1 | (2)董事或拟任董事不会因担任董事职位,而不能从事以下行为: | A director or intending director is not disqualified by the office of director from contracting with the company— | |
2 | skulk(about,round)指含怒或含罪恶目的窥伺可乘之机 | Skulk(about,around,etc)refers to someone angrily or guiltily waiting out of sight,possibly intending to do something bad | |
3 | XX先生将于9月21日上午到达,预备10月2日傍晚离开。 | Mr. XX will arrive on the morning of the 21st September, and is intending to leave in the late afternoon on the 2nd ,October. | |
4 | 伯爵从不玩牌,他只喝清水,里面加一点白葡萄酒,他很有钱,要不是存心想嘲弄我,是决不会向我借钱的。 | The count never plays, he only drinks pure water tinged with a little sherry, and is so rich that he cannot, without intending to laugh at me, try to borrow money | |
5 | 但是她们既不说话,也不开门。这长着灰毛的家伙围着房子转了两三圈,最后跳上屋顶,打算等小红帽在傍晚回家时偷偷跟在她的后面,趁天黑把她吃掉。 | But they did not speak, or open the door, so the grey-beard stole twice or thrice round the house, and at last jumped on the roof, intending to wait until red-cap went home in the evening, and then to steal after her and devour her in the darkness. | |
6 | 第四十七条税务机关将扣押、查封的商品、货物或者其他财产变价抵缴税款时,应当交由依法成立的拍卖机构拍卖或者交由商业企业按市场价格收购。国家禁止自由买卖的物品,应当交由有关单位按照国家规定的价格收购。 | Article 47. If intending to offset the proceeds of confiscated commodities, goods and materials or other property against payable taxes, the taxation authority shall engage an auction organisation established pursuant to the law to auction the goods or organise a commercial enterprise to buy the goods at market prices. If free trading in the said goods is prohibited by the State, the relevant units shall be engaged to purchase the goods at State listed prices. | |
7 | 她奔出卧室,想去关上外面的门,但走到楼梯口她停住了。 | She rushed out of the bedroom, intending to go and bang on the outhouse door, but at the head of the stairs she paused | |
8 | 她说她要永远离开这个国家. | She says that she’s leaving the country for good,ie intending never to return to it. | |
9 | 浏览橱窗(通常指无意购物者) | Window-shopping (usu without intending to buy anything) | |
10 | 六点钟是五个钟头以前,那时候鸿渐在回家的路上走,蓄心要待柔嘉好,劝他别再为昨天的事弄得夫妇不欢 | It was six o’clock five hours ago.At that time Hung-chien was on his way home, intending to treat Jou-chia nicely and request her not to stir up any more unpleasantness between them over the incident of the day before | |
11 | 那个陌生人走近话筒,显然想发言 | The stranger approached the microphone,evidently intending to speak. | |
12 | 你是想让我们陷入困境吗? | Are you intending to get us into trouble? | |
13 | 企业、事业单位和个体工商业者,对其生产、制造、加工、拣选或者经销的商品,需要取得商标专用权的,应当向商标局申请商品商标注册。 | Any enterprise, institution, or individual producer or trader, intending to acquire the exclusive right to use a trademark for the goods produced, manufactured, processed, selected or marketed by it or him, shall file an application for the registration of the goods trademark with the Trademark Office. | |
14 | 企业、事业单位和个体工商业者,对其提供的服务项目,需要取得商标专用权的,应当向商标局申请服务商标注册。 | Any enterprise, institution, or individual producer or trader, intending to acquire the exclusive right to use a service mark for the services provided by it or him, shall file an application for the registration of the service mark with the Trademark Office. | |
15 | 如果那个姑娘打算同约翰结婚,约翰的母亲就要加以阻挠。 | If the girl is intending to many John,his mother will put a spanner in the works. | |
16 | 如果时间许可,打算宣告合同无效的一方当事人必须向另一方当事人发出合理的通知,使他可以对履行义务提供充分保证。 | If time allows, the party intending to declare the contract avoided must give reasonable notice to the other party in order to permit him to provide adequate assurance of his performance. | |
17 | 虽然为了稳定运价、必进收益,中外船公司最近在上海召开会议,意欲上调上海至日本航线运价 | Although Chinese and foreign shipping companies recently held a meeting in Shanghai intending to stabilize the freight rates on the shipping line to Japan | |
18 | 他付了她要的租金,把那辆小车留在车匠家里,让他去修,约定回头再来取,把那匹白马套在车上,上了车,又走上他已走了一早晨的那条路。 | He paid what was asked, left the tilbury with the wheelwright to be repaired, intending to reclaim it on his return, had the white horse put to the cart, climbed into it, and resumed the road which he had been travelling since morning | |
19 | 他们公司的董事长每次许诺必然会遵守诺言。 | The president of their company never makes a promise without intending to keep it. | |
20 | 偷渡前往美国或其它地方的内地人士随时会赔上性命。 | These people intending to smuggle themselves to the United States or elsewhere could be risking their lives. | |
21 | 托福成绩对前往英语国家留学的人来说非常重要 | TOEFL scores are important for students intending to study in English-speaking countries | |
22 | 外国人或者外国企业在中国申请商标注册的,应当按其所属国和中华人民共和国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约办理,或者按对等原则办理。 | Any foreigner or foreign enterprise intending to apply for the registration of a trademark in China shall file an application in accordance with any agreement concluded between the People’s Republic of China and the country to which the applicant belongs, or according to the international treaty to which both countries are parties, or on the basis of the principle of reciprocity. | |
23 | 外国人或者外国企业在中国申请商标注册和办理其他商标事宜的,应当委托国家指定的组织代理。 | Any foreigner or foreign enterprise intending to apply for the registration of a trademark or for any other matters concerning a trademark in China shall entrust any of such organizations as designated by the State to act as his or its agent. | |
24 | 外商投资从事风险勘探,经外经贸部批准,到工商行政管理机关依法登记注册,向国土资源部申请探矿权。 | Foreign investors intending to invest in risk prospecting shall apply for the prospecting right to the molar after receiving approval by the MOFTEC and having registered with the industrial and commercial administration in accordance with the law | |
25 | 为了帮助他摆脱致命的电流妻子用门后的唾手可得的一块厚木板重击丈夫,将丈夫的手臂劈成两半。 | Intending to jolt him away from the deadly current she whacked him with a handy plank of wood by the back door, breaking his arm in two places | |
26 | 未经准许而拿走(某物)(但无偷盗之意) | Take (sth)without permission but without intending to steal | |
27 | 想让您的头发光滑、自然、蓬松吗?请选用经化妆专家精选鉴定的营养洗发精。 | Intending to make your hair smooth, natural and puffy? Do try nutritious shampoo carefully chosen and authenticated by make-up experts. | |
28 | 因此,考虑到双方的保证,以及为了其他在此承认已收到的有益且有价值的考虑,双方同意如下条款,并受其法律约束 | Now Therefore, in consideration of their mutual promises made herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by each party, the parties, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows | |
29 | 因此任何学生在美国短时期居留(例如一两年)通常被列为是非居民,打算居留时间长的,可能被视为居民。 | Thus, any student in the United States for a short period of time (such as a year or two)would normally be considered a nonresident, while one intending to stay for a long period may be treated as a resident | |
30 | 这枚“形如龙,势如飞”的古柏纪念邮票,被集邮者竞相珍藏。 | A commemorative stamp issued by China’s postal service that represents this ancient cypress, shaped like a dragon intending to fly, is one much sought after among philatelists |