属类:文学表达-外国名著-The Counterfeiters
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 5929-9-1992
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO/TR 13387-4-1999
1 | 气态法进行聚砜中空纤维超滤膜表面紫外光引发接枝聚合改性的实验研究 | Experimental Study on gas-initiation & photo-graft Polymerization under UV Radiation on the Surface of Polysulfone Hollow Fiber Ultrafiltration Membrane | |
2 | 乔须在两排人中间跑过并挨打作为正式加入俱乐部的条件之一。 | Joe had to run the gauntlet as part of his initiation into the club. | |
3 | 乔治和他的朋友们在学校里搞出了一场惨剧。有人邀请爱德华老友的孙子鲍里斯加入一个秘密团体,条件是要履行下述仪式 | George and his friends caused a tragedy at their school. Boris, the young grandson of an old friend of Edouard, had been invited to join a secret society if he would perform the act of initiation | |
4 | 确定动态劈裂裂纹起裂和扩展特性的简便方法 | A Simple Method for Determining Crack Initiation and Propagation in the Dynamic Splitting Test | |
5 | 人们根本不可能加入到这种神秘中去,但不得不生活在这种不可理喻的、同时又令人憎恶的环境里。 | There is no initiation either into such mysteries. He has to live in the midst of the incomprehensible, which is also detestable | |
6 | 任何此类复审应迅速进行,且通常应在自复审开始之日起12个月内结束。 | Any such review shall be carried out expeditiously and shall normally be concluded within 12 months of the date of initiation of the review | |
7 | 如此种措施通过非关税手段实施,则有关进口成员应此类产品的出口在采取保障措施前一年内的任何时候曾受本协定项下限制约束的任何出口成员的请求,应按GATT1994第13条第2款(d)项所列方式实施该措施。 | Member concerned shall apply the measure in a manner as set forth in paragraph 2(d)of Article XIII of GATT 1994 at the request of any exporting Member whose exports of such products were subject to restrictions under this Agreement at any time in the one-year period immediately prior to the initiation of the safeguard measure. | |
8 | 如果一块岩石上有数个炮眼,则应使用即发雷管同时起爆。 | If several drill holes are used in a boulder, then initiation is to be carried out by using instantaneous detonators | |
9 | 入会仪式(如秘密社团为新会员举行的). | Initiation rites,eg those performed when a new member joins a secret society | |
10 | 食品的感官分析法.第9部分:对鉴定人员进行气味检测和辨别的培训和传授 | Methods for sensory analysis of food-Initiation and training of assessors in the detection and recognition of odours | |
11 | 使用毫秒雷管进行起爆,开拓的方式则是在余留的矿柱中打眼放炮实现的。 | Initiation is carried out by using millisecond detonators, the opening taking the form of holes in the remaining pillar | |
12 | 损伤引起的急性炎症反应和修复开始之间的直接关系已为几代人所认识。 | A direct relation between the acute inflammatory response after injury and the initiation of repair has been recognized for generations | |
13 | 通常的情况是,在依《国家环境政策法》起诉之后,工程就停止了,其原因常常是由于要么是地方机构,要么是联邦机构从工程中撤出。 | Not infrequently, projects are halted at some point after initiation of the NEPA litigation, most often because either a local agency or a federal agency decided to withdraw from the project | |
14 | 统一企业自从创业以来,即遵循名誉董事长吴修齐先生所秉持之"三好一公道"的经营理念 | Since the initiation of Uni-President Enterprises Corp., it has followed the principles of "Three-good" and "one-Fairness" adhered by Chairman Wu Hsiu-Chi. | |
15 | 消防安全工程 第4部分:火灾的起始、发展及燃烧产物的生成 | Fire safety engineering-Part 4: Initiation and development of fire and generation of fire effluents | |
16 | 消防安全工程.第4部分:火灾的开始和发展及燃烧后废物的产生 | Fire safety engineering-Part 4: Initiation and development of fire and generation of fire effluents | |
17 | 小麦蛋白翻译起始因子5A基因(eIF5A)的克隆与分析 | Cloning and Analysis of Gene Encoding Wheat Translation Initiation Factor, eIF5A | |
18 | 行政处罚一般仅导致少量罚款和损失侵权存货。成员们还强调行政机关有必要将更多的案件,包括屡犯和故意的盗版和假冒商标案件,移交有关主管机关提起刑事诉讼。 | Administrative sanctions generally amounted to small fines and the loss of infringing inventory. Members also stressed the need for administrative authorities to refer more cases, including those involving repeat offenders and willful piracy and counterfeiting, to the appropriate authorities for initiation of criminal actions." | |
19 | 压力容器受低周疲劳裂纹萌生寿命的可靠性分析 | Probability Analysis of Pressure Vessel’s Crack Initiation Life Due to Low Cycle Fatigue | |
20 | 延长治疗时间未产生明显的药物累积效应。治疗2-8个月后即可观察到治疗效果。 | No evidence of drug accumulation with prolonged therapy has been noted. Therapeutic effects have been observed from 2 to 8 months after initiation of therapy. | |
21 | 一个寄存器及有关电路,能自动保持按日常的时间单位表示的时间,用于程序的执行过程中和初启某些事件。 | A register and circuitry which automatically maintains time in conventional time units for use in program execution and event initiation | |
22 | 一种程序设计技术,用于自动启动多级地址修改和间接寻址不需寻址指令。 | A programming technique for automatic initiation of multiple levels of address modification and indirect addressing without addressing instructions | |
23 | 一种计算机程序,设计该程序主要完成诸如作业的调度、初启和结束等操作。 | A computer program designed to perform functions such as scheduling, initiation , and termination of jobs | |
24 | 一种新型重载机械启动系统的研究 | The Controllable Initiation System of Heavy Load Machinery | |
25 | 引发剂对木质素磺酸盐接枝丙烯酸的影响 | Effect of Initiation on the Graft of Lignosulfonate with Acrylic Acid | |
26 | 引人入秘教者为加入神秘教会的教徒准备候选人的人 | One who prepares candidates for initiation into a mystery cult. | |
27 | 应用先进的高科技工艺及加工手段,精心加工,生产更多更好高附价值的蛋类及农产品,丰富市埸,满足消费需求,同时也为简荣当地经济,带动相关行业发展做出我们的贡献。未来根据发展前景逐步扩大生产规模并引进新的专案。 | And apply forefront-processing technology in order to help prosper local economies and businesses. In the future, we will adapt to the market changes through the expansion of our production scale and initiation of new projects. | |
28 | 由重庆市红十字会、市总工会等单位联合发起的城市特困职工子女助学活动开展已经一年多了, | It’s been over a year since the initiation of the activities to help urban students from extremely poor worker families, a campaign jointly sponsored by the Chongqing Red Cross and the Municipal Federation of labor Unions. | |
29 | 在合作项目开始一午后,如未能就允许量达成协议,过渡期内采用的允许量和其他规定应继续适用。 | In the absence of reaching a bilateral agreement on the tolerance level one year after the initiation of the project, the tolerance level and other provisions applied during the interim period shall continue to be applied. | |
30 | 在她看来,由她来担任这个启蒙的角色实出天意。 | It struck her as providential that she should be the instrument of his initiation |