属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 5082-1999
1 | (三)未得到立法会主席同意,连续五次或间断十五次缺席会议而无合理解释; | (3)When he or she, with no valid reason, is absent from meetings for five consecutive times or for 15 times intermittently without the consent of the President of the Legislative Council; | |
2 | Ernie Els、Nick Faldo、Colin Montgomerie和张连伟等高尔夫球星陆续登台,与大家分享他们关于高尔夫和生活的故事。 | Intermittently , golf stars including Ernie Els, Nick Faldo, Colin Montgomerie, and Zhang Lianwei took the stage to share their stories about golf and life. | |
3 | 巴邻帝,巨港印度尼西亚的城市,位于苏门答腊岛东南部。在17和18世纪它是印度王国的权力中心,在1617年它成为荷兰的贸易港并且后来紧接着被英国占领。人口787, | A city of Indonesia on southeast Sumatra Island.Center of a powerful Hindu kingdom in the seventh and eighth centuries,it became a Dutch trading post in1617and was later occupied intermittently by the British.Population,787,187. | |
4 | 大型建筑的中央空调通常是由一个坐落在屋顶或机械楼层的主机和一些分隔开的操控空气的设备或扇叶组成,藉由输送管把空气送至大楼内各区。 | Central air-conditioning in a large building generally consists of a main plant located on the roof or mechanical floor and intermittently spaced air-handling units, or fans that deliver air through ducts to zones within the building. | |
5 | 该送经机构可以间歇工作,也可以连续工作。消极式和半积极式送经机构占了织机送经机构的大多数。 | The let-off may be activated intermittently or continuously. Together, negative and semi-positive let-off systems make up the majority of those found on looms. | |
6 | 干电池最好间歇使用。 | It is better for a dry battery to be used intermittently . | |
7 | 果园和森林交叉着延伸近200公里。 | The orchards and forests run intermittently for nearly 200km | |
8 | 还设计了另一种系统,它能够间歇地发送瞬间脉冲。 | Still another system is designed to send out transient pulses intermittently | |
9 | 间断拔钉对股骨颈骨折愈合的影响 | Research of the Effect of Drawing Out the Screws Intermittently on the Healing of Femoral Neck Fracture | |
10 | 间歇抽水条件下黄土降水的计算模型和参数 | Calculation Model and Parameters for Dewatering in Deep Loess Areas under Intermittently Pumping Condition | |
11 | 间歇接触聚氯乙烯屋顶的应用标准规程 | Standard Practice for the Application of Intermittently Attached Poly(Vinyl Chloride)Sheet Roofing | |
12 | 间歇泉间歇向空中喷水花和蒸汽柱的天然温泉 | A natural hot spring that intermittently ejects a column of water and steam into the air. | |
13 | 间歇性的精神病人在精神正常的时候违反治安管理的,应予处罚。 | An intermittently insane person who violates the administration of public security while in normal mental condition shall be punished. | |
14 | 她自己意志薄弱,贪慕姿色,常常渴望能在肉体上得到美的享受和舒畅。 | She herself was weak, sensual enough, to crave intermittently for the luxury and refreshment of physical beauty | |
15 | 精神错乱精神错乱,尤其是有清醒的时间间歇 | Insanity,especially insanity relieved intermittently by periods of clear-mindedness. | |
16 | 涓滴,细流陆续地或间断地出现、移动或缓慢、少量或不规则的数量的前进 | A slow,small,or irregular quantity that moves,proceeds,or occurs intermittently . | |
17 | 牛感染本病后,在自然条件下不定期排毒。 | After being infected with this disease, cattle intermittently excrete virus under natural conditions. | |
18 | 若有一些方向只能断斯续续地通视,这可能是唯一实用的方法。 | If stations are only intermittently visible it may be the only practicable system | |
19 | 术后有多条蛔虫随大便排出。2月2日胸部X线照片显示只在右上肺有一版状影,呼吸渐好转,间断给氧,2月10日停止吸氧。 | In the few days after operation, many ascaris worms passed out with the stool. On Feb.2, chest x-ray showed only a patch in the right upper lung. Since then, his respiration gradually approached normal, oxygen inhalation was used intermittently and totall | |
20 | 树脂周期地向下移动和移出床层。 | The resin moves intermittently down and out of the bed | |
21 | 睡得较浅,时睡时醒 | To sleep lightly and intermittently . | |
22 | --天主教自公元七世纪起几度传入中国,1840年鸦片战争后大规模传入。 | -Catholicism was introduced into China intermittently in the seventh century, but it had not spread widely until after the Opium War in 1840 | |
23 | 温斯顿哼哼卿卿地吵闹着要吃的,在屋子里到处翻箱倒罐,把东西东扯西拉,在墙上拳打足踢,闹得隔壁邻居敲墙头抗议,而小的那个却不断地号哭。 | Winston whined and grizzled, made futile demands for food, fretted about the room pulling everything out of place and kicking the wainscoting until the neighbours banged on the wall, while the younger child wailed intermittently | |
24 | 温斯顿只能断断续续地记得为什么这么痛。 | Winston could not intermittently remember why the pain was happening | |
25 | 我们称为“无产者”的那些略受优待的工人只是偶尔意识到有战争在进行。 | The slightly more favoured workers whom we call ’the proles’ are only intermittently conscious of the war | |
26 | 我们可以把全球性的气候分成两种类型,过去这两种气候轮替出现。 | We can distinguish two types of global climates which occurred intermittently in the past | |
27 | 西安是古丝绸之路的起点,也是中国历史上建都最多的城市之一。 | Xi’an, the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, was also a capital city intermittently for many dynasties in Chinese history | |
28 | 斜长岩组中的矿层仅断续出露。 | Seams in the anorthosite series are only intermittently exposed | |
29 | 一车车丑陋的黄脸开过去,温斯顿知道他们走得没个完,却只是时不时地瞟一眼。 | Truck-load after truck-load of the sad faces passed.Winston knew they were there but he saw them only intermittently | |
30 | 一名泰国外劳在二甲苯与沥青间断性使用后发生急性溶血性贫血合并骨髓再生不良危机与嗜酸性白血球增高病历报告 | Acute Hemolysis with Aplastic Crisis and Eosinophilia in a Thai Labor after Intermittently Using Xylene and Asphalt |