属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-?一周要闻 美国大选特朗普希拉里领跑初选
1 | (一)需要通知新的证人到庭,调取新的物证,重新鉴定或者勘验的; | (1)if it is necessary to summon new witnesses, obtain new material evidence, make a new expert evaluation or hold another inquest ; | |
2 | 【宗】世界末日的大审判. | the great (last) inquest | |
3 | 第一百零二条 任何单位和个人,都有义务保护犯罪现场,并且立即通知公安机关派员勘验。 | Article 102 Each and every unit and individual shall have the duty to preserve the scene of a crime and to immediately notify a public security organ to send officers to hold an inquest . | |
4 | 第一百零六条 勘验、检查的情况应当写成笔录,由参加勘验、检查的人和见证人签名或者盖章。 | Article 106 A record shall be made of the circumstances of an inquest or examination, and it shall be signed or sealed by the participants in the inquest or examination and the eyewitnesses. | |
5 | 第一百零七条 人民检察院审查案件的时候,对公安机关的勘验、检查,认为需要复验、复查时,可以要求公安机关复验、复查,并且可以派检察人员参加。 | Article 107 If, in reviewing a case, a People’s Procuratorate deems it necessary to repeat an inquest or examination that has been done by a public security organ, it may ask the latter to conduct another inquest or examination and may send procurators to participate in it. | |
6 | 第一百零三条 侦查人员执行勘验、检查,必须持有人民检察院或者公安机关的证明文件。 | Article 103 To conduct an inquest or examination, the investigators must have papers issued by a People’s Procuratorate or a public security organ. | |
7 | 第一百零一条 侦查人员对于与犯罪有关的场所、物品、人身、尸体应当进行勘验或者检查。 | Article 101 Investigators shall conduct an inquest or examination of the sites, objects, people and corpses relevant to a crime. | |
8 | 第一百五十九条 法庭审理过程中,当事人和辩护人、诉讼代理人有权申请通知新的证人到庭,调取新的物证,申请重新鉴定或者勘验。 | Article 159 During a court hearing, the parties, the defenders and agents ad litem shall have the right to request new witnesses to be summoned, new material evidence to be obtained, a new expert evaluation to be made, and another inquest to be held. | |
9 | 第一百一十四条 在勘验、搜查中发现的可用以证明犯罪嫌疑人有罪或者无罪的各种物品和文件,应当扣押;与案件无关的物品、文件,不得扣押。 | Article 114 Any articles and documents discovered during an inquest or search that may be used to prove a criminal suspect’s guilt or innocence shall be seized. Articles and documents which are irrelevant to the case may not be seized. | |
10 | 调查报告指记录审讯结果或验尸结果的文件。 | inquisition means the document recording the result of an inquiry, or coroner’s inquest | |
11 | 调整即将告一段落,对外界我们就说,我们认为这是本地局部地区的事情。 | The inquest will be adjourned and we’ll let it get about that we think it was a local affair | |
12 | 对该案进行历时两年的调查。 | A 2-year inquest into the case | |
13 | 对该案历时三年的调查毫无结果。 | The three-year inquest into the case has proved nothing | |
14 | 进行审(侦)讯以确定其死因. | An inquest was held to determine the cause of his death. | |
15 | 判决令法官要求:据以颁布的令状或法官的判决。 | a judicial inquest : the writ by which it is instituted, or the verdict of the jurors. | |
16 | 人民法院调查核实证据,可以进行勘验、检查、扣押、鉴定和查询、冻结。 | When carrying out investigation to verify evidence, the People’s Court may conduct inquest , examination, seizure, expert evaluation, as well as inquiry and freeze. | |
17 | 他说,明天验尸的时候需要一些证人,向验尸官和陪审委员团报告死者的情况。 | He is understood to be in want of witnesses, for the inquest tomorrow, who can tell the coroner and Jury anything whatever respecting the deceased | |
18 | 通过验尸从而确定这位死者是否被谋杀 | Holding an inquest to determine whether the dead man had been murdered | |
19 | 为确定他的死因进行了审问。 | An inquest was held to determine the cause of his death. | |
20 | 我欢迎官方对她的死因进行调查,我希望那天晚上在巴黎真正发生的事情能被揭露出来。 | I welcome the official inquest into her death and it is my hope that it will uncover what really happened that night in Paris | |
21 | 下星期四审讯他命案的死因。 | The inquest on his death will be held next Thursday. | |
22 | 验尸(亦作inquest). | a coroner `s inquest | |
23 | 验尸官主要职责是对被认为是死于非命的死者的死因作验尸调查的公职人员 | A public officer whose primary function is to investigate by inquest any death thought to be of other than natural causes. | |
24 | 验尸陪审团. | a coroner`s jury (or a jury of inquest ) | |
25 | 在必要的时候,可以指派或者聘请具有专门知识的人,在侦查人员的主持下进行勘验、检查。 | When necessary, experts may be assigned or invited to conduct an inquest or examination under the direction of the investigators. | |
26 | 至于我呢,我要用他们所不具备的其它感觉来寻求答案。我要象我在书本中探索真理、用炼金术提炼黄金那样去找出这个男人。 | But, as for me, I come to the inquest with other senses than they possess. I shall seek this man, as I have sought truth in books; as I have sought gold in alchemy. | |
27 | 最后他用窒闷的声音结结巴巴地说道:“哈里,你说要调查吗?这是什么意思?” | Finally he stammered, in a stifled voice, "Harry, did you say an inquest ? What did you mean by that?" | |
28 | ||1:1989年4月谢菲尔德(Sheffield)希尔斯堡(Hillsborough)体育场惨案导致96名利物浦球迷因踩踏身亡。近日,调查委员会认定死者遭非法杀害。||2:警方和救护部门的失误是导致这场惨案发生的“主要或部分原因”。||3:该判决让死者家属表示他们最终讨回了正义,并使利物浦球迷免于罪责,同时还推翻了1990-1991年间的官方调查结果。||4:该委员会展示了1981年在体育馆发生的一起类似事故的录像,该事故导致了严重的伤残但无人死亡。 | ||1:The families of 96 Liverpool football fans crushed to death at Sheffield’s Hillsborough stadium in April 1989 said they had at last secured justice when an inquest jury found that the victims were unlawfully killed.||2:Mistakes made by the police and ambulance service “caused or contributed” to the tragedy.||3:The ruling exonerated Liverpool’s supporters from any blame, reversing the findings from an official inquiry in 1990-91.||4:The jury was shown footage of a similar incident in 1981 at the stadium that had caused serious injuries but no deaths. | |
29 | 10月11日,英国媒体报道了对2005年7月7日伦敦巴士和地铁爆炸案的调查。 | On October 11th Britain’s press covered the opening of an inquest into the London bus and Tube bombings of July 7th 2005. | |
30 | 从检察院审讯全程录像谈刑事案件证据开示制度 | Analysing the Criminal Case Evidence Instruct System from the Whole Course Kinescope of Procuratorate Inquest |