方法会将这一对系统内存的额外压力通知运行库。 | Method informs the runtime of this additional pressure on system memory. | |
30 | 副官会在白天还剩30秒的时候提醒你。 | The Adjutant informs you whenever 30 seconds of daylight remain. |