1 | 盖恩斯告知电话那一端的神秘来电者,他已经准备了一个备用计划,而且将会在同一天进行实施。 | Gaines informs the mystery caller that he has a backup plan that will be put into effect the same day. | |
2 | 供应商批量采购包装,并通知金杯通用物料部新包装实施的断点时间。 | Supplier purchases the packaging and informs JBGM material handling department the break-point time to accomplish the new packaging. | |
3 | 贯穿全书,明显的体现出了沃克的种族不安感,这种不安感也渗入了他的大多数抉择中。 | His racial unease is palpable throughout the book, and informs most of his decisions. | |
4 | 哈里斯告知他,一旦他们确认没有被跟踪,他们会将杰克的所在告知反恐组。 | Harris informs him that once they are satisfied that they are not being followed they will provide Jack’s location. | |
5 | 基思告知他的母亲,他准备向警方讲述有关乔治.菲拉格慕被谋杀的真相。 | Keith informs his mother that he is going to tell the police the truth about George Ferragamo’s murder. | |
6 | 将出现一个对话框,通知当前运行包含手动测试并且将提示运行这些测试。 | A dialog box is displayed that informs you that the current run contains manual tests and that you will be prompted to run those tests. | |
7 | 杰克还告诉他,罗伯特.埃利斯也许被杀了,而帕默的先遣队的一名成员与亚历克西斯.德拉赞有男女关系。 | Jack also informs him that Robert Ellis may be dead, and that a member of Palmer’s advance team is involved with Alexis Drazen. | |
8 | 她说:“我们总是拿历史不当回事。其实它能告诉我们今后会发生的一切事情。” | "We always forget how important history is. It informs everything that happens after, " she said. | |
9 | 开户银行会通知申请人问他们同样的款额,更好的掌握航运文件。款额,更好的掌握航运文件。 | h. The opening bank informs the applicant of the same and asks him to make payment so as to get hold of the shipping documents. H | |
10 | 可以反映葡萄酒的起源,还有因以下一些规定决定的品质: | Informs about the provenance of the wine but also about a relative quality due to control on these factors: | |
11 | 另一个以图形方式使用户了解当前操作情况的控件是 | Another control that graphically informs the user about a current action is the | |
12 | 路由引擎通过下一跃点类型信息通知高级排队引擎下一跃点当前不可达。 | The routing engine informs the advanced queuing engine, in the next hop type information, that the next hop is currently unreachable. | |
13 | 路由引擎向存储通报组织中可以使用的地址和网关类型。 | The routing engine informs the store of the type of address and gateways that are available in the organization. | |
14 | 论海上保险被保险人告知义务中的重要情况及其判断标准 | Informs in the voluntary by the marine insurance insured the important situation and the judgment standard | |
15 | 马里斯女士的著作对自然保护的思想做了有见地的分析。 | Ms Marris’s book is an insightful analysis of the thinking that informs nature conservation. | |
16 | 梅森告诉尼娜,反恐组主管薛潘不允许他们做这个交易换回杰克。 | Mason informs Nina that CTU Director Chapelle will not allow them to make a trade for Jack. | |
17 | 那么解决方法呢?一个更好的教育系统能够让学生知道,用人单位真正需要的工作。 | The solution? A better education system that informs students early about the jobs the workforce really needs. | |
18 | 男人对离婚的态度不同于女性,他们把所有情感寄托在一个人身上。 | It is this putting of all their emotional eggs in one basket which informs men’s different responses to divorce. | |
19 | 诺维克告知帕默,他查看了杰克的背景,发现他的履历中有些空白之处,而且是涉及机密的。 | Novick informs Palmer that he has checked into Jack’s background and found many gaps in his history that are classified. | |
20 | 迄今为止,这些政策主要集中在风能利用,而他告诉政客们,变革即将来临。 | So far, they have focused on wind energy, but Shi informs the politicians change is just around the corner. | |
21 | 前者教他义无反顾地生活并且教会他满足于现有之物;后者则让他知晓个人的极限所在。 | The first teaches him to live without appeal and to get along with what he has; the second informs him of his limits. | |
22 | 前者由指引一篮子交易的投资理论所驱动。 | The former is driven by an investment thesis that informs a basket of trades. | |
23 | 然而,这一争论意味着就端点的类型控制而言,对分布式系统有了重要的考虑。 | However, this debate informs an important consideration for distributed systems with respect to the typing of endpoints. | |
24 | 然后创建一小段Python脚本,告诉Apache您的Django项目的不同设置,并执行FastCGI程序。 | Then create a small Python script that informs Apache of the various settings for your Django project and executes the FastCGI program. | |
25 | 如果打开PARANOID,那么wrappers会通知您所有无法解析的主机与IP不匹配情况 | If you decided to have PARANOID on, wrappers informs you of any IP to host discrepancies it cannot resolve | |
26 | 如果使用dbm_monitor权限连接到服务器实例,数据库镜像监视器将提示您的权限有限。 | If you connect to a server instance using dbm_monitor permissions, Database Mirroring Monitor informs you that you have limited permissions. | |
27 | 如果资源管理器可以准备,它就通知事务管理器它就提交还是中止该事务进行的投票。 | If the resource manager can prepare, it informs the transaction manager its vote on whether to commit or abort the transaction. | |
28 | 事实上,它是那么的小我都竟然不能看见,虽然他向我保证它存在,它勃起的时候我就知道了。 | In fact, it is so small that I can t actually see it, although he assures me that it exists and informs me when it is erect. | |
29 | 首先设置终端类型,这告诉gnuplot生成的图像应该采用什么格式。 | First the terminal type is set, which informs gnuplot what the resulting image will be formatted into. | |
30 | 他告诉她不要那么生气,不要用“总是”来概括他;她反驳说他总是和她对着干。 | He tells her not to sound so annoyed, he informs her that she makes too many generalizations, she counters that he puts her down, and so on. |