属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 左派步兵如痴如梦
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-图书馆和电子书 文学劳动力已借出
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-公司治理 不是煤老大
1 | 作为一位职业高尔夫球高手,打失一个球或输掉一场比赛只会激励他做得更好,练得更努力,学更多的东西。 | To be a top professional golfer, losing a ball or a tournament only inspires golfers to be better, to practice harder, to study more. | |
2 | ||1:图书馆的支持者认为,借阅图书者也就是购买图书者,而图书馆则是这些读者发现新作品的重要根据地。||2:许多人为皮尤研究机构最近的调查而感到欢欣鼓舞,这项调查发现,超过一半拥有图书馆卡的美国人说,他们更喜欢购买他们的电子书。||3:但是这项报告也指出,几乎没有人知道电子书在大多数图书馆都是可借阅的,而那些畅销书籍常常有着很长的等候借阅名单,这也许将促进人们的购买行为。 | ||1:Library boosters argue that book borrowers are also book buyers, and that libraries are vital spaces for readers to discover new work.||2:Many were cheered by a recent Pew survey, which found that more than half of Americans with library cards say they prefer to buy their e-books.||3:But the report also noted that few people know that e-books are available at most libraries, and that popular titles often involve long waiting lists, which may be what inspires people to buy. | |
3 | ||1:小米的发布会比起新闻发布会更像是一场摇滚音乐会。打扮随意的首席执行官登上深色的舞台向粉丝们揭开其公司最新的时尚智能手机。||2:然而,这不是9月10日苹果的新iPhone发布会,而是中国公司小米9月5日在北京举行的小米3发布会。||3:凭借其时尚的设计,炫目的发布会和用户被激发出的疯狂的热情,小米难免经常被崇拜者和批评者同美国的竞争对手苹果作比较,批评家称其产品为山寨货。||4:小米的老板,雷军(如图),甚至穿着类似乔布斯风格的牛仔裤和黑色短袖。||5:小米真的是中国的苹果吗? | ||1: IT FEELS more like a rock concert than a press conference as the casually dressed chief executive takes to a darkened stage to unveil his firm’s sleek new smartphone to an adoring crowd. ||2: Yet this was not the launch of the new iPhone by Apple on September 10th, but of the Mi-3 handset by Xiaomi, a Chinese firm, in Beijing on September 5th. ||3: With its emphasis on snazzy design, glitzy launches and the cult-like fervour it inspires in its users, no wonder Xiaomi is often compared to its giant American rival, both by admirers and by critics who call it a copycat. ||4: Xiaomi’s boss, Lei Jun (pictured), even wears jeans and a black shirt, Steve Jobs-style. ||5: Is Xiaomi really China’s answer to Apple? | |
4 | ||1:选举的风潮波及美国左派。||2:但像网根国民大会这样的组织已经躁动不安,火急火燎,它每年纵情狂欢,今年7月17日到19日更是吸引了成百上千的激进分子,组织者,部落格和竞选者至底特律。||3:然而对于包揽更广的民主党来说,真正让草根阶层精神抖擞的却是2016年的总统选举。||4:即使11月的国会中期选举在即,共和党很有可能纵览大局,其余民主党席位也岌岌可危,他们却是缄默不语。 | ||1:ELECTION fever grips the American Left.||2:A mood of scrappy, let-us-at-’em impatience unites such gatherings as Netroots Nation, an annual shindig which this year drew thousands of activists, organisers, bloggers and candidates to Detroit from July 17th-19th.||3:Unfortunately for the broader Democratic Party, the election that inspires the grassroots is the 2016 presidential race.||4:The mid-term congressional elections, which will happen much sooner (in November this year), provoke a more muted response, even though there is a good chance that Republicans will seize the Senate and cripple the rest of Barack Obama’s presidency. | |
5 | 而那些畅销书籍常常有着很长的等候借阅名单,这也许将促进人们的购买行为。 | and that popular titles often involve long waiting lists, which may be what inspires people to buy. | |
6 | 罗斯柴尔德在投资者中同样享有较高的信任度,这位是欧洲银行王朝的后裔。 | Nat Rothschild also has a name that inspires confidence among investors. The scion of a European banking dynasty, | |
7 | GB:关于在IBM软件集团领导软件开发品牌,什么对你启示最大? | GB: What inspires you most about leading the software development brand at IBM Software Group? | |
8 | 奥巴马善于激励,尽管他总是对智者最有吸引力;他紧紧抓住了这么庞大的人群的注意力。 | He inspires , yet his appeal is always to the intellect; still he holds an audience of this size spellbound. | |
9 | 奥巴马先生个人的奋斗故事激励了许多在拉丁美洲这个地区处于生活劣势的黑人与原住民。 | Mr Obama’s own story inspires many in a region where blacks and indigenous people are often disadvantaged. | |
10 | 把能激发灵感的美好物件拿到你启发想象力的房间。 | Bring an object of beauty into the room in which you are trying to be creative that inspires you. | |
11 | 不过,这一插曲难以使人对标准普尔做出的判断产生信任。 | But the episode hardly inspires confidence in S. & P. ’s judgment. | |
12 | 布什尚能在其党内能激发热情,这使他得以在那坎坷不平的政坛生涯中沉浮。 | George Bush inspires affection within his party, and that buoys him up when he hits a rough patch politically. | |
13 | 唱出或哼出任何能够让你振奋或鼓舞的歌曲。 | Sing or hum any song that uplifts or inspires you. | |
14 | 创造一个团队间相互支持与鼓励的文化 | Creates a culture that inspires and supports team members; | |
15 | 但当他工作时,他会全身心投入战斗,他的激情会感染他身边的每一个人。 | But when he is at work, he throws himself into the fray with an enthusiasm that inspires those around him. | |
16 | 但该家报纸的特色还不止于此,因为它还对引发美国大规模的暴力活动的毒品线索展开了斗争。 | It is also an expanding one, as fighting over the drug trail to the United States inspires ever-greater feats of violence. | |
17 | 但是,自从释放卡尔扎伊高层助手后,这个人曾被当场抓住收受贿赂,他变得不再自信。 | But, after letting off one of Mr Karzai’s top aides who was caught red-handed soliciting a bribe, he inspires little confidence. | |
18 | 当他在自己收藏的唱片中淘到一首对他有启发的歌曲之后,塔伦蒂诺就会把它插入到配乐中。 | After he finds a song in his record collection that inspires him, he reserves a spot within the score. | |
19 | 抵御躲避的心理:失业常常引发羞愧和自闭,这只会阻碍你的心理复原。 | Resist the urge to detach: Job loss often inspires shame and isolation, which can hinder your emotional recovery, Mellan says. | |
20 | 而在一段正确的关系中,他丰富你的生命。激励你成为最好的自我,带给你平和的心境和各种机会。 | In the right relationship, he enriches your life, inspires you to be your best self, and brings a sense of peace and possibility to you. | |
21 | 非盟也在敦促双方信守承诺,不过前13份协议的失败让人并不抱太大的信心。 | The African Union is urging both sides to keep their promises; the failure of 13 previous accords hardly inspires confidence. | |
22 | 分析师称即便是在当前最坏的经济环境下,他始终坚信他可以让这家银行获得重生。 | Analysts said he inspires confidence that he can reinvent the bank despite one of the worst economic climates since the Depression. | |
23 | 弗拉门戈的热情激发了神奇的魔力,也博得了观众们热烈的反应。 | The intensity of Flamenco inspires a sense of magic, and evokes3 from its audience an intense reaction. | |
24 | 更重要的是,希望它能够促使您以新的方式思考应用程序。 | More importantly, I hope it inspires you to think about your applications in new ways. | |
25 | 关于科尔最有趣的事他所引起的那种影响的深度。 | And yet the most interesting thing about him is the depth of affection he inspires . | |
26 | 很多摄影师在年少时都幸运地拥有一位激励鼓舞自己的良师益友。 | Some photographers have the good fortune to find a mentor in their young years who both inspires and encourages them. | |
27 | 还有,与人们谈论有关艺术设计或是人生目标时都会激励出一件新的作品。 | Also talking to people about arts an design, about your goals, it motivates and inspires to create a new piece. | |
28 | 她能打败诡谲多变的海水、忍受冰冷的温度,并将体能推到极限,鼓舞了许多层级的人,甚至让两个国家重修旧好! | and push her body to such extreme limits inspires people on so many levels. It even can bring countries together! | |
29 | 竞争和外在的奖励同时也为学生提供了一个促使他们追求更高水平的平台。 | Competition and external rewards can also provide an environment that inspires students to push themselves to greater heights. | |
30 | 领导是向别人施加影响的过程,启发,激励引导他们的行动来实现目标 | Leadership is the process where a person exerts influence over others and inspires , motivates and directs their activities to achieve goals. |