属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-大型飞机 空中客车公司的大赌注
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第34期:别人取笑我的名字时我应该怎么办
1 | 有些动物可以消耗很微量的初级产物。 | Some animals may consume insignificant amounts of the primary production | |
2 | 与其他任何媒体不同,电影的夸张画面和扩大的音响使哪怕毫无意义的动作和语言也极具权威性 | Like no other medium, magnified pictures and amplified sound give powerful authority to even the most insignificant actions and phrases. | |
3 | 雨中的湿土的气息,就响从渺小的无声的群众那里来的一阵巨大的赞美歌声。 | The smell of the wet earth in the rain rises like a great chant of praise from the voiceless multitude of the insignificant | |
4 | 在冬季,这种作用是不明显的。 | In winter the effect was found to be insignificant | |
5 | 在冬季,这种作用是不明显的。 | In winter the effect was found to be insignificant . | |
6 | 这个瘦小的女人,嘴唇薄薄的,眼睛亮亮的,样子有些象外国人,以她独特的风度抵消了外貌上的不足。 | This little thin-lipped, bright-eyed and foreign-looking woman retrieved an insignificant appearance by a distinguished manner | |
7 | 这里面的脂肪含量很低。 | The contents of this package contain an insignificant amount of fat. | |
8 | 这漫漫的历史长河中,能留下多少日落的记忆 | What can take place before this sunset, which will not seem insignificant in the river of centuries? | |
9 | 这些理想中最伟大的是正在慢慢实现的美国的承诺,这就是:每个人都有自身的价值,每个人都有成功的机会,每个人天生都会有所作为的 | The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, that no insignificant person was ever born.. | |
10 | 这一问题与她面临的其他问题比较起来算不得什么。 | This problem was insignificant compared to others she faced. | |
11 | 这种新研制出来的中成药,疗效显著,服用方便,毒副作用小,价格低廉。 | This kind of newly-prepared Chinese medicine is cheap, But effective in treatment and convenient in use with insignificant toxicity and side effects. | |
12 | 正如在呼吸性酸中毒时一样,H+和HCO3-下降以nmol测量,导致PH明显增加,而以mmol测量的HCO3-变化并不明显。 | Just as with the changes in respiratory acidosis, the drop in [H+] and [HCO3-] is measured in mEq, resulting in a significant increase in pH and an insignificant change in the [HCO3-], which is measured in mEq. | |
13 | 正寻思从那一件事自那一个人写起方妙,恰好忽从千里之外,芥末之微,小小一个人家,因与荣府略有些瓜葛,这日正往荣府中来, | Just as I was wondering with which event or person to begin, suddenly from a thousand li away came a humble individual as insignificant as a mustardseed,who being remotely connected with the Rong House was that day paying them a visit. | |
14 | 至少,这只不起眼的黑海鸥临死前那一声尖叫恢复了她的理性。 | At least the death cry of the insignificant sooty gull gave her back her significance | |
15 | 自轻自贱时,我想想自己的目标。 | If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals. | |
16 | 最微不足道的罪行在最超越尘俗的天地里引起回响。 | The most insignificant transgression reverberated in the most ethereal worlds | |
17 | ||1:然而两人都不是省油的灯,他们的婚姻自有问题。||2:有时,劳伦斯为人冷酷,醋劲十足,还会用言辞“伤害并摧毁(别人的心)”。||3: 1937年,他们在巴黎与亨利·米勒(Henry Miller)会面,紧张局势就十分明显。 ||4:这场会面看起来一切和谐;实际上劳伦斯常常筑起一道“冰墙”把爱侣和外人隔开,这次便决定只让南希当个陪衬:“无关紧要的装饰品”,于是南希只好黯然陷入沉默。||5:回到科孚岛后,“珍稀的满足”余韵尚存;但随后战争爆发,永远改变了一切。||6:他们搬到希腊本土,又在1941年逃往埃及。||7:后来德军兵临开罗城下,南希带着1岁的孩子去了耶路撒冷。从此,劳伦斯再也没能唤回她。||8: 时光荏苒,他又成婚3次,她则与泰迪·霍奇金(Teddy Hodgkin)相依相守30年。 | ||1: Yet Lawrence and Nancy were complicated characters, and the marriage had its problems. ||2: Lawrence could be cruel and obsessively jealous, and would use words “to lacerate and destroy”. ||3: The strains were evident when they met Henry Miller in Paris in 1937. ||4: Superficially, the visit was a success. But Lawrence, who was inclined to build “a wall of ice” to separate intimates from other people, was determined to keep Nancy on the sidelines—“decorative but insignificant ”—and Nancy retreated into silence. ||5: Back in Corfu there were times of “rare and precious content”, but the onset of war changed things for ever. ||6: They moved to mainland Greece and in 1941 fled to Egypt. ||7: With Cairo under threat, Nancy travelled with their one-year-old child to Jerusalem; Lawrence was unable to persuade her to return to him. ||8: He would marry three more times. Nancy eventually had over 30 years of “loving closeness” with Teddy Hodgkin. | |
18 | ||1:随后的数字处理揭示了24个群落中有11个体重显着增加。||2:其它13个群落的体重也有增加,不过达不到对于任何个别群体来说都显著的程度。||3:然而,这些微不足道的变化是向上增的这一事实本身就很显著。||4:此外,肥胖率指数遵循了类似的模式。||5:克利曼泰迪斯博士估计,他的数据偶然出现的几率在体重增加方面大约是1000万分之一左右,在肥胖率上升方面大约是100万分之三。 | ||1:Subsequent number-crunching revealed a statistically significant increase in bodyweight in 11 of the 24 populations.||2:The weights of the other 13 rose too, though not to an extent that was significant for any of the individual groups.||3:Nevertheless, the fact that all of these insignificant changes were upward was, itself, statistically significant.||4:Moreover, the obesity-rate indices followed a similar pattern.||5:Dr Klimentidis reckons the odds of his data having come about by chance are about one in 10m for the weight gain and three in 1m for the rise in obesity. | |
19 | 但直到除阿联酋以外的航空公司开始批量订购A380飞机,虽然这很难,它才可称得上是一飞冲天的成功。 | But until an airline other than Emirates starts to order the A380 insignificant quantities it will be hard to make the case that it is a soaring success. | |
20 | 而是,按照量子力学术语来说,达到了98.3%,这个差别被认为是可以忽略不计的。 | but it was, in quantum-mechanical terms, 98.3% of the way there, a difference that was deemed insignificant . | |
21 | 我可以保证,你的名字绝对不是最奇怪的,所以不要让这些事困扰你。这是世界上最微不足道的事情。 | I can definitely guarantee that your name is not the weirdest name out there, so don’t even let it bother you. That’s like, the most insignificant thing in the world. | |
22 | 1914年,发生在东欧一个偏远地区的一件不起眼的事情使欧洲陷入了一场战争。 | In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern Europe plunged Europe into a great war. | |
23 | Desai说目前流行中的不良游戏变少了,但并不显著。 | Desai said the prevalence of problematic gaming is low, but not insignificant . | |
24 | 哎呀,King副总统在就职后的45天后(作为一届愚蠢而又可耻的政府里一个打酱油的小角色)也去世了。 | Alas, Vice President King succumbed after just 45 insignificant days in office as part of an inept and disgraceful administration. | |
25 | 保守派则把这些前后矛盾之处要么视为无关紧要,要么看作可以讲得通。 | Conservatives treat such discrepancies as either insignificant or readily explainable. | |
26 | 不管在整个任务构想中该子任务是如何小或者如何不显著,只要行动。 | No matter how small or how insignificant in the overall picture, just get moving. | |
27 | 除了一些不值一提的例外情形,新兴股票市场今年迄今仍是上涨的。 | Emerging equity markets are, with insignificant exceptions, still up so far this year. | |
28 | 但是,我却发现了我在纽约时遇到的现象:律师们花费不必要的时间去争执一些无意义的事。 | Instead, I found much of what I found in New York: lawyers spending needless time fighting over insignificant issues. | |
29 | 但是当我们聚焦在神时,他的能力和意愿会用任何方法去帮助我们---我们所有的借口都变得毫无意义。 | But when we focus on God and His ability and willingness to help us in every way -- all our excuses become insignificant . | |
30 | 但是在强大基础的支撑之下并不明显。 | But they are still insignificant in the mighty edifice of support. |