1 | 古老世纪的传统,革新的思想,尖端的科技,三者都在这幢豪华大楼的建筑设计上层现得淋漓尽致。 | The architectural design of this luxurious building fully reflects the combination of centuries-old traditions, innovative ideas and most advanced science and technology. | |
2 | 鼓励开展创新性持续改进所需的资源和机制;组织结构,包括项目和矩阵管理的需求 | Resources and mechanisms to encourage innovative continual improvement, organization structures, including project and matrix management needs | |
3 | 管理者还应当考虑开发具有创新性的财务方法,以支持和鼓励组织的业绩改进。 | Management should also consider the development of innovative financial methods to support and encourage improvement of the organization’s performance. | |
4 | 贵公司的通讯说你们正寻找合格的、有创意的网站设计员。 | Your company newsletter says that you’re looking for qualified, innovative web site designers. | |
5 | 亨德里克斯,基米1942-1970美国音乐家,经他改新的电吉它对摇滚乐的发展有重大影响 | American musician whose innovative electric guitar playing greatly influenced the development of rock music. | |
6 | 集团成立了"星光创意中心"以创新服务加强客户关系、"星光管理学院"以提高员工素质 | The Group has set up the “Starlite Innovation Centre” to enhance its customer relations through providing innovative services, and the “Starlite Institute of Management” to improve its staff proficiency. | |
7 | 加快高新技术产业化进程 | Step up commercialization of high and innovative technologies | |
8 | 兼有艺术和运动的舞蹈艺术是极具创新意义的 | The choreography,which combines artistry and athletics,is extremely innovative . | |
9 | 建筑讲求适合性、独特性和感受、创新,再配合功能上的需求,以及与周遭自然、社会环境区分开来的一种代表文化建筑的环境感觉。 | Appropriateness, uniqueness, a sensitive and innovative response to functional requirements, and a sense of place within its surrounding physical and social context distinguish a built environment as representative of a culture’s architecture. | |
10 | 藉由全效的行销推广策略,贯彻品牌主张,以新的广告创意与高品质表现,清楚传递核心沟通价值、提醒并强化品牌印象。另外,为抓住e化的脚步及开拓新市场产品,也积极导入创新的行销模式。 | In addition, it conveys value and intensifies the brand image. In order to keep abreast of the e-transformation progress and to launch products into the new markets, we have been aggressively exploiting the innovative marketing system. | |
11 | 金融工程:指通过采用新技术的方法,在主要国家和公司解决债务问题。 | Financial engineering: Application of innovative techniques in major national and corporate workouts. | |
12 | 近来全息术的最创新的也是最实际的进步之一是在干涉量度术的领域中。 | One of the most innovative and practical of recent holographic advantages is in the area of interferometry | |
13 | 经验丰富的教师们认为:他们的学生错过了获得新颖创新的学习技能的机会。 | savvy teachers: Their students miss out on new and innovative learning techniques | |
14 | 经营构想:在视觉影像领域不断创造感动的革新企业,并凭籍着高度的技术和信赖领导市场潮流的全球性企业 | Managerial Visions: an innovative corporation that continuously delivers inspiring products and services in the field of imaging, and a global company that leads the market in advanced technologies and reliability | |
15 | 开发和推广起关键作用、有共性的高新技术 | Develop and disseminate high and innovative technologies that can play a crucial role and can be widely applied | |
16 | 开发具有创新力的产品对于一个公司的成功是相当重要的,特别是在公司努力争取市场份额,面临激烈竞争的时候。 | Developing innovative products is crucial for a company’ s success as it tries to gain market shares and survive competition. | |
17 | 勘测者号使用这种创新的“空气制动”技术,经过四个月时间使轨道远地点高度从56000公里下降到约400公里的高度。 | Surveyor is using this innovative "aerobraking" technique over a period of four months to lower the high point of its orbit from 56,000 kilometres to altitudes near 400 kilometres | |
18 | 柯尼卡美能达影像香港会致力研制出拥有超高科技及创新意念的产品,并继续为用家提供更多创新的优质产品及服务,为公司缔造更光辉的业绩。 | We strongly believe that the dedication in providing innovative products developed by top-notch technologies and introducing new high-quality products and services from time to time to every customer will prove to be the key of the company brilliance. | |
19 | 可能,有些人认为,华族传统文化和我们要追求的、富有创意的社会,是有冲突的。 | Some people may say that traditional Chinese culture will clash with an innovative society that we are pursuing. | |
20 | 可装运各类货物的近300艘船舶构成了NYK极具创新精神的海、陆、空运输网。 | Some 300 ships for every type of cargo are part of NYK’s innovative sea, rail and air transport networks. | |
21 | 克雷格,爱德华·戈登1872-1966英国戏剧制作者、导演和舞台设计师,他的革新主义作品和简化的舞台设计影响过现代的戏剧院 | British theatrical producer,director,and designer whose innovative productions and simplified stage designs influenced modern theater. | |
22 | 利斯说人类可以效仿自然界消除垃圾的方法,但这需要创新的科技和态度的重大转变。 | Liss says humanity can emulate nature’s garbage-free ways, but it will require innovative technology and a big change in attitude. | |
23 | 利用舞蹈创新的影片如<红菱艳)(1948)和{比阿特丽克斯.波特的故事}(1971)也引起了人们的注意。 | "Innovative films utilizing dance, such as ""The Red Shoes""( 1948)and ""The Tales of Beatrix Potter"" (1971), also drew attention. " | |
24 | 联合国地方施政创新性政策和做法全球论坛 | United Nations Global Forum on Innovative Policies and Practices in Local Governance | |
25 | 穆尔罗依发明的这一研究方法使她获 | Mulroy’s innovative research earned her a water science prize from the engineering firm ITT Industries of White Plains, New York | |
26 | 你们所需要的是一个创新的环境 | what you need is a creating innovative .. | |
27 | 凭藉统一企业30余年丰富的饲料生产经验及先进的进口生产设备,青岛统一饲料自投放市场以来,以其高品质及稳定性,除畅销山东市场外,更将部分产品远销至天津、安徽、江苏、河南等地,得到了广大养殖朋友的信赖与支援。 | Harnessed by more than thirty years of affluent production experiences in animal feeds with innovative production facilities, Q ingdao President has made its fame into Shandong through premium quality and sustainability. Meanwhile, it has further extended to Tianjin , Anhui , Jiangsu and Henan , and earned trust and support from the breeders. | |
28 | 其他人是否意识到,这种有悖职业关系的行为已无法避免地破坏了该CEO的声誉?另外一个CEO则声称如果一个企业首脑对他的妻子保持忠诚的话,那他的事业将不具备创新性。 | Another CEO boasted that he did not believe that a business leader could be innovative in his work if he remained faithful to his wife. | |
29 | 邱继宝说,他就是要让中国的缝纫机不再是低价的代名词,而是优质、创新的‘中国制造’。” | Qiu says, his goal is to assure the world that China sewing machine is no longer synonymous with low price but a quality, innovative choice made in China. | |
30 | 让我们把创新的设计奉献给我们的顾客。 | Let’s present the innovative designs to our customers. |