1 | (2)为用户提供下载选择,(3)生成计费记录,一旦下载完毕或者成功下载,该记录可以同运营商的现有计费系统集成在一起。 | (2)offering them the choice to download, and (3)creating a billing record that integrates with the operator′s existing billing system once the download is complete and successful. | |
2 | “动感有形,生活有方”的人车主张,使景程车主热爱生活、关爱家庭的成熟形象与爱车的内涵有机融合。 | The emphasis on “powerful image, organized life” for both vehicle and owner effectively integrates the mature image of an Epica owner with passion for life, care for family and love for vehicle. | |
3 | GS430在所有LEXUS雷克萨斯车型中率先应用了汽车动态综合管理系统(VDIM),这一全新的汽车运行控制概念,综合了制动控制系统、动力控制系统和转向控制系统。 | GS430 will be the first Lexus model to equip with the VDIM (Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management), a new vehicle motion control concept that integrates brake control, driving force control and steering control. | |
4 | VDIM不同于传统的防抱死制动系统(ABS),这一全新概念整合了上述多种功能,增强了行驶、过弯以及制动的性能,即使在恶劣的驾驶环境下,也能使车辆在您的掌控之中。 | Unlike the independent control of conventional ABS (Anti-lock Braking System),this all new concept integrates all these functions to execute steering control for enhanced running, turning and stopping performances in adverse driving condition. | |
5 | VDIM整合了全新的电子控制制动系统(ECB)、电动转向系统(EPS)、防抱死制动系统(ABS)、制动力辅助系统(BA)以及等多项功能。 | VDIM is an all-new system that integrates and manages a new Electronically Controlled Brake system (ECB), Electric Power Steering (EPS), ABS, Brake Assist (BA), and engine output via the electronically controlled throttle. | |
6 | VSC 系统整合牵引力控制系统(TRC),在光滑路面上行驶时,有助于限制后轮打滑。 | The VSC system integrates traction control (TRC)to help limit rear wheel spin on slippery road surfaces. | |
7 | 把微观经济放活和宏观经济控制有机地结合起来的目标模式 | model that integrates in an organic manner microeconomic invigoration with macroeconomic control | |
8 | 本公司新开发的会计电算化软件集时间和效益于一身,汇科技和方便于一体。 | The accounting software developed by our company combines time with efficiency, and integrates science and technology with convenience. | |
9 | 比如可以是一个将这些工具集成进自己应用程序的财务软件公司或 CRM 供应商。 | An example could be an accounting software company that integrates the tools into their application, or a CRM provider that integrates the tools into application. | |
10 | 采取″引进来″与″走出去″相结合、投资与贸易相结合、 | integrates the strategy of ″attracting Foreign Investment″ with ″going Global″ and deals with investment and trade together. | |
11 | 此外, DVD语音导航系统还结合了先进的蓝牙功能,非常人性方便。 | The optional Lexus Navigation System now integrates bluetooth wireless technology. | |
12 | 大商城集美国和加拿大商城的最优秀设计于一体。 | The great mall integrates the finest from the great malls of the USA and Canada. | |
13 | 单个文件网页(MHTML):以 MHTML 格式保存的 HTML 文档,其中集成有嵌入式图片、Java 小程序、链接文档以及文档中所引用的其他支持项目。 | Single File Web Page (MHTML): An HTML document saved in MHTML format, which integrates inline graphics, applets, linked documents, and other supporting items referenced in the document. | |
14 | 第三方开发者 是将 UPS 在线工具集成进产品或应用程序并直接或间接进行公开销售的应用程序服务供应商(ASP)、软件开发商或独立软件供应商(ISV)。 | A third party developer is an Application Service Provider (ASP), software developer or Independent Software Vendor (ISV)that integrates the UPS OnLine Tools into a product or application that is sold directly or indirectly to the public. | |
15 | 第十七条公路养护实行专业养护与民工建勤养护相结合的制度。 | Article 17 Highway maintenance is performed under the system which integrates professional maintenance with maintenance performed by civilian workers. | |
16 | 该理论是他研究结果的综合。 | The theory integrates his research findings. | |
17 | 关于类风湿性关节炎中医病证模型的思考 | On RA Experimental Model Integrates Disease and Syndrome | |
18 | 和B结合起来。 | A integrates with B. A | |
19 | 集设计和经济技术分析为一体,采用人机交互方式完成污水处理工程 | Integrates the design and the technique economy analysis, and completes the design for wastewater treatment engineering through the talk between technician and computer. | |
20 | 计算机程序设计中的一门学科,广义指包含程序设计各个方面,从编写程序直到保证符合预算经费,以便用最小的成本生产出最有效的软件。 | In computer programming, a broadly defined discipline that integrates the various aspects of programming, from writing code to ensuring that budgets are met, in order to produce effective and cost effective software | |
21 | 坚持党在农村的基本政策,长期稳定并不断完善以家庭承包经营为基础、统分结合的双层经营体制。 | We must adhere to the basic rural policies of the Party and keep stabilizing and improving the two-tier management system that integrates unified with separate management on the basis of household contract management. | |
22 | 将包括导航系统、音响系统、免提蓝牙功能、空调系统等多种控制系统整合在一起. | Integrates easy operation of several control systems, including the navigation system, audio system, hands-free bluetooth function, air-conditioning monitor and so on. | |
23 | 尽管 这是一款 小型车,雪佛兰 Aveo 轿车却融汇了诸多高档三厢轿车的设计精髓,并以此为基础进行了全新的设计开发 | Although it is just a small vehicle, the Aveo integrates components from a variety of higher-level triple-compartment vehicles that have been designed and developed accordingly. | |
24 | 贸工农一体化产业体系 | industrial system which integrates agriculture with trade and industry | |
25 | 民主集中制是民主基础上的集中和集中指导下的民主相结合的制度。 | Democratic centralism is a system that integrates centralism on the basis of democracy with democracy under centralized guidance. | |
26 | 民主集中制是民主基础上的集中和集中指导下的民主相结合的制度。党内民主是党的生命,对人民民主具有重要的示范和带动作用。 | Democratic centralism is a system that integrates centralism on the basis of democracy with democracy under centralized guidance. Inner-Party democracy is the life of the Party and plays an important exemplary and leading role in people′s democracy. | |
27 | 平安信托投资公司依法参股并持有平安证券公司30%的股权,形成了以保险为主,金融证券、信托、投资和海外业务为一体的紧密、高效的集团控股经营架构。 | Ping An Trust and Investment Company holds a 30% equity interest in Ping An Securities Company. Our reorganization has created an efficient holding company structure that integrates our primary business of insurance with trust and securities services and our overseas operations. | |
28 | 他把这种知识和这种类型的文化结合在一起。 | He integrates this knowledge with the pattern of culture | |
29 | 伟志的做法非常符合我们规则1的哲学原理,该规则将孔子的思想遗产和中国文化的法家传统结合起来。 | The profile of Weizhi fits well into the philosophy of our first rule, which integrates the Confucian legacy with the Legalist tradition of Chinese culture. | |
30 | 我公司是融科工贸于一体的跨地区、跨行业、跨所有制的(集团)公司 | Our company is a cross-regional, cross-trade and cross ownership (group)corporation which integrates scientific research, manufacturing and trading efforts |