属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS DD ENV 12018-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN V ENV 12018-1997
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法国改革 出租车战争
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 卡塔尔退出OPEC 美议员断定沙特王储下令杀
1 | 一阵阵地,间歇地无规则的行动和静止的交换;间歇地 | With irregular intervals of action and inaction;intermittently . | |
2 | 一整天都会断断续续地下雨。 | It’ll rain intermittently all day. | |
3 | 医疗卫生使用断续连接装置识别、认可和公共门诊数据结构 | Identification, administrative, and common clinical data structure for intermittently connected devices used in healthcare (including machine readable cards) | |
4 | 在稍高一些的流速时,个别的颗粒沿着河床间歇地滚动和滑动。 | At some higher velocity individual grains will roll and slide intermittently along the bed | |
5 | 在医疗卫生业上用的断续连接装置(包括机读卡)的识别,管理以及其它医学数据的结构 | Identification, administrative, and common clinical data structure for intermittently connected devices used in healthcare (including machine readable cards); English version ENV 12018:1997 | |
6 | 整个上午都在下间断雨。 | It ’s been raining intermittently all morning. | |
7 | 正常来说,头皮表层细胞死去就会持续自然脱落,但是当头皮屑开始间歇性地脱落时,大多数人有时会觉得不快,因它们在脱落前会形成鳞片状组织,因而在片状掉落时会很醒目。 | It affects most people at some time, when the scalp, which normally sheds its dead outer skin cells continuously, starts to shed them intermittently , causing a scaly buildup before shedding and noticeable flakes of skin when shedding occurs. | |
8 | 至少是自那时起,内格尔已是沙漠,只是断断续续地有人居住。 | The Neger has been a desert since at least that time and was inhabited only intermittently | |
9 | 中堂于1376年开始改建,间断地持续至都铎时代。 | The rebuilding of the nave was begun by 1376 and continued intermittently until Tudor times. | |
10 | ||1:在这周持续罢工中,大量持有执照的出租车司机堵塞了交通,他们间歇性地堵住了通往机场和协和广场的环城公路或环城大道。||2: 他们对被称为voitures de tourisme avec chauffeur(司机驾驶汽车)这一新型私人出租车服务的出现满腹牢骚,这一服务可以帮助人们通过一个移动应用程序预定出租车。||3: 巴黎地区拥有17,600辆具备牌照的出租车,这个数目离拥有22,000辆黑色出租车的伦敦已经不远了。||4: 但法国首都严重缺乏“小巴”:数量只有几千,而在伦敦,其数量却多达50000辆。||5:直至最近,人们在巴黎都几乎不可能预订到价格合理,票价固定的车辆服务。 | ||1:In rolling strikes this week, scores of licensed taxi drivers jammed the traffic by blocking intermittently the ring-road or périphérique, access to airports and the Place de la Concorde.||2:Their gripe The emergence of new private cab services, known as voitures de tourisme avec chauffeur, which can be ordered via a mobile app.||3:With 17,600 licensed taxis, the Paris region is not far off London’s total of 22,000 black cabs.||4:But the French capital has a dearth of minicabs: just a few thousand, against 50,000 in London.||5:Until recently, it has been all but impossible in Paris to pre-book reasonably priced, fixed-fare trips. | |
11 | ||1:政府的支持不足为奇。||2:国有煤炭企业赚钱并创造就业机会。||3:风力涡轮机和太阳能电池板只能间歇性地提供电力;目前,需要更脏的发电厂作为后备。||4:在美国,天然气正在代替煤炭,但在印度和东南亚大部分地区,天然气使用比例仍然不高,因为天然气必须进口,而且相对昂贵。 | ||1:Government support is hardly surprising.||2:State-backed coal firms make money and create jobs.||3:Wind turbines and solar panels provide power only intermittently ; for now, dirtier power plants are needed as back up.||4:Gas is pummelling coal in America, but remains a bit-player in India and much of South-East Asia, since it has to be imported and is relatively expensive. | |
12 | ||安德烈斯·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯·奥夫拉多尔宣誓就任墨西哥总统。他在就职演说中批评了墨西哥政府间歇持续了30年的自由主义的正统思想。他发誓要“终结阻碍墨西哥复兴的腐败和有罪不罚现象”。||后来,他将石油开采合同的拍卖暂停了三年。 | ||Andrés Manuel López Obrador was sworn in as president of Mexico. He used his inaugural address to criticise the liberal orthodoxy to which Mexican governments have intermittently adhered for three decades.|| He vowed to “end the corruption and impunity that impede Mexico’s rebirth”. He later suspended the auction of oil contracts for three years. | |
13 | FIX:SystemsManagementServer(SMS)公布更新间歇地安装WindowsServer2003ServicePack1(SP1)后 | FIX: Systems Management Server (SMS) advertisements update intermittently after you install Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) | |
14 | 包括膜管供应装置用于将膜管间歇送进套入电池和位置补偿; | It includes: film tube feeding device to intermittently feed the film tube to the battery and be used in position offset; | |
15 | 串油时,必须用木棰或振荡器间隙地敲打管路,特别是焊接部分和弯头部分; | Wooden hammer or vibrator shall be intermittently used during flushing, especially at the welding part and the bending part; | |
16 | 大学里我学的是音乐专业,但是过去两个学期以来,我只是偶尔弹钢琴,都不是正式的演奏。 | I majored in music in college, but over the last two decades I’ve played only intermittently , and never professionally. | |
17 | 但是,当尝试连接到数据库时,在db2diag.log中可能间歇地出现如下错误消息。 | However, the following message occurs intermittently in the db2diag. log when trying to connect to the database. | |
18 | 但是大家都知道,如果我们间歇性地使用电动装置,会消耗更多能量。 | But everyone knows that if you use battery-powered devices intermittently they use more energy. | |
19 | 当Pat得知奈保尔的出轨后,她重拾多年来断断续续写日记的习惯。 | When she learned about her husband’s affair, Pat resumed a diary that she had kept intermittently over the years. | |
20 | 分裂主义者和摩洛哥当局不断发生冲突。 | Smaller clashes between separatists and the Moroccan authorities flare up intermittently . | |
21 | 分配大的连续内存块程序可能无法启动或WindowsServer2003中可能间歇性失败 | A program that allocates a large block of contiguous memory may not start or may intermittently fail in Windows Server 2003 | |
22 | 更具体地说,它涉及通过受衰落影响或者间歇性不可靠的无线电链路进行的通信。 | More especially it relates to communications over radio links subject to fading or otherwise intermittently unreliable. | |
23 | 故障间歇式地出现及在客户端产生重大问题 | The trouble occurs intermittently and gives serious problem in customer. | |
24 | 厚重的浓雾弥漫于山脊线,露头的岩层上还垒着喜鹊窝,间歇的山泉水喷洒在岩石之上。 | Pockets of thick fog get trapped along the ridgelines, magpies nest among the outcrops, and springs intermittently spray over the rocks. | |
25 | 几十年来,一个名叫“鹳”(Aist)的餐馆在雕像后面的建筑里断断续续地营业。 | For decades, the building behind the statue has intermittently housed an eatery named Aist (stork). | |
26 | 间歇或差记忆力,健忘,尤其对于日常琐碎的事情。 | bad or intermittently -functioning memory, forgetfulness, especially with trivial day-to-day things. | |
27 | 间歇移动流水生产线分析与组织设计 | Analysis and Design of Intermittently Moved Production Lines | |
28 | 结果显示,基因突变小鼠的心脏会间歇性的漏掉一拍。 | The results showed that the hearts of the mutated mice skipped beats intermittently . | |
29 | 空泡螺旋桨诱导的船体脉动压力预报 | Predicting Pressure Fluctuations on Ship Hulls Due to Intermittently Cavitating Propellers | |
30 | 六方会谈于2003年启动,时断时续地取得了参差不齐的成果。 | The talks started in 2003 and have proceeded intermittently with mixed results. |