属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-足球 竞技精彩 交易龌蹉
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 欧洲中央银行将停发500欧元大钞 意大利大众
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-泰姬陵酒店和Orient-Express酒店 迷途羔羊
1 | ||1:那群家伙聚在一起相互吼叫一点用都没有,除非能在伦敦金属交易所(LME)的“擂台”上互殴一顿。||2:LME老式的公开叫价贸易系统对全球工业金属价格有着深远的影响,但是现在LME已沦为竞购的对象。||3:在这周的截止日期之前(5月7日),只有香港交易所公开表示会对这个世界领先的金属交易所提出报价,但芝加哥商业交易所、洲际交易所和纽约泛欧交易所的染指也诸见报端。 | ||1:The sight of a pack of adults shouting at each other is rarely edifying.||2:Unless, that is, the set-to is in the “ring” of the London Metal Exchange (LME), whose old-fashioned system of open-outcry trading does much to set global prices for industrial metals and which is now itself the subject of a bidding battle.||3:Only Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing had publicly said that it would submit an offer for the world’s leading metals exchange by this week’s deadline of May 7th, but CME Group, InterContinental Exchange and NYSE Euronext are also widely reported to be in the frame. | |
2 | ||1:遗憾的是,球迷们都是浪漫的国际主义者,而不是理性的经济学家,所以我们的建议比不过英国人的。||2:赛事轮换举办可以是走向理智的一小步,比如可以按照从欧洲到非洲到亚洲再到美洲的顺序进行,这样至少可以阻止洲内腐败。||3:但是如果国际足联苏黎世总部没有改变的话,所有这些设想都不会付诸实践。 | ||1:Sadly, soccer fans are romantic nationalists, not logical economists—so our proposal stands less chance of winning than England does.||2:One small step towards sanity would be formally to rotate the tournament, so it went, say, from Europe to Africa to Asia to the Americas, which would at least stop intercontinental corruption.||3:But very little of this will happen without change at the top in Zurich. | |
3 | 并且如果一个企业运营的酒店数目越多,它就越能说服旅行者们绕过第三方,直接登录酒店官网预订房间,例如希尔顿,洲际酒店等酒店就是如此。 | And the more hotels a firm manages, the more credibly it can urge travellers to bypass third parties and look for rooms on its own site, as Hilton, InterContinental Hotels and others are doing. | |
4 | ||纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange)母公司洲际交易所(Intercontinental Exchange)决定不向伦敦证券交易所(London Stock Exchange)报价,并同意同德国证券交易所(Deutsche Borse)进行合并。||3月,洲际交易所宣布正在考虑是否报价伦敦交易所,随后表示伦敦证券交易所的表现“令人失望”。 | ||Intercontinental Exchange, which runs the New York Stock Exchange, decided not to bid for the London Stock Exchange, which has already agreed to a merger with Deutsche Borse.|| In March ICE announced that it was considering whether to make a rival offer; it says the London exchange displayed a “disappointing level of engagement”. | |
5 | 像Starwood和InterContinental这样的全球酒店运营商的经营就远远好于它们。 | Global hoteliers such as Starwood and InterContinental have performed far better. | |
6 | 12月中旬这场由美国商会组织的会议在雅典的洲际酒店举行。 | The venue for the mid-December conference, which was hosted by the US Chamber of Commerce, was the Hotel InterContinental in Athens. | |
7 | InterContinental的LeslieMcGibbon表示,虽然经济不景气,但他的公司每天仍然会签订两个新的合同。 | Leslie McGibbon of InterContinental says his firm is still signing up new hotels at a rate of two a day, despite the downturn. | |
8 | TanDEM-X是在哈萨克斯坦拜科努尔发射场搭载经过改装的洲际弹道导弹进入太空的。 | TanDEM-X was carried into space atop a converted intercontinental ballistic missile from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. | |
9 | 按照洲际最高标准迎接客人。 | I want to maintain InterContinental Hotel high standards by addressing guests correctly. | |
10 | 朝鲜的洲际弹道导弹也是同样情况,今年7月,这种导弹在发射后不久失败。 | The same applied to the intercontinental ballistic missile that failed shortly after it was launched in July. | |
11 | 从六月份起,洲际酒店集团(IHG)开始测试把智能手机作为房间钥匙。 | Starting in June, the Intercontinental Hotel Group is testing out the use of smartphones as room keys. | |
12 | 大陆航空公司.我能为您服务吗? | R: Intercontinental Airlines. May I help you? | |
13 | 丹东皇冠假日酒店(洲际酒店集团) | Crown Plaza Dandong (Intercontinental hotel group) | |
14 | 德国汉莎将是首个得到洲际747-8的航空公司。 | Lufthansa is scheduled to be the first to take delivery of the Intercontinental . | |
15 | 高级标准双人房,成都银河王朝大酒店预订 | Superior Standard Twin Room Chengdu Yinhe Dynasty Intercontinental Hotel Reservation | |
16 | 广州机场到佛山保利洲际酒店路线图 | From Guangzhou Airport to InterContinental Foshan | |
17 | 据美国国防部周二披露,美国2006年误将洲际弹道导弹引信运到台湾。 | The Pentagon revealed on Tuesday that the US had mistakenly sent electrical fuses for intercontinental ballistic missiles to Taiwan in 2006. | |
18 | 考虑到洲际邮件的不稳定性,阿克洛夫很有可能比斯蒂格利茨的衬衫提早到达美国。 | Given the vagaries of intercontinental mail, it’s possible that Akerlof made it back to the States before Stiglitz’s shirts did. | |
19 | 上海松江皇冠假日酒店(洲际酒店集团) | Crown Plaza Songjiang (Intercontinental hotel group) | |
20 | 深圳到佛山保利洲际酒店路线图 | From Shenzhen to InterContinental Foshan | |
21 | 他辞去了洲际酒店集团(InterContinentalHotelsGroup)高级董事的职务,因为此前有人发现他并不拥有自己声称拥有的学位。 | He resigned as a senior director of Intercontinental Hotels Group after it turned out he didn’t have the degrees he claimed to have. | |
22 | 他的解决之道是成为一名洲际通勤者,每在印度工作6周之后,就飞回格拉斯哥家中休假两周。 | His solution was to become an intercontinental commuter, working six-week stints in India followed by two-week breaks back home in Glasgow. | |
23 | 他认为可以在接下来的五年内,通过现有的洲际射电望远镜网络,测量黑洞的自旋。 | He thinks it may be possible to measure the spin using an intercontinental network of existing radio telescopes over the next five years. | |
24 | 通过这个模型,研究者也发现细菌在不同大陆间的转移相对比较少发生。 | The researchers also saw patterns indicating that intercontinental travel of the strain is a relatively rare event. | |
25 | 为此朝鲜官员29日表示,如果联合国不就此道歉,朝鲜将采取自卫措施,包括进行核试验和试射洲际弹道导弹。 | The measures will include nuclear tests and test-firings of intercontinental ballistic missiles, the report quoted an official as saying. | |
26 | 未来将是纽约、位于伦敦的欧洲中心以及亚洲各个中心之间的洲际竞争。 | The future is an intercontinental struggle between New York, a European hub in London, and centres in Asia. | |
27 | 我们即将抵达的深圳华侨城洲际大酒店,是国内首家以白金五星级标准建造的西班牙风情主题酒店。 | We are approaching OCT Intercontinental Hotel Shenzhen, it is the first platinum five-star constructed Spanish style hotel. | |
28 | 下午打印出第二天的人员到达报告,检查所有的重要客人及随同人员房间,洲际俱乐部客人名单 | Print next day arrival report in the afternoon and check all VIP, Suite room and Club InterContinental guest names. | |
29 | 像万豪一样,洲际酒店集团(InterContinentalHotelsGroup)现在也已打入中国市场。 | InterContinental Hotels Group has made inroads into the China market, as has Marriott. | |
30 | 由于未能打破外资控股壁垒,这意味着失去了航空公司洲际合并的可能性。 | The failure to scrap barriers to foreign ownership has meant there are no intercontinental mergers. |