1 | (b)已作出关于存在补贴和存在补贴进口产品对国内产业造成损害的初步肯定裁定 | (b)a preliminary affirmative determination has been made that a subsidy exists and that there is injury to a domestic industry caused by subsidized imports | |
2 | “可见危害”这个名词常常指叶面的坏死。 | "Visible injury " is a term used to indicate necrosis on the leaf surface | |
3 | 1反倾销税应仅在抵消造成损害的倾销所必需的时间和限度内实施。 | 1 An anti-dumping duty shall remain in force only as long as and to the extent necessary to counteract dumping which is causing injury | |
4 | 21.1反补贴税应仅在抵消造成损害的补贴所必需的时间和限度内实施。 | 21.1 A countervailing duty shall remain in force only as long as and to the extent necessary to counteract subsidization which is causing injury | |
5 | 2第1款下的申请应包括以下证据:(a)倾销,(b)属由本协定解释的GATT1994第6条范围内的损害,以及(c)倾销进口产品与被指控的损害之间的一种因果关系。 | 2 An application under paragraph 1 shall include evidence of (a)dumping, (b)injury within the meaning of Article VI of GATT 1994 as interpreted by this Agreement and (c)a causal link between the dumped imports and the alleged injury | |
6 | 把微粒洗出来,但不能损伤眼睛。 | Wash the speck out without injury to your eyes. | |
7 | 保护者保护或维护以防止受到伤害、侵犯或违背的人;保护者 | One that conserves or preserves from injury ,violation,or infraction;a protector. | |
8 | 变性特定的组织、细胞或器官随着受伤、疾病或年老而导致的相应的功能的削弱或丧失,而形成的逐渐的变质 | Gradual deterioration of specific tissues, cells, or organs with corresponding impairment or loss of function, caused by injury , disease, or aging. | |
9 | 补偿为某一伤害或错误行为而做出的纠正或补救;补偿 | Amends or reparation made for an injury or wrong;expiation. | |
10 | 尺骨神经损伤的全部效应几乎都表现在手上。 | Almost all the effects of ulnar nerve injury are in the hand | |
11 | 传染致病微生物侵入人体的某部分或组织,并且不断繁殖,接着造成组织损坏,最后通过一系列细胞或中毒机制发展为显性症状 | Invasion by and multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in a bodily part or tissue,which may produce subsequent tissue injury and progress to overt disease through a variety of cellular or toxic mechanisms. | |
12 | 从烧伤休克期转变到分解代谢或开放伤期的界线时常是不清晰的。 | The transition into the catabolic or open wound phase of burn injury is often not clearly demarcated | |
13 | 当病人同时患有具有抗菌适应症的疾病或损伤时,应该应用抗菌素。 | When patients have a concomitant disease or injury indicating antibiotics, they should be used | |
14 | 当他走上小路发现屋里黑洞洞的,这就更加刺伤了他的自尊心。 | As he went up the path and saw that the house was dark he felt an added sense of injury | |
15 | 电损伤释放的局部物质引起血管扩张和增加小血管的通透性。 | Local substances released by injury produce vasodilatation and increased small vessel permeability | |
16 | 对于管道系统内的任何水龙头,本热水器均可提供高温热水。 | This water heater is capable of delivering high temperature hot water at any faucet in the system. Care must be taken whenever using hot water to avoid scalding injury . | |
17 | 钝性胸部伤也能造成心肌挫伤。 | Blunt injury to the chest may also result in myocardial contusion | |
18 | 耳鸣一个耳朵或两耳中的声音,如嗡嗡声或哨声,在没有外界刺激的情况下发生,通常由某种特定情况如耳朵感染、使用某种药物、听觉管道堵塞或头部受伤引起 | A sound in one ear or both ears, such as buzzing, ringing, or whistling, occurring without an external stimulus and usually caused by a specific condition, such as an ear infection, the use of certain drugs, a blocked auditory tube or canal, or a head injury | |
19 | 发炎动物组织针对外界刺激、伤害、感染的一种固定保护性发应,表现为疼痛、发红、肿大,有时丧失功能 | A localized protective reaction of tissue to irritation,injury ,or infection,characterized by pain,redness,swelling,and sometimes loss of function. | |
20 | 根据不同行业的工伤事故风险和职业危害程度确定不同的行业费率 | The rate of premiums is determined on the basis of the level of industrial injury risks and that of occupational danger in different trades | |
21 | 关于人身伤亡产品责任的(欧洲)公约 | Convention on Products Liability in regard to Personal Injury and Death | |
22 | 过失在环境下由于没有足够的细心而导致对他人的非蓄意的伤害,被认作为合乎情理的 | Failure to exercise the degree of care considered reasonable under the circumstances,resulting in an unintended injury to another party. | |
23 | 核武器的这两种辐射的有效杀伤范围可以相差很远。 | The effective injury ranges of these two kinds of nuclear weapon radiations may differ widely | |
24 | 护垫,衬薄的、象靠垫一样的柔软材料,用来填装、定形或防止挤压、刮擦或其它伤害 | A thin,cushionlike mass of soft material used to fill,to give shape,or to protect against jarring,scraping,or other injury . | |
25 | 坏死因创伤或疾病引起的细胞或组织的死亡,尤其指身体局部面积的坏死 | Death of cells or tissues through injury or disease, especially in a localized area of the body | |
26 | 环境破坏未必会发生,而石油勘探中的补偿性利益本身就是另一项联邦法令的目标。 | In the language following this passage, the Court stressed that injury to the environment was unlikely and that the countervailing interest in oil exploration was itself the goal of another federal statute | |
27 | 昏迷一种很深且通常是持续的失去知觉的状态,常因受伤、疾病或中毒引起,在昏迷中的人不能感觉且对外界刺激或内部需求没有反应 | A state of deep,often prolonged unconsciousness,usually the result of injury ,disease,or poison,in which an individual is incapable of sensing or responding to external stimuli and internal needs. | |
28 | 脊椎矫正板放于一个颈部或背部受伤的人身体下的板子,尤指用这种方式运送某人以避免受到更大的伤害 | A board placed beneath the body of a person with an injury to the neck or back, used especially in transporting the person in such a way as to avoid further injury. | |
29 | 结果,人们认为,执行管制方案会要求大量的厂家停工,并对一些大型工业造成严重的经济损失。 | As a result, it was thought, that implementation of the statutory scheme would require extensive plant closures and cause severe economic injury to some major industries | |
30 | 她穿戴着雅典娜的盔甲,这样她就不会受到感情上的伤害。 | She was encased in Athenian armor, safe from emotional injury |