属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-道德心理学 诚实是需要时间的
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-铁娘子 Iron Lady
1 | 可能,这是她心理上的一种本能反应:通过展现这些备色各样、变幻莫测的画面,把自己的精神从眼前这残酷现实的无情重压下解脱出来。 | Possibly, it was an instinctive device of her spirit, to relieve itself, by the exhibition of these phantasmagoric forms, from the cruel weight and hardness of the reality. | |
2 | 可是,就象我已经跟你说过的,我对他有一种油然生发的爱,这种爱的来源我没法向你解释。 | Still, as I have already told you I have an instinctive affection for him, the source of which I cannot explain to you | |
3 | 客厅墙上安着护壁板,有一种特别的魅力,能让生人一见就自然感觉到里面是成窝的大耗子、小耗子。 | The parlour was wainscoted, and communicated to strangers a magnetic and instinctive consciousness of rats and mice | |
4 | 论清代楚辞研究中的“直觉感悟法” | Instinctive Revelation in the Studies of Chu Ci-Poetry in Qing Dynasy | |
5 | 苗条的身材,长得那么匀称,穿得那么考究,立即触动了尤菲米雅天生的道德观念。 | It was so charmingly proportioned, so balanced and well clothed, that Euphemia’s instinctive propriety was at once alarmed | |
6 | 莫雷尔早就想到过腾格拉尔。但他对他有一种无法抑制的本能的反感,所以莫雷尔是到了山穷水尽的地步才去求救于他的。 | Morrel had long thought of Danglars, but had kept away from some instinctive motive, and had delayed as long as possible availing himself of this last resource | |
7 | 脑用以整合感觉讯息并指导运动反应,从而在维持生命所必需的本能活动中起重要作用。在高等脊椎动物,脑也是学习的中心。 | It handles sensory information, controls motion, is vital to instinctive acts, and in higher vertebrates is the centre of learning. | |
8 | 鸟有飞行的天赋能力。 | Birds have an instinctive ability to fly. | |
9 | 浅谈成人教育中对汉语教学性质、目的、语感的认识 | Views on the Nature and Purpose of Chinese Teaching and an Instinctive Feel for the Language in Adult education | |
10 | 若整体性能达到极高的水平,动力传送及其稳定就会变得水到渠成。 | the overall performance to sublime levels, where the flow of power and its control become instinctive . | |
11 | 食欲一种本能生理欲望,尤指对食品或饮料 | An instinctive physical desire,especially one for food or drink. | |
12 | 索米斯抑制着那句“无所谓”的口头禅没有说--跟这个外国家伙犯不着噜苏。 | Soames checked his instinctive "Not particular"--he would not chaffer with this alien | |
13 | 他们本能的恐惧比什么都使他最痛切地感到,有一种非凡的恐怖交织在黑纱的经纬之中。 | Their instinctive dread caused him to feel, more strongly than aught else, that a preternatural horror was interwoven with the threads of the black veil | |
14 | 他试图饰盖自己对这一想法本能的厌恶。 | He tried to conceal his instinctive revulsion at the idea. | |
15 | 我们必然要把这些活动叫做本能。 | We should assuredly call these actions instinctive | |
16 | 掩饰真实的情感,控制脸上的表情,跟旁人亦步亦趋,所有这些早成了本能的反应。 | To dissemble your feelings, to control your face, to do what everyone else was doing, was an instinctive reaction | |
17 | 伊坦觉得,要是他同时说明他要这笔钱有个急用,郝尔也许肯设法凑合一下;但是他一来不愿意求告,二来也本能地觉得这个不妥当,终于没说明缘故。 | Ethan felt that if he had pleaded an urgent need hale might have made shift to pay him; but pride, and an instinctive prudence, kept him from resorting to his argument | |
18 | 由于天生憎恶结婚,她接受了安德烈的追求以求摆脱马尔塞夫 | With an instinctive hatred of matrimony, she suffered Andrea’s attentions in order to get rid of Morcerf | |
19 | 语感与语感教学再探 | Further Discussion on Instinctive Feel for the Language and Its Teaching | |
20 | 在他身上有一种天生的骑士风度。 | He had a sort of instinctive chivalry in him. | |
21 | 暂且不要考虑你从直觉上憎恶他这一因素. | Set aside for a moment your instinctive dislike of the man. | |
22 | 这固然是由于她自己的回避,但也是由于她的同胞们的本能的退缩,尽管这种退缩早已不那么不友好了。 | Partly by her own reserve, and partly by the instinctive , though no longer so unkindly, withdrawal of her fellow-creatures. | |
23 | 直觉理性:创新决策的思维路径 | Instinctive Reasoning: Way of Thinking for Creative Decisions | |
24 | 直觉体悟式的创作思维-唐代诗人在诗歌创作中常用的一种思维方式 | The Way of Instinctive Revelation in Writing: A Way of Thinking Common in the Composition of Tang Poetry | |
25 | ||1: 人性本‘恶’?这是由阿姆斯特丹大学的一位心理学家—— Shaul Shalvi,在《心理科学》杂志上发表的一篇论文中所提出的问题。 ||2: Shalvi博士和他的两位同事——以色列Ben-Gurion大学的Ori Eldar 和 Yoella Bereby-Meyer,希望知道如果那些潜在的骗子有时间对他们的行为作出充分考虑,他们撒谎的冲动会否因此增强或减弱呢? ||3:换句话说,撒谎究竟是人的一种本能行为,还是经过仔细分析后所作出的选择呢? | ||1: IS SIN original? That is the question addressed by Shaul Shalvi, a psychologist at the University of Amsterdam, in a paper just published in Psychological Science. ||2: Dr Shalvi and his colleagues, Ori Eldar and Yoella Bereby-Meyer of Ben-Gurion University in Israel, wanted to know if the impulse to cheat is something that grows or diminishes when the potential cheater has time for reflection on his actions. ||3: Is cheating, in other words, instinctive or calculating? | |
26 | ||1:安东尼深得人物精髓,他的雅各布土里土气、满嘴甜言蜜语、办事依赖直觉,在所有场景中始终表现如一。||2:雅各布试图插手导演,不让妻女涉足影片,反而将安娜定为女主角(“我看着那姑娘……好像又回到了18岁。||3:我像棵春天的树,滚烫的树液像在烧开的水壶里一样扑腾,冲进每根树枝。||4:你听懂我说啥了吧?”),甚至还想偷偷把自己的牛租给制片厂。||5:事实上,他演的雅各布实在太出彩了,反倒成了麻烦。||6:该剧第二幕的背景是三十年后的好莱坞。||7:雅各布很少出现,让观众怅然若失。 | ||1:Earthy, wheedling and endlessly instinctive , Sir Antony’s Jacob is at the heart of it all, whether he is trying to meddle in the directing or keep his wife and daughter out of the film and cast Anna, instead, as the leading lady (“When I look at that girl…I like 18 again.||2:I like tree in springtime with hot sap like kettle rise into every branch.||3:You hear my meaning?”) Or even when he tries surreptitiously to rent out his cow to the studio.||4:In fact, Sir Antony is so powerfully Jacob Bindel that it becomes a problem.||5:The second act takes place in Hollywood 30 years later.||6:Jacob barely appears.||7:The audience feels bereft. | |
27 | ||1:富特似乎天生不谙世故。||2:作为一位大臣,他曾经在没有一分外币的情况下,仅携带一本黑兹利特的皮面装订书籍,就登上一架飞机,去欧洲出席一个“国际社会主义者”会议。||3:但在某种意义上说,他又老于世故。||4:他对民众悲喜如天才般洞若观火。||5:他文笔优美,而且在克服口吃后成了优秀的演说家,他幽默诙谐、自嘲自谦、善解人意。||6:他也会恨人的—— 如果还有谁看不到富特所撰写的传记中的主人公安奈林·贝文的天才的话, 那可就要小心点——不过他虽然会恨人, 恨意却从不长久。 | ||1:He could seem unworldly.||2:As a minister, he once boarded a plane to a Socialist International conference in Europe without a penny in foreign currency, carrying only a leather-bound volume of Hazlitt.||3:Yet in one sense, he was entirely worldly.||4:He had an instinctive understanding of people.||5:He wrote beautifully and, after overcoming a stammer, was a wonderful orator: humorous, self-deprecating, empathetic.||6:He could be a hater—anyone who failed to perceive the genius of his hero Aneurin Bevan, whose biography he wrote, had best look out—but he was incapable of sustained malevolence. | |
28 | ||1:高雅是他的座右铭:3件套装西服,天鹅绒马甲和圆熟的口才——他离开西弗吉尼亚前曾是一个优秀的非神职布道者。||2:他的礼节毫不做作,他的感谢信从不迟到。||3:然而,这一切的意义都在与维护参议院的形象。||4:会见总统时,他坚持要带上一名工作人员,因为三权领导等级相同,而总统带了一个。||5:他不允许在会议室里用笔记本电脑,但却支持电视直播议程,好让该看见的人看见参议院的样子。||6:宪法让美国成为一个主权国家,它把国会放在第一位,他在提醒听众时,从左胸口袋里拿出了他一直保存在心上的宪法。||7:现在,像伯德一样,他们也要尊重和维护它。 | ||1:Dignity was his byword: three-piece suits, velvet waistcoats and the rolling oratory of a man who had been a fine lay preacher before he left West Virginia.||2:His courtesy was instinctive , his thank-you notes reliably there the next day.||3:The point of all this, though, was to uphold the worth of the Senate.||4:At meetings with the president he insisted on taking a staff person, because the president had one, and the branches were equal.||5:He kept laptops out of the chamber, but voted for televised proceedings, so that the Senate would be visible to the people to whom it belonged.||6:The constitution, as he reminded listeners, pulling it from his left breast pocket where he kept it over his heart, had made the American people sovereign and mentioned their Congress first.||7:Now, like him, they had to revere and defend it. | |
29 | ||1:辛格是一名驻扎在伦敦的记者和播音员。在写这本书的时候有很多困难。她认为自己作为传记的撰写者,其职责就是要为她书中主角树立正面形象,因此她对甘地家族成员的评价都甚高。||2:当记叙到甘地夫人当机立断,推行了一项颇有争议的国有化印度大型银行的政策时,辛格仅仅描述了人们在街上欢乐地跳舞庆贺。她还写到“甘地夫人天生知道如何迎合别人,她也竭尽全力地利用这一点。” | ||1: There are several difficulties with this biography. Ms Singh, a London-based journalist and broadcaster, appears to think that her duty as a biographer is to write a hagiographical defence of her subject. The enthusiastic tone extends to most members of the Gandhi family. ||2: When Indira Gandhi made a controversial snap decision to nationalise India’s big banks, the reader is told simply that crowds danced in the streets in jubilation: “Indira had an instinctive feeling for what would please people and would move heaven and earth to deliver.” | |
30 | “求真”是译者的本能行为,“务实”是译者服务的目的所在。 | "Truth-seeking" is the translator’s instinctive behavior while "Utility-attaining" is the aim the translator pursues. |