1 | (五)在文物保护科学技术上有重要发明创造或者其他重要贡献的; | (5)important inventions and innovations in, or other major contributions to, the science and techniques for the protection of cultural relics; | |
2 | “美国人”的工程技术人员始终致力于维护“美国人”的行业技术创新领袖的地位。在所有热水器通用的节能技术领域,“美国人”一直处于领先位置。 | American’s engineering staff is committed to maintaining American’s position as the industry’s innovation leader. The company has been at the forefront of many energy-saving innovations now common in all water heaters. | |
3 | “人类基因组计划”(HGP)是人类自然科学史上最伟大的创举之一,其最实质性的核心内容是DNA序列图的构建,即分析人类基因组的长达3000mb的DNA分子的组成(核苷酸或碱基序列)。 | The HGP is one of the greatest innovations in natural science, of which the essential core is the construction of the DNA serial diagram, i.e. the analysis of up to 3,000Mb DNA molecular composition of HGP (nucleotide or base sequence) | |
4 | 20世纪时制造业的革新(包括使用新的化学制品与放射性物质),增加了某些恶性肿瘤疾病(接触放射性物质的工人罹患白血病与骨癌)与职业伤害。 | Twentieth-century innovations (including use of new chemicals and radioactive materials)caused an increase in certain cancers (e.g., leukemia and bone cancer in workers exposed to radiation)and injuries. | |
5 | Double-VANOS双凸轮轴可变气门正时系统和Valvetronic电子气门等高科技进一步确保发动机的优异表现。 | Technical innovations such as double-VANOS and Valvetronic ensure that it stays there. | |
6 | Napster案例解释了由信息科技发明导致的冲突是如何产生的,而当法律在这方面不明朗的时候,只通过法律解决这些问题是不够的。 | The Napster case illustrates how conflicts arise from innovations in information technology, and that it is insufficient to solve these problems through the law, especially where the law is unclear. | |
7 | SC430在驾驶席和前排乘客席设有SRS前方气囊和SRS侧面气囊,以避免车内人员在发生碰撞时受到二次伤害。 | Lexus SC430 has incorporated the latest automotive technological innovations to provide the most luxurious driving experience backed by cutting-edge safety and security measures. | |
8 | Volvo多年来开展了一系列先驱性安全创新活动,使Volvo在汽车安全性领域取得了当之无愧的世界领先地位。安全的超高标准,是对运输效率的主要贡献。 | A series of pioneering safety innovations has made Volvo a world leader in automotive safety over the years. A high standard of safety represents a major contribution to efficient transport. | |
9 | 把这些理论上的创新转化成实际执行的计划是很困难的。 | Translating these doctrinal innovations into operational plans proved far more difficult | |
10 | 本世纪以来。许多人对其进行改革,使音色更加纯美。 | In modern times, many people have made innovations to improve the tone color of the erhu. | |
11 | 本文简介:赋于计算机以色彩这一简单的营销策略,连同引入的诸多技术革新,给麦全托什苹果机带来新生。 | IN THIS ARTICLE: The simple marketing strategy of making the computer coloured, as well as introducing many technical innovations , has given the macintosh computer a new lease of life | |
12 | 不断解放思想、实事求是,与时俱进、开拓创新, | We should continue to emancipate our minds, seek truth from facts, keep pace with the times and make innovations in a pioneering spirit. | |
13 | 不善表达的中国人吸收引进了一些西方的节日,情人节也是其中之一,在这一天不仅相爱的人之间可以表达爱意,家人和朋友之间也可互致关切。 | Valentine’s Day is one of those Western innovations taken to heart by reticent Chinese as a date to express their love: not just between lovers, but for family and friends as well | |
14 | 承各方的大力支持,交易会一届比一届办得圆满,一届比一届更有特色 | Thanks to the energetic support from all walks of life, each fair registered greater success than the previous one, and after another, each fair distinguished itself by more innovations than its predecessor | |
15 | 此外,本书在教学方法上有许多重要革新。 | Furthermore, the book incorporates a number of important pedagogical innovations | |
16 | 从事科技成果转化的中间试验基地、工业性试验基地、农业试验示范基地以及其他技术创新和技术服务机构可以进行下列活动: | The following activities may be engaged in the bases for conducting intermediate and industrial experiments, agricultural experiments and demonstrations for the purpose of transforming scientific and technological achievements and in other institutions that are engaged in technical innovations or provide technical services: | |
17 | 从制度绩效看我国高等学校助学贷款制度的选择和创新 | Choices and Innovations of the Assisting Loan Program for the Students in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Institution Effect | |
18 | 大力开展技术革新 | To make technical innovations on a big scale | |
19 | 大力推进企业的体制、技术和管理创新。 | We should promote institutional, technological and managerial innovations in enterprises. | |
20 | 党的三代中央领导集体在社会主义所有制结构理论上的创新思想 | Innovations on the Theory of Socialism Ownership Structure by the Party’s Leaders of the Three Generations of CPC | |
21 | 第十九条 国家鼓励企业、事业单位和农村科技经济合作组织进行中间试验、工业性试验、农业试验示范以及其他技术创新和技术服务活动。 | Article 19 The State encourages enterprises and institutions and economic cooperative organizations engaged in scientific and technological activities in the countryside to conduct intermediate and industrial experiments, agricultural experiments and demonstrations and other technological innovations and to provide technical services. | |
22 | 第一,形成一种鼓励创新有组织气氛,让员工在工作上创新发展。 | First, an atmosphere that encourages innovations must be created. | |
23 | 第一是新科技,第二是进取精神,第三是创新,我想这三点很能够表现这个时代。 | Technology, entrepreneurship and innovations are keywords that sum up the new era | |
24 | 对铁路春运组织管理创新的思考 | Thoughts on Management Innovations of Railway Transport Organization in Spring Festival | |
25 | 而电视本身的技术进步为表达少数民族和社区的观点提供了更多机会。 | But technological innovations within television itself are providing more opportunities for minority and community expression. | |
26 | 而威胁一直忽隐忽现:批评家们提醒说商业、法律和政治压力会阻碍各种进步和创新,而正是这种创新促使因特网发展到今天。 | All the while threats loom: Critics warn that commercial, legal and political pressures could hinder the types of innovations that made the Internet what it is today. | |
27 | 而在将来,收入增长将依赖于产品创新、工艺创新、商业模式创新、结构体系和调节体系的创新的复杂混合。 | future growth in income will come from a more complex mix of innovations in products, processes, business models, and structural or regulatory systems. | |
28 | 发扬民族文化的优秀传统,汲取世界各民族的长处,在内容和形式上积极创新,不断增强中国特色社会主义文化的吸引力和感召力。 | We must carry forward the fine tradition of our national culture, draw on the strong points of other nations and make innovations in content and form so as to enhance the attraction and appeal of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics. | |
29 | 该厂家不断创新的治业精神,使其产品始终独领风骚,盛名久享。 | In the spirit of constantly making innovations in management, this factory always turns out the Best products, which can enjoy a long-standing reputation. | |
30 | 高性能刹车、零压续跑防爆轮胎以及各种创新,如随动控制大灯都是其精密的主动安全系统的组成部分。 | High-performance brakes, run-flat tyres and innovations such as Adaptive Headlights are elements of its precise active safety system. |