属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 巴黎圣母院突发大火 维基解密创始人被捕 美国
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-The political waning of Ame
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-众包强手棋 梅菲尔洗牌
1 | 他送给我的礼物数不过来,我不可能样样都当做宝贝。 | I have such innumerable presents from him that it is quite impossible for me to value | |
2 | 天空中有数不清的星星。 | There are innumerable stars in the sky. | |
3 | 天空中有无数颗星。 | There are innumerable stars in the sky | |
4 | 往昔的哭泣和欢笑也必将在无穷的岁月峰顶上回音缭绕。 | The weeping and the laughter of the lost hours shall be heard once more sweetly echoing up the cliff of the innumerable years | |
5 | 我从来没看见过任何人像他那么成功,那么心胸广阔,包罗万象。 | I have never known anyone who has so succeeded in enlarging his mind, to embrace matters innumerable . | |
6 | 我国有这样一幅名画《清明上河图》,上署有许许多多人的题跋,盖有密密麻麻的鉴藏印章。可见它经过了许多官方和私家收藏者之手。 | There is one famous Chinese painting, the Qingming Festival by the Riverside, which is covered with innumerable signatures and seals,indicating it had been in the hands of many private and official collectors. | |
7 | 我们只考虑这些条款的主要梗概,不去过多关注那些无数的免税、例外、限制条件和诉讼程序上的细节问题。 | We will consider only the main outlines of these provisions, without too much attention to the innumerable exemptions, exceptions, qualifications and procedural details | |
8 | 我认识许多学生,他们读过很多书,做过无数的练习。 | I have known many students who have read many books and worked innumerable exercises | |
9 | 我像一个方寸已乱、神经失常的人似的胡思乱想了一阵,就回到我的防御工事里去。 | After innumerable fluttering thoughts, like a man perfectly confused and out of myself, I came home to my fortification. | |
10 | 无数的人形,从地上跳起来,从街角的掩蔽处,从店铺的檐下,冲出去,像一阵旋风。 | Innumerable figures sprang up from the ground and from their hiding-places round corners and under the eaves of the shops, then charged forward like a whirlwind | |
11 | 无数的手指,像移动的树木,仍朝左右两个方向同时移动着,互相交叠。 | Innumerable fingers, like moving trees, were still streaming past in either direction, crossing and recrossing | |
12 | 无数的无法被点数的;无数的 | Incapable of being counted;innumerable . | |
13 | 无数相对真理之总和,就是绝对的真理。 | The sum total of innumerable relative truths constitute absolute truth. | |
14 | 无数相对真理之总和,就是绝对真理. | The sum total of innumerable relative truth s constitutes absolute truth . | |
15 | 秀丽工整,典雅细密的青绿山水,章法严谨、疏密有致,颇具书卷气,如《万壑争流图》等。 | Refined and elegant green landscape paintings in a meticulous style, such as Innumerable Mountains and Valleys. | |
16 | 夜空中的星星数不清。 | The stars in the night sky are innumerable | |
17 | 在绝对真理的长河中,有无数的相对真理。 | In endless flow of absolute truth, there are innumerable relative truths. | |
18 | 在无数网站、书籍和接近抓狂的边缘团体推波助澜下,猫王的传奇自一九七七年以来越传越盛。 | The elvis legend has been inflated since 1977, pumped up by innumerable websites, books and fringe groups that border on the lunatic | |
19 | 在这儿,海滩上龟鳖成群;而在我住的那边海边,一年半中我才找到了三只。 | For here indeed the shore was cover’d with innumerable turtles, whereas on the other side I had found but three in a year and half. | |
20 | 这大大地帮助我对于向我们不断涌来的无数事实和数字,形成一个正确和综合的见解。 | It was most helpful to me in forming a just and comprehensible view of the innumerable facts and figures which flowed out upon us | |
21 | 这叫什么屋子?天棚低矮,拥挤不堪,墙壁给数不清的人摸得魆黑,铁桌铁椅东倒西歪,一个贴着一个,害得你要坐下,就必得碰着旁人的胳膊肘。 | A low-ceilinged, crowded room, its walls grimy from the contact of innumerable bodies;battered metal tables and chairs, placed so close together that you sat with elbows touching | |
22 | 这样多的读者哪一个是先看批评家的文章,然后再让批评家牵着鼻子走,按图索骥地去读原作呢? | Of these innumerable people, how many have read the novel by starting with a perusal of the critics’ articles and allowing themselves to be led by the nose by the critics as to how to read the novel? | |
23 | 这一主流还不在城市,而是在乡村,在不计其数的村镇中。 | It was not through the cities that this main stream flowed, but through innumerable little country towns and villages | |
24 | 殖民主义者对被压迫人民犯了无数罪行,是绝对逃脱不了惩罚的。 | The colonialists could never get away with the innumerable crimes they had committed against the oppressed people. | |
25 | 自从那晚以后,我不但白天想入非非,连做梦也是胡思乱想。 | What innumerable follies laid waste my waking and sleeping thoughts after that evening! | |
26 | ||1:巴黎圣母院发生火灾,这座中世纪大教堂因维克多·雨果,好莱坞以及无数游客的自拍而不朽。||2:超过400名消防员出动才控制住火势,但教堂屋顶和尖塔已被烧毁。||3:教堂内部受损更严重,但是很多文物和遗物被拯救出来,包括被认为是耶稣荆棘王冠的一部分。||4:法国总统马克龙前往现场视察并且立誓会重建教堂。||5:两名法国亿万富翁承诺将捐献总计3亿欧元(合3.4亿美元)用于重建工作。 | ||1:Notre Dame, a medieval cathedral immortalised by Victor Hugo, Hollywood and innumerable tourist selfies, caught fire.||2:More than 400 firefighters brought the blaze under control, but the roof is gone, and with it the spire.||3:The interior damage is extensive, but many artefacts and relics, including a supposed part of Jesus’s crown of thorns, were saved.||4:Emmanuel Macron, the French president, visited the site and vowed that the cathedral will be rebuilt.||5:Two French billionaires pledged a total of 300m euros ($340m) towards that effort. | |
27 | ||1:布雷默是一家政治风险咨询机构欧亚集团的创始人,该机构专门从事大的战略思想研究。||2:他的前一本书主要追述了发展中国家从专制独裁到民主的转变以及国有资本主义的增长。||3:而这本《各自为战》进入了一个更加拥挤的领域。||4:已经有无数本专著和论文在探究美国衰落或者可能衰落可能会带来的结果,其中好的著作要么有创新的视角要么在原始材料方面比较突出。||5:但是很不幸,《各自为战》这两方面都没有做到。||6:作者花了大量的篇幅描述全球问题的冲突,从网络空间到水资源短缺,但是这些论述大部分只是对已经报道过的文章和传统观点进行了重新处理。||7:它们唯一的用处只是给布雷默机会让他重复了一个观点,即在G零世界中这些冲突都不可能自上而下得到解决。 | ||1: Mr Bremmer, founder of Eurasia Group, a political-risk consultancy, specialises in big thoughts. ||2: His previous books tackled the path that developing countries travel from autocracy to democracy, and the growth of state-sponsored capitalism. ||3: “Every Nation For Itself” enters a more crowded field. ||4: Innumerable books and essays have already plumbed the consequences of America’s loss, or possible loss, of global leadership, with the best providing either fresh insight or original reporting. ||5: Unfortunately, “Every Nation For Itself” does neither. ||6: It devotes endless pages to describing disparate arenas of global conflict, from cyberspace to water shortages, but these are largely a rehash of headlines and conventional wisdom. ||7: Their only purpose is to provide Mr Bremmer with repeated opportunities to assert that “in a G-Zero world” such conflicts can no longer be solved from above. | |
28 | ||1:就算它是在停车库上方,你也需要一座属于自己的公寓。”海伦·格莉·布朗在其1962年的畅销书《单身女孩》宣扬道。||2:对于这位《大都市》杂志的主编来说,独居生活的好处无穷无尽。独居可以拥有培养自我,心灵供给,熬夜工作,纵情性爱的空间。||3:她认为,年轻女性应该不急于结婚,好好享受她们人生中最美好的年华。这样才能为强力的婚姻培养好基础,同时以防下一次落单能够重返从前的生活方式。 | ||1: “YOU need an apartment alone even if it’s over a garage,” declared Helen Gurley Brown in her 1962 bestseller “Sex and the Single Girl”. ||2: To Brown, who went on to edit Cosmopolitan magazine, the benefits of solo living were innumerable : it afforded the space to cultivate the self, furnish the mind, work late and indulge in sexual experimentation. ||3: Young women should enjoy their best years without a husband, she advised, as this not only laid the foundation for stronger marriages but also gave them a lifestyle to fall back on in case they found themselves alone again. | |
29 | 如今,该游戏为一个大玩具商Hasbro所有,且成为了世界上最为流行的桌游之一,被翻译成几十种语言且有无数个版本。 | Now owned by Hasbro, a big toymaker, it has become one of the world’s most popular board games, available in dozens of languages and innumerable variations. | |
30 | 习主席和无数的中国官员及商业领袖将强调中国并不寻求贸易顺差。 | Mr Xi, as well as innumerable Chinese officials and business leaders, will proclaim that China does not seek a trade surplus. |