属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-年度国家奖 希望在跳跃
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-内战科技 英勇斗争缘何而致
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-内战科技 英勇斗争缘何而致
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-内战科技 英勇斗争缘何而致
1 | 自由斗士们撤退到了山中,从那里他们可以发动对军事政权的叛乱。 | The freedom fighters withdrew into the mountains,from which they mounted an insurrection against the junta. | |
2 | ||1:即使是2014年世界上最好的一面还没有显出来,即将过去的一年也不会是最美好的年份之一。||2:在战争、疾病和暴乱之中,过去的12个月似乎往往是大灾难接踵而至。||3:但是仔细看,在痛苦之中也有乐观的理由。||4:无论是凭借勇敢还是坚忍,都会有许多国家能够列入人人向往的《经济学人》年度国家奖项候选名单当中。 | ||1:EVEN with the best will in the world—which, in 2014, has not been conspicuously forthcoming—the outgoing year could not be regarded as one of the planet’s finest.||2:Between war, disease and insurrection , the past 12 months have often seemed a gory relay for the apocalypse’s four horsemen.||3:But look closely, and amid the misery there have been reasons for optimism.||4:Whether by dint of boldness or stoicism, there are numerous candidates for the coveted title of The Economist’s country of the year. | |
3 | ||1:类似休曼考古队的行动很快被来自英国和法国的学者效仿,到了20世纪,意大利、日本和美国的学者也加入到这个行列。||2:有人为了支付工程款项就向西方收藏家出售了发掘到的部分物品,那些收藏家对土耳其所有的东西越发倾心。||3:其他人因为害怕战争和动乱带来风险就转移了文物并把他们送到了欧洲博物馆。||4:他们的行动使文物免于被低价掠夺或者侵略军的毁坏。||5:土耳其讨论过去的考古工作时,对这段历史几乎只字不提。 | ||1:Archaeological teams like Humann’s were soon followed by scholars from Britain and France, and into the 20th century from Italy, Japan and America.||2:Some paid for their projects by selling a portion of their finds to Western collectors who were becoming increasingly enamoured of all things à la Turque.||3:Others removed treasures they believed might be at risk from war and insurrection , and gave them to the new European museums.||4:Foreign scholars saved a considerable number of Turkish artefacts from being commercially looted or destroyed by invading armies.||5:This is rarely mentioned in Turkey’s discussions about its archaeological past. | |
4 | 对于富人世界的军事力量的战争模拟室和智囊团而言,正有智慧的大脑在解决这些问题,如何模拟暴动和非常规战争。 | For in the war-games rooms and think-tanks of the rich world’s military powers, bright minds are working on the problem of how to model insurrection and irregular warfare. | |
5 | 然而,游击战争是很难模拟的,在此之前的暴动也同样难模拟, | Guerrilla warfare, however, is harder to model than open battle of this sort, and the civil insurrection that often precedes it is harder still. | |
6 | 再往北,那些国家政府相对强势,这种城镇叛乱在阿拉伯的春天之初是比较常见的威胁。 | Further north, where states are stronger, urban insurrection of the sort seen at the beginning of the Arab spring is a more common threat. | |
7 | 1911年后,中国的确陷入了军阀割据、叛乱迭涨的混乱局面。 | China did indeed slide into disarray, warlordism and insurrection after 1911. | |
8 | 不管机器人有多智能,还好我们拔掉它的插头就可以制止它攻击人类。 | No matter how intelligent a robot might be, it’s nice knowing you can pull its plug to halt the anti-human insurrection . | |
9 | 但任何针对政府或政体的起义,矛头都对得更深远。 | But every insurrection , which aims at a government or a regime, aims higher. | |
10 | 工程所在国内的叛乱、恐怖活动、革命、暴动、军事政变或篡夺政权,或内战。 | rebellion, terrorism, revolution, insurrection , military or usurped power, or civil war, within the Country. | |
11 | 共和党内的保守派起来作乱已经不是什么新鲜事。 | There is nothing new about conservative insurrection in the party. | |
12 | 集权引起了敌视和叛乱,特别是一些资源丰富的省份如亚齐省,在看到他们的财富被腐败份子吞噬后奋起抗争。 | This provoked resentment and insurrection in resource-rich provinces such as Aceh, which saw their wealth plundered by a corrupt elite. | |
13 | 据说,在圣阿瓦区指挥那次起义的是人民之友社。 | The Society of the Friends of the People had, it was said, undertaken to direct the insurrection in the Quartier Sainte-Avoye. | |
14 | 两年以来,我们已提到过,巴黎见过的起义不止一次。 | During the last two years, as we have said, Paris had witnessed more than one insurrection . | |
15 | 曼谷前市长西蒙是第二位因为叛乱指控而被逮捕的反政府抗议活动领导者。 | Former Bangkok governor Chumlong Srimuang is the second anti-government protest leader arrested on charges of insurrection . | |
16 | 那次起义,突然一手建起了街垒,一手几乎全部抓住了驻军的据点。 | The insurrection had abruptly built barricades with one hand, and with the other seized nearly all the posts of the garrison. | |
17 | 他称之为InsurrectaNex(拉丁语,意为“对死亡宣战”)。 | He calls it Insurrecta Nex - Latin for "insurrection against death" . | |
18 | 他现在是又惊又怒,安德利紧盯着查尔斯的斧子,一件种地的工具现在变成了暴力反抗的标志。 | His mind clouded by fear and anger, Andry’s eyes fixed on Charles’s axe, a plantation tool transmuted into an icon of violent insurrection . | |
19 | 它是反对末代幕府的策源地,伴随着1868年明治维新推动了日本现代化。 | It was a cradle of insurrection against the last shogunate, helping to shove Japan into the modern age with the Meiji Restoration of 1868. | |
20 | 叙利亚北部的起义在不到六周前就已经奄奄一息,这些武器的流入给它注入了新的活力。 | The influx of weapons has reinvigorated the insurrection in northern Syria, which less than six weeks ago was on the verge of being crushed. | |
21 | 叙利亚的抗议在持续进行,当局指责日益高涨的暴力是“武装叛乱”的极端伊斯兰主义。 | Protests continued in Syria, where the authorities blamed the rising violence on an "armed insurrection " by extreme Islamists. | |
22 | 拥立国王的人,不会甘愿俯首称臣,因此“谋反”只是一个时间问题。 | Kingmakers do not take kindly to becoming mere courtiers, so insurrection is only a matter of time. | |
23 | 由于处于动乱时期,孩子穿一身国民自卫军的服装;而父亲仍是有产者的打扮,而这是为了谨慎。 | The child was dressed as a National Guardsman, owing to the insurrection , and the father had remained clad as a bourgeois out of prudence. | |
24 | 在“叛乱罪”与“叛国罪”的构成设计上,两国刑法规定也是各有所长。 | Each of the two countries’ criminal laws has their own strong points in stipulating "crime of insurrection " and "crime of treason" . | |
25 | 这之后,这座爱尔兰都城经历了暴动,内战和疯狂的房地产开发。 | Since then the Irish capital has seen insurrection , civil war and voracious property development. | |
26 | 这种指责并不是毫无根据,辛亥革命之后中国的确陷入了社会动荡和军阀混战之中。 | Such accusations have some merit. China did indeed slide into disarray, warlordism and insurrection after 1911. | |
27 | 政府容不得一丝有谋反嫌疑的行为。 | The slightest hint of insurrection would not be tolerated by the government. |