属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-萁与豆 Shock and oar
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-贫困、犯罪与教育 贫民窟的悖论
1 | 吹火使热度加强. | Blowing on a fire intensifies the heat. | |
2 | 藉由全效的行销推广策略,贯彻品牌主张,以新的广告创意与高品质表现,清楚传递核心沟通价值、提醒并强化品牌印象。另外,为抓住e化的脚步及开拓新市场产品,也积极导入创新的行销模式。 | In addition, it conveys value and intensifies the brand image. In order to keep abreast of the e-transformation progress and to launch products into the new markets, we have been aggressively exploiting the innovative marketing system. | |
3 | 可是如果说本书对另一个美国作了某些阐明的话,那便是,这种被遗弃感正是悲观主义的根源,而失败主义又转而加重了被遗弃的处境。 | Yet if this book indicates anything about the other America, it is that this sense of exclusion is the source of a pessimism, a defeatism that intensifies the exclusion | |
4 | 强化恐惧和欲望是无知的表现,这就是为什么很多有钱人常常会担惊受怕。 | What intensifies fear and desire is ignorance. That is why rich people with lots of money often have more fear the richer they get. | |
5 | 虽然它不是有毒气体,然而,科学家指出它可以增强温室效应,从而使地球大气的温度上升,这将对自然界造成严重危害。 | Although it′s not a poisonous gas, scientists believe that such it intensifies the green house effect and contributes to the rising temperature of the earth′s atmosphere?– with far reaching consequences for the natural world. | |
6 | 欣逢喜事,与朋友分享其乐,喜上加喜。美国思想家爱默生 | When something sensational happens to us, sharing the happiness of the occasion with friends intensifies our joy.--Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker | |
7 | 支气管管壁纤维退化,导致支气管扩张或麻痹,妨碍分泌物的排出,停滞在支气管中,炎症扩大并加重。 | Bronchial wall fibres degenerate, and bronchi become dilated or paralyzed, preventing removal of secretions, which stagnate. Infection spreads and intensifies . | |
8 | ||1:《水上血战》从众多体育回忆录中脱颖而出,归功于两位作者坦然描述自准备阶段到赛事白热化的兄弟情谊。||2:小三岁的大卫毫无顾忌地述说赶上高水平詹姆斯的奋斗史,情感或爱慕有加,或嫉恨如狂。||3:詹姆斯极惧失败,生怕被弟弟在他为之奋斗的事业上击败,这念头搞得他心力憔悴。||4:赛事临近,两兄弟在家里厨房相对而坐一起吃饭,闲聊不再,日渐寡言,手足之情让位给敌我戒备。 | ||1:“Blood Over Water” stands out from the mass of sporting memoirs thanks to the authors’ open portrayal of their relationship as the build-up to the race intensifies .||2:David, the younger by three years, speaks unashamedly of his struggle to keep up with the high-achieving James, his emotions swinging from pride and love to envy and hate.||3:James dreads failure and is consumed by the fear that his kid brother might beat him at his chosen endeavour.||4:As race day approaches the two opposing camps eat meals at opposite ends of the family kitchen, communication is reduced to curt nods, and the feeling of brotherhood is replaced by one of hostility. | |
9 | ||1:并且有新的证据表明这个观点是错误的。||2:美国杜克大学的研究者追踪了研究英格兰和威尔士超过1600名儿童,从5岁一直观察到12岁。||3:他们发现穷人家的男孩如果生活在生活裕如的邻居边上,很容易进行反社会行为,从说谎、辱骂这样的小过失到诸如打架、偷窃商品和恣意毁坏公共物品的行为。其行为评定的依据是根据常用的问题行为判断标准。||4:这些孩子的行为不端问题起源很早,而在他们长大之后这些问题出现频繁。||5:生活在周遭最贫困环境的男孩最不可能陷入麻烦。||6:对于富家子弟,结论是反过来的:生活在贫穷区域的那些更容易行为不端。 | ||1:And there is new evidence to suggest it is wrong.||2:Researchers at Duke University in America followed over 1,600 children from age five to age 12 in England and Wales.||3:They found that poor boys living in largely well-to-do neighbourhoods were the most likely to engage in anti-social behaviour, from lying and swearing to such petty misdemeanours as fighting, shoplifting and vandalism, according to a commonly used measure of problem behaviour.||4:Misbehaviour starts very young (see chart 1) and intensifies as they grow older.||5:Poor boys in the poorest neighbourhoods were the least likely to run into trouble.||6:For rich kids, the opposite is true: those living in poor areas are more likely to misbehave. | |
10 | ||1:然而,由于中国货币系统设计的因素,导致了上述方法的作用十分有限。||2:即便外国人在贸易过程中接受人民币也改变不了宏观现实,并且他们会因此产生对此种清算方式的厌恶情绪。||3:目前,有人预测人民币将进行大刀阔斧的激进改革,而这引起的波澜将如同北京新一轮的经济改革所引起的争论一样。||4:但前央行货币委员会委员(顾问)余永定预计,稳健依旧会是中国政府的主要方针。||5:他表示中国政府会缓慢降低资本管制的标准,而不是一蹴而就地开放资本市场。||6:诚然,这样的做法更有利于中国经济的稳定性。||7:与此同时,这也意味着人民币热潮所鼓吹的愿景,很可能将与现实渐行渐远。 | ||1:Yet this approach can go only so far, because of the design of the Chinese system.||2:Foreigners paid in yuan cannot do much with the currency and thus look askance at it.||3:China could change this at a stroke by flinging open its capital account.||4:There is speculation that it might do just that as debate about financial reform intensifies in Beijing.||5:But Yu Yongding, a former adviser to the central bank, predicts that caution will prevail, with the government slowly lowering its wall of capital controls rather than demolishing it.||6:That would be far better for China’s financial stability.||7:But it also means that the chasm between the hype about the yuan and the mundane reality is likely to widen. | |
11 | ||1:业界信心普遍下降,企业人士不久也会卷入其中。||2:因为银行和金融市场限制所有贷款,只保留最安全的那部分,因而工厂也意识到不能再依赖信用额度了。||3:有消息称工厂推迟其购买,削减部分发行股票,用现钞保值。||4:由于欧元区危机加重,以及一些不确定性和不安因素,企业会越发频繁对像资本项目和广告这类选择性的花销进行削减。 | ||1:Businesses will soon be caught up in this spiral of ever-diminishing confidence.||2:Firms know that credit lines cannot be relied upon when banks and financial markets shun all but the safest investments.||3:There are already reports that firms are postponing purchases and trimming their stocks of supplies to conserve cash.||4:Cuts to discretionary spending, such as capital projects or advertising, will become more common as the euro crisis intensifies and uncertainty and anxiety increase. | |
12 | “但从长远来看,由于竞争加剧和市场渗透率的上升,我们不可能一直保持如此高的利润率。” | "But in the long term, as competition intensifies and penetration rate rises, it won’t be possible for us to keep such a high margin. " | |
13 | ComPeer还预测,未来几年,利润率将会压缩,原因是竞争加剧,而且新客户会在各家公司中进行挑选。 | ComPeer also predicts a squeeze on profit margins in coming years as competition intensifies and new clients shop around. | |
14 | Ebay面临的真正挑战,是在在线零售竞争加剧之际,重新激发消费者对其核心在线市场的兴趣。 | Ebay’s real challenge is to spark renewed consumer interest in its core online marketplace as online retail competition intensifies . | |
16 | 不同强度急性疲劳运动对大鼠心肌线粒体电子传递链酶复合体活性的影响 | Effects of Acute Exercise with Different Intensifies on the Activities of Respiratory Chain Complexes in Mitochondria in Rats Myocardium | |
17 | 不锈钢条镶嵌设计,刚性质感、与生俱来。 | Stainless steel embedded design naturally intensifies its rigidity and excellent texture. | |
18 | 城市建筑外表面吸热对“城市热岛”具有明显的增益效果。 | The exterior surface of urban buildings obviously intensifies "urban heat island effect" because of its solar radiation absorption. | |
19 | 代糖市场争锋加剧 | The battle to replace sugar intensifies | |
20 | 但是穷人却是因气候变化产生的洪灾,干旱,台风等等最大受害者。 | But it is the poor who are most vulnerable to the floods, droughts and cyclones that climate change intensifies . | |
21 | 迪士尼有意在上海建造一家主题公园,这一因素也令它在香港面临更大压力。 | A factor which intensifies the pressure on Disney is that the company intends to build a park in Shanghai. | |
22 | 第二,奖励机制会加剧(师生)力量的不平衡关系,从而拉大了师生之间的距离。 | The rewards system intensifies the imbalance of power, and thus increases the distance between teachers and students. | |
23 | 浮雕式边角设计,彰显尊容华贵。 | Bossed corner design brilliantly intensifies its features and luxurious appearance. | |
24 | 另一方面,金融信息化加剧了金融风险的产生。 | On the other hand, financial informatization intensifies the financial risk. | |
25 | 路透社特别报道:中国经济增长,加剧劳动力争夺战 | Special Report: As China grows, contest intensifies for labor | Reuters Special Report: As China grows, contest intensifies for labor | |
26 | 起点和终点之间的雾化效果呈线性方式增强。 | Fog effect intensifies in a linear manner between the start and end points. | |
27 | 前轮自激振动的摆振的振幅突变加剧前轮轮胎的偏磨及磨损。 | The amplitude jump of self-excited vibration further intensifies the uneven wear of front wheel tyres. | |
28 | 浅谈在铸铁熔炼的绿色集约化生产中冲天炉的改造 | Preliminary Design About Cupola Reforming in Green Intensifies Cast Iron Smelting | |
29 | 浅析强化边界的高容积率居住空间 | Analysis of High Density Residence Which Intensifies Boundaries | |
30 | 强调了事先通知这一意义: | Forewarn intensifies the sense of advance notice: Forewarn |