属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 4000-21-1979
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 2146-1995
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 2128-3-1994
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 2134-1993
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 2128-1-1994
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 2103-1993
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 2133-1993
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 32755-1-1994
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 32755-2-1994
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 32755-3-1994
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 32752-3-1995
1 | (1)印纹,(2)影像:(1)版面上承载油墨的部份或受印物上的着墨部份。(2)用照相或用电子方法产生的图形。 | Image:(1)The ink-carrying areas of a printing plate or the inked areas in the printed substrate.(2)Picture created by photographic or electronic means. | |
2 | 办公和数据处理技术用机器和仪器记录的特性表 | Tabular layouts of article characteristics for inked ribbons for office machines | |
3 | 办公技术和数据处理技术.色带.8毫米芯的色带 | Office machines-Inked ribbons-Core for 8 mm ribbon; dimensions, version | |
4 | 办公技术和数据技术.色带.多次性使用的黑碳打字带 | Office machines; inked ribbons; multistrike ribbons | |
5 | 办公技术和数据技术.色带.概念和分类 | Office machines; inked ribbons; concepts and classification | |
6 | 办公技术和数据技术.色带.取下式一次性使用的C型碳黑色带和覆盖式一次性使用的P型碳黑色带 | Office machines; inked ribbons; single strike ribbons-C for lift off and single strike ribbons-P for cover up | |
7 | 办公技术和数据技术.色带.织物打字带 | Office machines; inked ribbons; woven fabric ribbons | |
8 | 办公技术和数据技术色带.OCR油墨织物打字带 | Office machines; inked ribbons; OCR-inked woven fabric ribbons | |
9 | 办公技术和数字处理技术.色带.13mm宽打字带用直径30mm的卷筒 | Office machines; inked ribbons; part 1: spool with 30 mm und 35 mm in diameter for ribbons of 13 mm width | |
10 | 办公技术和数字处理技术.色带.第2部分:13mm和14.3mm宽色带分别用直径40mm和54mm的卷筒 | Office machines-Inked ribbons-Part 2: Spools with 40 mm and 54 mm in diameter for ribbons of 13 mm and 14,3 mm width | |
11 | 办公技术和数字处理技术.色带.第3部分:13mm宽打字带用直径82mm的卷筒 | Office machines-Inked ribbons-Part 3: Spools with 82 mm in diameter for ribbons of 13 mm width | |
12 | 办公技术和数字技术.色带的检验.第6部分:标准字符B的打印和色彩传送规定以及校正能力 | Office machines-Testing of inked ribbons-Part 3: Production of standard print B and determination of the colour transfer and ability for correction | |
13 | 打字机一种写字的机器,通过手动的键盘使一套凸起的铅字活动,隔着色带打在纸上,产生和排字的印刷字一模一样的字 | A writing machine that produces characters similar to typeset print by means of a manually operated keyboard that actuates a set of raised types,which strike the paper through an inked ribbon. | |
14 | 打字排字:冷式排字的一种。用打字机逐字的把色带上的颜色经字符撞压纸上。 | Impact composition: A method of cold type composition. Types are assembled by means of type writer in which character strikes the paper through an inked ribbon. | |
15 | 蛋白制版法:是一种照相制版法。它利用重铬酸盐蛋白胶的涂层作为感光面。印纹则用线条或半色调阴片曝光,上墨,然后水洗显影而成。 | Albumin (Albumin)process: Procedure of photomechanical process utilizing a coating of bichromat ed albumin as a sensitized surface on which images are made by exposing a line or halftone negative followed by development of the inked image with water. | |
16 | 当他把墨水瓶打翻时,他的衣服上沾上了墨水。 | The boy inked his clothes when he broke down the ink bottle | |
17 | 当他写作业的时候,他的手指上弄上了墨水。 | He inked his fingers when he wrote homework | |
18 | 点矩阵印字机:电脑印字机,它用针经色带击打纸面,由点子图案组成字符。 | Dot matrix printer: A computer printer which forms its pjrinted characters on paper using dots made by needles striking through an inked ribbon. | |
19 | 浮凸压印:用不着墨的电版或模在印有印纹的纸品上压成凸纹效果的方法。浮凸压印不同“素压浮凸”:前者依照印纹轮廓压凸,后者是在空白纸面上压凸纹。 | Embossing: The process of raising a printed image using an un-inked block or die on paper or board.Differ from "blind embossing" which do not carry any printed image. | |
20 | 号码印刷机,无论是否油墨的(不包括手动号码印刷机) | numbering machine whether or not inked (excl. hand-operated numbering machines) | |
21 | 活字上端带有突出的字母或字的一小块木头或金属,涂上墨并压在纸上后就会留下印记 | A small block of metal or wood bearing a raised letter or character on the upper end that leaves a printed impression when inked and pressed on paper. | |
22 | 她勾出轮廓,然后用墨水添画那图的空白部分。 | She did the outline work and then inked the rest of the drawing in | |
23 | 她在纸上画的铅笔轮廓线上加描墨水。 | She inked in the outlines on the paper. | |
24 | 蜡纸油印机可以通过油墨滚筒上的模板复制手写、绘制或打印的材料的机器 | A duplicator that makes copies of written,drawn,or typed material from a stencil that is fitted around an inked drum. | |
25 | 模型压印:是凹版印刷的一种。用钢模上墨施印,使纸面具浮雕形。 | Die stamping: An intaglio printing process from an inked steel die giving a relief surface on the paper. | |
26 | 木薯阳离子淀粉的合成及其对脱墨浆增强和助留的效果 | Synthesis of Tapioca Cationic Starch and Effect of Strengthening and Retention on De-inked Pulp | |
27 | 铅笔修改的地方已用墨水描好了。 | The revisions have been inked over | |
28 | 日期印刷器,无论是否带油墨(不包括手动邮戳机) | dating machine,whether or not inked (excl. hand-operated date stamps) | |
29 | 素压浮凸:泛指用不着墨的电或模在纸品上压成凸纹效果的方法。 | Blind embossing: A general term for the process of raising an image using an un-inked block or die on paper or board. | |
30 | 素压印:泛指用不着墨的电版在纸品上压印,造成凹纹效果的方法。 | Blind blocking: A general term to describe the process of making a recess image on paper or board using an un-inked block. Called Blind Stamping in America. |