1 | 但八月份,一个警察来录口供时,给我看了几张照片。 | But in August a policeman came to brief me before the inquest and to show me the pictures. | |
2 | 但死因调查结果显示,如果部队按照“正确程序”对其治疗,死亡悲剧完全可以避免。 | But the inquest into his death concluded that it could have been avoided had the army only followed "proper procedures" in treating him. | |
3 | 当他做出自怜的电视陈述后,公众更加哗然,而当审查闭门进行时,公众的愤怒更是达到顶峰。 | The public uproar intensified when he made a self-pitying television statement and reached its peak when the inquest was held in private. | |
4 | 歌手艾米·怀恩豪斯在狂欢后死于酒精中毒,加之一段时间的节食,警方已经展开调查。 | The singer Amy Winehouse died from alcohol poisoning after a drinking binge following a period of abstinence, an inquest has heard. | |
5 | 共和党已经开始审视自己,审问为什么这周将要进行的大选的预期会遭遇重大打击。 | THE Republican Party has already begun an inquest into what it expects will be a heavy defeat at the polls this week. | |
6 | 还是会有调查报告给他们啊。 | Bones: There will be an inquest report. | |
7 | 今天一场死因聆讯指出,一名妇女走过一块田地时,因被奶牛踩踏而受到致命伤。 | A woman suffered fatal injuries when she was trampled by cows as she walked across a field, an inquest heard today. | |
8 | 稍后会举行一次全面的质询。男婴们的双亲,现在住在斯塔福德郡,已经向信托专管死丧事务的官员提出求助。 | A full inquest will be held at a later date. The boys’ parents, who live in Stafford, have received help from a trust bereavement officer. | |
9 | 审讯得知,英厄姆对“个人生活中发生的事情”感到抑郁,最终自杀身亡。 | The inquest heard that Mr Ingham committed suicide after feeling depressed about ’events which had been going on in his personal life’. | |
10 | 他们说没有任何独立目击者在审理中声称看见了破碎的玻璃或者被固定在窗外的脚。 | They say none of the independent witnesses at the inquest said they saw broken glass or feet sticking out of the window. | |
11 | 我女儿在骑车途中与一辆运送水泥的卡车相撞身亡,之后的庭审让我觉得毫无意义。 | When my daughter died after being struck on her bike by a cement lorry, I found the inquest a complete nonsense. | |
12 | 现在,死亡案件有了“第2款维度”,就得征召一名高级法院法官担任验尸官,就像7月7日的恐怖袭击调查一样。 | Now, when a death has an "Article 2 dimension" , a high court judge is often drafted in as coroner, as in the July 7th terror inquest . | |
13 | 验尸报告称,这位四岁小孩的父亲被枪击中胸腔致死。 | Duggan, a father of four, died of a single gunshot wound to the chest, an inquest at north London Coroner’s Court heard on Tuesday. | |
14 | 这是Cook对1988年直布罗陀枪击事件中被特别空勤队残忍杀害的爱尔兰共和军成员的研训的回应。 | This was Cook’s response to the inquest into the ruthless killing of IRA members by the SAS in Gibraltar in 1988. | |
15 | 侦查讯问中使用证据方法的分类探析 | Study on the Class of Applying Evidence Methods during Inquest |