属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 5884-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 5499-3-1990
1 | 内消旋(无旋光性)化合物 | Internally compensated inactive compound | |
2 | 内循环动态膜生物反应器处理生活污水 | The Treatment of Domestic Wastewater by Internally Circulating Dynamic Membrane bio-reactor | |
3 | 内循环多级喷动脱硫塔内颗粒浓度 | Particle Concentration in Internally Circulating and Multistage Spouted Desulfurization Tower | |
4 | 内循环流化床颗粒流动特性的数值模拟 | Numerical Simulation of the Characteristics of Particle Flows in an Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed | |
5 | 内增强地膜扯裂强度测定的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Determining Tearing Strength of internally Reinforced Geomembranes | |
6 | 难民和国内流离失所者重返社会问题机构间工作 | Inter-Agency Working Group on the Reintegration of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons | |
7 | 欧洲各人民民主国家,正在巩固其内部,并互相团结起来。 | The People’s Democracies in Europe are consolidating themselves internally and are uniting with each other | |
8 | 企业内部管理与市场竞争策略之同等性分析 | The Equivalence between Internally Vertical Control and Competition Strategies | |
9 | 前面的准则指出销售部门并未被命令向内部销售。 | The guidelines given earlier indicate that the selling division is not required to sell internally . | |
10 | 亲力亲为--我们愿意在正常的工作职责之外为员工及我们的客户提供服务。 | We Take It Personally for our customers-going beyond normal job responsibilities to serve our customers both internally and externally. | |
11 | 热水器的钢内胆在流体静力环境下已经通过300PSI试验压力检验和150PSI工作压力检验,采用的TM内胆经过871oC高温高压下制造而成,能够最有效地保护内胆。 | Water heater(s)steel tank is hydrostatic tested at 300 PSI having a working pressure of 150 PSI and shall have a TM internally lined tank applied under pressure and fired at 1600oF allowing for maximum protection. | |
12 | 如果A部门决定不将价格减至20美元以迎合外部竞争。则B部门愿被迫连续支付25美元以向内部购买吗?答案也是否定的。 | If Division A decides, not to reduce its price to $20 to meet outside competition, should Division B be forced to continue to pay $ 25 and to buy internally ? The answer again is no. | |
13 | 瑞香皮这种植物晒干的树皮,从前曾外用作发疱剂,内服治疗关节炎 | The dried bark of this plant,formerly used externally as a vesicant and internally for arthritis. | |
14 | 社会的冲突关系社会中的人们之间的经常是内部冲突的相互关系 | The often internally conflicting interrelationships among people in a society. | |
15 | 实际上,安达信曾向安然建议回避那个用词,并在内部以文件记录其反对意见,以防发生民事诉讼,但没有将异议上报或者采取措施修正公开的声明。 | Indeed, ANDERSEN advised Enron against using that term, and documented its objections internally in the event of litigation, but did not report its objections or otherwise take steps to cure the public statement. | |
16 | 实体墙分为外墙和内墙,它们分别用于分隔房间或承担建筑中楼盖和层盖的荷载。另外,外墙的设置也起着挡土的作用。 | Solid walling is built both externally and internally , mainly to enclose areas and support the weight of the floors and roofs of buildings. It is also built externally, purely to retain earth. | |
17 | 他把外用药内服了。 | He took internally what was meant for external application. | |
18 | 提高质量管理体系的有效性和效率可对组织的财务结果产生积极影响,如:在组织内部,减少过程和产品故障,或减少材料和时间的浪费 | Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality management system can influence positively the financial results of the organization, for example internally , by reducing process and product failures, or waste in material and time | |
19 | 通常,只有一个网络编号的机构希望将其计算机对内设在多个网络上。 | Frequently, an organization that has a single network number to set up its computers internally on multiple networks. | |
20 | 我们决定搞两基本点:一个是对内开放,一个是对外开放 | We have decided on an open policy in two respects: namely, to open up both externally and internally | |
21 | 我们确定搞两个开放:一个是对内开放,一个是对外开放。 | We have decided on an open policy in two respects: namely, to open up both externally and internally . | |
22 | 细菌致病的方式为:分泌或放出毒素(例如肉毒中毒),从内部制造毒素而在细菌分裂时放出(例如伤寒),或减低抗体性质的敏感度(例如结核病)。 | Bacteria cause disease by secreting or excreting toxins (as in botulism), by producing toxins internally , which are released when the bacteria disintegrate (as in typhoid), or by inducing sensitivity to their antigenic properties (as in tuberculosis). | |
23 | 现金生成;内部现金生成;内部资金生成 | Cash generation; internal cash generation; internally generated funds | |
24 | 向组织内部和外部提供关于质量管理体系的一致信息的文件,这类文件称为质量手册 | Documents that provide consistent information, both internally and externally, about the organization’s quality management system; such documents are referred to as quality manuals | |
25 | 消防安全标志、通告和图形符号.室内发光防火安全标志规范 | Fire safety signs, notices and graphic symbols-Specification for internally -illuminated fire safety signs | |
26 | 信息交流包括建立组织对内部和必要时对外部通报环境活动的过程,以便: | Communication includes establishing processes to report internally and, where desired, externally on the environmental activities of the organization in order to | |
27 | 沿海的亚洲各国纷纷派使节带着礼品向明皇帝进贡。在国内,大运河被扩建到国土的最远界限,它大大刺激了国内贸易的发展。 | The maritime asian nations sent envoys with tribute for the Chinese emperor. Internally , the Grand Canal was expanded to its farthest limits and proved to be a stimulus to domestic trade. | |
28 | 硬渣、污物或任何外部物质在管道内积累都可能妨碍阀门的工作效率并严重损坏阀门的关键部件。必须用空气或蒸气对管道内部进行彻底清洗。 | Grid, dirt or any foreign matter accumulated in the pipe can hinder efficient valve operation and seriously damage vital valve parts. Thoroughly clean pipe internally with air or steam. | |
29 | 用枚举关键字(enum)定义的一种数据类型,为整数值的有序集合。这些整数值和说明中命名的常数标识符相关联,虽然枚举变量是以整数的形式存储的,但它们可以在程序中使用,就象它们具有独特的数据类型一样。 | A type defined(with the enum keyword)to have an ordered set of integer values.The integer values are associated with constant identifiers named in the declaration.Although enum var iables are stored internally as integers they should be used in programs as if they had a distinct data type. | |
30 | 在内部不支持NFS URL,请使用HTTP代理服务器 | NFS URLs not internally supported, use an HTTP proxy server |