属类:文学表达-童话-Mouse and Cat in Partnership
1 | "嗯"唐太斯犹豫了一下问道:"你知道我父亲的近况吗? | "And," inquired Dants, with some hesitation, "do you know how my father is?" | |
2 | "你干嘛要这样子冲我笑?"海丝特对着他的目光费解地问。"你打算象那个在森林里作祟的黑男人一样纠缠着我们吗?你是不是已经把我引进了一个圈套,证明我的灵魂给毁绰了呢?" | "Why dost thou smile so at me?"" inquired Hester, troubled at the expression of his eyes. ""Art thou like the Black Man that haunts the forest round about us? Hast thou enticed me into a bond that will prove the ruin of my soul?" | |
3 | "你为什么要这样呢?"海丝特怯生生地问,她也说不清她怎么会由于这一秘密的约束而畏缩了。"你为什么不公开站出来,把我立刻抛弃呢?" | "Wherefore dost thou desire it?"" inquired Hester, shrinking, she hardly knew why, from this secret bond. ""Why not announce thyself openly, and cast me off at once?" | |
4 | "你这是什么意思啊?"海丝特问道,脸上禁不佳露出了惊诧神色。"你还有另一位乘客吗?" | "What mean you?"" inquired Hester, startled more than she permitted to appear. ""Have you another passenger?" | |
5 | "请了安,又问好,劳叨半日,方才走开.老嬷嬷叫住,因问:""二位爷是从老爷跟前来的不是?" | Having paid their respects, asked after his health and chatted for a while, they were moving on when his nurse inquired if they had just visited the master. | |
6 | “唉,阿尔贝,”弗兰兹问他的同伴,“你还要从环城马路兜到斗兽场去吗?” | "Well, Albert," inquired Franz of his companion, "are you still disposed to go to the colosseum by the outer wall?" | |
7 | “可是,”唐太斯吞吞吐吐地问道,“这个宝藏除了我们以外,难道世界上就没有更合法的主人了吗?” | "But," inquired Dants hesitating, "has this treasure no more legitimate possessor in the world than ourselves?" | |
8 | “老天爷!你们要的价倒不高呀。”他带着刺问了一句,“我倒想知道,我应该在撤职前道歉呢,还是在撤职后?” | “By Christ! You don’t want much,”He inquired sarcastically,“As a matter of interest, am I supposed to apologize before I’m fired, or after?” | |
9 | “你花的那笔钱有没有使它的美丽减色?”伯爵耸耸肩问道。 | "does the sum you gave for them make the animals less beautiful," inquired the count, shrugging his shoulders | |
10 | “是的,”讲故事人说,“那旅客对万帕就自称这名字。”“咦,你为什么要反对这个名字,”阿尔贝问道。 | "Yes," replied the narrator; "that was the name which the traveller gave to Vampa as his own."Well, and what may you have to say against this name?" inquired Albert | |
11 | “我们要不要确确实实地来定一个日子和时间呢?” | "Shall we make a positive appointment for a particular day and hour?" inquired the count | |
12 | “我事先曾问过唐太斯,问他对你有何看法,对你继续在船任职什么意见--因为我已看出你们之间的关系相当冷淡。” | Yes, indeed; I had previously inquired of Dants what was his opinion of you, and if he should have any reluctance to continue you in your post, for somehow I have perceived a sort of coolness between you. | |
13 | “我丈夫到国务总理那儿吃饭去了,”那年轻的太太回答说。 | After the usual civilities, the count inquired after M. de Villefort. "My husband dines with the chancellor," replied the young lady | |
14 | “要是事情并不严重,我会回来的,不然的话,我自己也不知道我该做些什么呢。” | "Shall we see you again to give us any information?" inquired the countess | |
15 | “这是怎么一回事?”林肯询问道,他竭力保持沉着和镇静。 | "What seems to be the matter?" inquired Lincoln, with all the calmness and self-possession he could muster | |
16 | 不过,在我们问过受调查者‘以有利于自己的健康考虑,是否愿意改变饮食方式?’ | Although, we inquired the investigator "From the thought of one’s health, is it whether or not agreeable to change the food and beverages? | |
17 | 不过最终她还是向一个警察问了路。警察告诉她,过去两条马路就是‘大商常’百货公司是些庞大的百货零售系统,即使它们有朝一日永久地消失了,也将在我国的商业史上留下有趣的一页。 | At last she inquired of a police officer, and was directed to proceed "two blocks up," where she would find "The Fair." The nature of these vast retail combinations, should they ever permanently disappear, will form an interesting chapter in the commercial history of our nation. | |
18 | 厂长向我了解了我们工作的情况。 | The director inquired of me about / concerning our work. | |
19 | 船主先等了一会儿便又重新拾起话题。 | inquired the latter, resuming the interrupted conversation | |
20 | 但是最近天气转冷,育种的季节已过,老板突然问我“你会不会开扫雪机?”,我一下感到措手不及 | But still it caught me off guard when, with the air now cold and the hydroseeding season over, the boss inquired recently:"Can you drive a snowplow?" | |
21 | 当他聚精会神地吞咽他那心爱的珍品的时候,弗兰兹并没有去打扰他,但当他吃完以后,他就问道:“那么,这个宝贵的东西究竟是什么呢?” | Franz did not disturb him whilst he absorbed his favorite sweetmeat, but when he had finished, he inquired ,--"What, then, is this precious stuff?" | |
22 | 当我经过关卡的时候,我便说这个孩子是我在路上捡到的,并问那家医院在什么地方。 | As I passed the city gates I declared that I had found the child on the road, and I inquired where the asylum was | |
23 | 等它到家时,老鼠问道:“这个孩子起的什么名字呀?”“吃了一半,”猫回答。“吃了一半!你在说什么呀?我长这么大了还从来没有听说过这样的名字。我敢打赌,就是年历上也不会有这样的名字!” | When she went home the mouse inquired , and what was this child christened. Half-done, answered the cat. Half-done. What are you saying. I never heard the name in my life, I’ll wager anything it is not in the calendar. | |
24 | 对于捐赠人的查询,受赠人应当如实答复。 | When so inquired , the recipient should respond truthfully. The recipients must respond truthfully to the donor’s inquiries. | |
25 | 腓迪南问起她的名字,她告诉了他,并且说她把名字说出来是违背了她父亲的特别嘱咐。 | ferdinand inquired her name, which she told, saying it was against her father’s express command she did so | |
26 | 关于贵方...月...日对...询价函,现电报报价如下 | Referring to your letter dated... in which you inquired for... , we have pleasure in cabling you an offer as follows | |
27 | 国王得意地问,停了一会儿他的注解工作。 | inquired the king triumphantly, and pausing for a moment from the voluminous scholiast before him | |
28 | 假如真是这样的话,那么这位不动感情的英国人(指雷诺兹)犯的错误归根结底也不算太大了,他在卡诺瓦临死之际,询问其兄弟是否"有意继续那桩营生(指雕塑)!"。 | If this were really so, that stolid Englishman might not have been so very far wrong after all, who, on CANOVA’S death, inquired of his brother whether it was "his intention to carry on the business!" | |
29 | 她查问为何他以前没想到那一点。 | She inquired why he had not thought of that before. | |
30 | 她打听我兄弟的情况。 | She inquired about my brother |