1 | (六)由于法定职责而参与证券交易的社会中介机构或者证券登记结算机构、证券交易服务机构的有关人员; | (6)Personnel of intermediary organs, organs of securities registration and settlement, and organs providing security exchange services, who take part in securities trading because of their official responsibilities; | |
2 | (三)行业组织或者中介机构能够自律管理的; | (3)Those may be subject to the self-discipline management of the trade organizations or intermediary institutions; | |
3 | 19世纪中后期江西对外贸易对城乡社会经济的影响 | The Influence of Jiangxi Foreign Trade on Urban and Rural Society and Economy in the Intermediary and Later Stage of the 19th Century | |
4 | BAB:电子商务中介型B2B发展的新方向 | BAB: The New Development Direction of Intermediary B2B Belonging to E-commerce | |
5 | 保险人与保险中介协同竞争的博弈均衡分析 | Game Equilibrium Research on Competition between the Insurer and Insurance Intermediary | |
6 | 必要时,可以对保险公司进行现场检查或者委托专业中介机构进行现场检查。 | When necessary, they may conduct site inspection of an insurance company or entrust a specialized intermediary institution to do so. | |
7 | 不希望通过仲裁解决。 | Negotiation through intermediary undesirous. | |
8 | 除非储蓄和投资以实物进行,否则必须有金融媒介把储蓄者和投资者联系起来。 | Unless saving and investment are done in kind, a financial intermediary must link saver and investor | |
9 | 创造性回应的中介-论玄学、佛学思维方式对《文心雕龙》的影响 | Intermediary of the Creative Echo-On the Influence of the Metaphysical and Buddhist Thinking Modes upon Wen Xin Diao Long | |
10 | 此外,公司还开发出了中介公司核心业务系统、文档管理系统、联机分析报表生成系统等一系列产品,形成了具有自主知识产权的核心技术体系。 | In addition, we have developed a series of software including intermediary core business system, filing management system, online report creating system, among other systems, to form a core technology system with independent intellectual property rights. | |
11 | 从经济到道德的中介机制―论市场经济条件下的道德建设 | The Intermediary Mechanism from Economy to Morality-On Moral Construction under Market Economy | |
12 | 从事出入境服务的中介机构 | intermediary agencies in border entrance and exit services | |
13 | 单据和托收指示可以由托收行直接或者通过另一银行作为中间银行寄送给代收行。 | The documents and collection instruction may be sent directly by the remitting bank to the collecting bank or through another bank as intermediary . | |
14 | 邓小平辩证同一论的“中介”思想探析 | Inquiry into and Analysis of the ’Intermediary ’ Thought of Deng Xiaoping’s Dialectical Unity Theory | |
15 | 第七十七条证券交易所、证券公司、证券登记结算机构、证券交易服务机构、社会中介机构及其从业人员对证券交易中发现的禁止的交易行为,应当及时向证券监督管理机构报告。 | Article 77. Securities exchanges, securities companies, organs for securities registration and account settlement, and organs providing security trading services, intermediary organs and their workers must promptly report to securities regulatory organs any trading activity banned in securities trading. | |
16 | 第三,按照市场经济的规律和要求,帮助对外经济合作的中介机构准确定位,完善功能。 | Third, in line with the market economic rules and requirements, we will help intermediary agencies in foreign economic cooperation to precisely position themselves and improve their function. | |
17 | 第三十九条 外国合作者作为投资进口的机器设备、零部件和其他物料以及合作企业用投资总额内的资金进口生产、经营所需的机器设备、零部件和其他物料,免征进口关税和进口环节的流转税。 | Article 39 Customs duty and import intermediary tax shall be exempted on the import of machinery, equipment, parts and other materials serving as the contribution of the foreign party, and machinery, equipment, parts and other materials for production and operation requirements with fund allocated from the total amount of investment of the venture. | |
18 | 第十二条 依法设立的为安全生产提供技术服务的中介机构,依照法律、行政法规和执业准则,接受生产经营单位的委托为其安全生产工作提供技术服务。 | Article 12 The intermediary institutions that are lawfully established for providing technological services in production safety accepts the entrustment of the production and business operation entities to provide technological services in production safety according to the provisions of laws, administrative regulations and code of conduct. | |
19 | 第十三条 招标代理机构是依法设立、从事招标代理业务并提供相关服务的社会中介组织。 | Article 13 A procuratorial agency is a social intermediary organization which is established according to law to engage in the procuratorial tender business and to provide related services. | |
20 | 第十五条 各类中介机构提供有偿服务收取费用,应当遵守本法的规定。法律另有规定的,按照有关规定执行。 | Article 15 In collecting fees for services rendered, all intermediary organizations should abide by the provisions of this law, except otherwise provided by other laws. | |
21 | 第一百二十三条 保险经纪人是基于投保人的利益,为投保人与保险人订立保险合同提供中介服务,并依法收取佣金的单位。 | Article 123 An insurance broker means an entity which, based on the interests of the applicant, provides intermediary services between the applicant and the insurer so that they enter into an insurance contract and receives a commission in accordance with laws. | |
22 | 第一百三十七条在证券交易中,代理客户买卖证券,从事中介业务的证券公司,为具有法人资格的证券经纪人。 | Article 137. A securities company that buys and sells securities on behalf of customers and operates as an intermediary shall be a securities brokerage with the credentials of a legal person. | |
23 | 调解充当调解人;调解 | To act as an intermediary ;mediate. | |
24 | 发展农村科技中介的对策 | Countermeasure for Developing Countryside Scientific and Technological Intermediary | |
25 | 风险投资中介的有效性分析 | An Analysis of the Efficiency of Risky Investment Intermediary | |
26 | 该结果中不包括在运输过程中从中间包裹扫描收集的包裹进度信息。 | Results do not include package progress information gathered from intermediary package scans whilst in transit. | |
27 | 各中介机构彻底脱钩 | Break/separate/sever ties with intermediary organs | |
28 | 各专门委员会可以聘请中介机构提供专业意见,有关费用由公司承担。 | Each specialized committee may engage intermediary institutions to provide professional opinions, the relevant expenses to be borne by the company. | |
29 | 给予植物抗虫性的物质包括无机物,初始、中间代谢物和次生物质。 | Substances conveying plant resistance to insects include inorganics, primary and intermediary metabolites and secondary substances | |
30 | 鼓励中国企业到境外从事贸易分销、银行、保险、证券、期货、基金管理、电讯信息、物流航运和中介服务,加强服务贸易领域的国际交流 | Chinese companies are encouraged to go abroad and engage themselves in trade, distribution, banking, insurance, securities, futures, fund management, telecommunication and information, logistics and shipping, and intermediary services. |