属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-尼日利亚游记 A memoir of Nigeria
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小行星采矿 淘铂去
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-公司治理 不是煤老大
1 | 他们在解决困难中所表现的智慧使我们惊叹 [佩服] | We were amazed at the ingenuity with which they solved their difficulties. | |
2 | 他运用他的全部经验与机智来解决这个新问题。 | He brought all his experience and ingenuity to bear on this new problem | |
3 | 它有如人类智慧的丰碑,巍然屹立,岿然不动。 | It rose as a monument to human ingenuity immovably firm | |
4 | 天才的小说情节 | A narrative plot of great ingenuity . | |
5 | 天人合一 象天设都―试论北京古都规划匠意的文化渊源 | Discussion on the Cultural Origin of Planning Ingenuity for Ancient Capital of Beijing | |
6 | 陀螺仪的设计曾使许多熟练的科学家和工程师谒尽了创造才能。 | The art of gyro design has taxed the ingenuity of many skilled scientists and engineers | |
7 | 为了剥夺他们的选举权而用尽了人所能想出的每一招数。 | Every device of which human ingenuity is capable has been used to deny this right | |
8 | 我懊丧地感到败在了足智多谋的蚂蚁手下。 | I realized sadly that I had been completely defeated by their ingenuity . | |
9 | 我驾车通过那跨越东河的带花边的钢铁建筑,从而对人类头脑的独创性和威力获得一个新的令人震惊的视觉。 | I drive across the lacy structure of steel which spans the East River, and I get a new and startling vision of the power and ingenuity of the mind of man | |
10 | 我们大家看了公拟,各举其长,优则存之,劣则删之,未为不可 | We can put our wits together. If each of us uses his ingenuity and we then choose the best suggestions, discarding the rest, we should be able to manage. | |
11 | 我钦佩你的别出心裁和毅力。 | I admire your ingenuity and perseverance. | |
12 | 现场直播极大地丰富了电视技术人员的想象力和调动了其智慧,使公众对从前难以想象的壮举习以为常,如1969年对在月球行走的宇航员进行的电视转播便是一个杰作。 | Outside broadcasts have stimulated the imagination and taxed the ingenuity of television-broadcasting engineers to such an extent that they have accustomed the public to feats unimaginable before, as was strikingly demonstrated by the 1969 telecast of astronauts walking on the moon. | |
13 | 现代化的设备和技术使得隧道建设比过去容易得多。 | Modern equipment and ingenuity have enabled the construction of tunnels to be far less laborious than hitherto. | |
14 | 小说《水浒》中的吴用在军事上足智多谋。 | The military counselor Wu Yong in the novel "Water Margins" is a man of ingenuity . | |
15 | 要求非常老练、机智、熟练和谨慎的。 | Requiring great tact, ingenuity , skill, and discretion: | |
16 | 要走第三步,达到液氦的温度4°K需要十分精湛的技术。 | Real ingenuity is required to take the third step to attain liquid helium temperatures of 4K | |
17 | 一旦想起由于蒸汽机以及工程师的聪明才智所带给英国的种种损失,人们总会将风车的衰落列为其中的一项。 | Thinking over the losses which England has had forced upon her by steam and the ingenuity of the engineer, one is disposed to count the decay of the windmill among the first. | |
18 | 一个人竭尽才智、能力,要去庇护财宝免遭破坏;但没有任何庇护方法可以确保安全。 | One strives and strains one’s ingenuity to shelter those treasures from destruction, no shelter is safe. | |
19 | 因为它们只是自然界的发现,即使在分离和分类过程中体现了人的某种创造性。 | As they were discoveries of nature, even though some degree of human ingenuity went into isolating and classifying them. | |
20 | 用以测验人的知识、智力、技巧等的问题或玩具 | Problem or toy that is designed to test a person’s knowledge,ingenuity ,skill,etc | |
21 | 运用人们的创造性,这类问题将最终得到解决或巧妙地得以回避。 | With the exercise of ingenuity such problems will be overcome or circumvented in time. | |
22 | 运用之妙,存乎一心。 | ingenuity in varying tactics depends on mother wit | |
23 | 哲学上最奇怪的议点也会愉快地引起我们微妙机敏的感觉。 | Philosophy’s queerest arguments tickle agreeably our sense of subtlety and ingenuity | |
24 | 这些仪器的效率也许在很大程度上取决于研究人员的技术以及测量仪器本身的适用性。 | The effectiveness of these devices is probably dependent largely on the ingenuity of the investigator as well as the applicability of the measuring device | |
25 | 正如痛苦产生或导致刚毅和忍耐,困难导致毅力,贫穷导致勤劳和智谋,危险导致勇敢等等;另一方面,德行本身又将导致某些过错。 | As pain produces or elicits fortitude and endurance; difficulty, perseverance; poverty, industry and ingenuity ; danger, courage and what not; so the very virtues, on the other hand, will generate some vices | |
26 | 政治技巧的最佳运用 | A masterpiece of political ingenuity . | |
27 | 作者别具匠心地设计了一个出人意料的结尾。 | The writer showed ingenuity in creating a surprising ending. | |
28 | ||1:“寻找仙境“是探寻文明之旅。||2:为什么尼日利亚是“绑匪之国”?为什么以骚动,持枪抢劫和污水泛滥为特征的最大城市拉各斯被称作“无规划城市灾难”?尼日利亚人如何生存下去?更别说繁荣昌盛?这个非洲人口最多国家,不难得到世人的关注。||3:Saro-Wiwa却小心翼翼的避免碰触任何夸张描述。||4:让人称奇的是,她游历了连诸多尼日利亚人都不曾到过的拉各斯的各个角落:充满奇幻色彩的主题娱乐公园,美丽的东部山脉,北部城市卡诺戴着头巾的优雅妇女,稠密热带雨林中的远古宫殿。||5:Saro-Wiwa惊叹于尼日利亚人民的善良幽默,并结交新朋友—他们展开双臂拥抱这个充满激情,智慧,富有创造力的国家。 | ||1:“Looking for Transwonderland” is a search for enlightenment.||2:Why are Nigerians such “a nation of ruffians”? Why is Lagos, their largest city, such a “disaster of urban non-planning” characterised by “impatience, armed robberies and overflowing sewage”? How do Nigerians survive in their own country, let alone thrive? It would be easy to focus on the colourful insanitythat is Africa’s most populous nation.||3:But Ms Saro-Wiwa is careful to avoid caricature.||4:Curious, she travels out of Lagos to corners of the country many Nigerians never see: to the Transwonderland Amusement Park, to the beauty of the eastern mountains and to the northern city of Kano with its modestly covered women and its forest of ancient minarets.||5:Along the way, she allows herself to be surprised by kindness and humour, making new friends who open her eyes to the passion, wit and ingenuity of her homeland. | |
29 | ||1:当然,若为这个项目投入足够的资金和人才,以上种种都能实现。||2:但对于这种工程浩大的项目,人们真正质疑的并非是否有人能提供这种服务,而是有没有这种需求。||3:正因为稀有,铂、铱等矿物才价格不菲。||4:若这些矿物能在一个由碎片构成的行星的地核中被开采到,它们就成了普通金属,价格也会变得便宜。||5:所以,这个团队里最重要的成员可能不是推动这项事业并参与投资的企业家和风险投资人,也不是设计实现这一目的的硬件工程师;而是当大量的铂从天外而来时,那些试图算出其对铂价冲击的经济学家。 | ||1:All of which can, no doubt, be done if enough money and ingenuity are applied to the project.||2:But the real doubt over this sort of enterprise is not the supply, but the demand.||3:Platinum, iridium and the rest are expensive precisely because they are rare.||4:Make them common, by digging them out of the heart of a shattered planet, and they will become cheap.||5:The most important members of the team, then, may not be the entrepreneurs and venture capitalists who put up the drive and the money, nor the engineers who build the hardware that makes it all possible, but the economists who try to work out the effect on the price of platinum when a mountain of the stuff arrives from outer space. | |
30 | 欧尼斯特·毕尔克也会对这种天才的做法羡慕不已。但投资者理应得到更高的回报。 | Ernest Bilko would admire the ingenuity . But investors deserve better. |