属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-足球 竞技精彩 交易龌蹉
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-巴基斯坦白沙瓦市是全球脊髓灰质炎病毒最大来源地
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: 美国医生只给病人11秒叙述病情
1 | ||1:这也意味着还有其他的问题。||2:谁会认为在阿拉伯地区的夏季举办世界杯是个好主意?||3:为什么在运用技术来检验裁判的准确性上,足球远远落后与其他运动,比如英式橄榄球,板球或是网球?||4:为什么让一些平庸之辈来领导这项世界上最伟大的运动,特别是自1998年以来要让赛普·布拉特担任国际足联的主席?||5:他如果在组织,早就会因其不断的财政丑闻而下台了。||6:然而还不止这些,他已经无可救药的过时了,不管是他发表的对女性的歧视言论,还是妨碍尼尔森曼德拉(他在20世纪70年代年78岁叱咤风云的时候离开了其领导的政坛。)的一分钟默哀(当时的默哀还只进行了11秒)都可以看得出来。||7:或者,真的应该对以米歇尔普拉蒂尼为首的为阻止布拉特连任第五届足联主席所做的努力而感到兴奋吗?米歇尔布拉蒂尼是欧洲最优秀的足球运动员,他曾是出色的中场队员,但是他还是很不幸的支持了卡塔尔承办世界杯。 | ||1:This only prompts other questions.||2:Why on earth did anyone think holding the World Cup in the middle of the Arabian summer was a good idea?||3:Why is football so far behind other sports like rugby, cricket and tennis in using technology to doublecheck refereeing decisions?||4:And why is the world’s greatest game led by such a group of mediocrities, notably Sepp Blatter, FIFA’s boss since 1998?||5:In any other organisation, the endless financial scandals would have led to his ouster years ago.||6:But more than that, he seems hopelessly out of date; from sexist remarks about women to interrupting a minute’s silence for Nelson Mandela after only 11 seconds, the 78-year-old is the sort of dinosaur that left corporate boardrooms in the 1970s.||7:Nor is it exactly heartening that the attempts to stop Mr Blatter enjoying a fifth term are being led by Michel Platini, Europe’s leading soccercrat, who was once a wonderful midfielder but played a woeful role in supporting the Qatar bid. | |
2 | 他说,“除非巴基斯坦的脊髓灰质炎根除计划能够限制住该病毒在白沙瓦的传播,否则该病毒向其它地区的扩张就不会停止。因此白沙瓦的现行措施确实能够找到办法中断多年来连续的病毒传播就非常关键。” | "Unless the polio eradication program in Pakistan is able to curtail the transmission in Peshawar, the expansion of the viruses to other places will not stop.|| So, it is critical that Peshawar, the way it is behaving now, really be able to find ways of interrupting these transmissions that have been consistent throughout the years," said Durry.|| | |
3 | 一项新研究发现,医生平均只花11秒倾听病患叙述病情,之后就会打断就诊者。 | According to a new study, doctors only spend an average of 11 seconds listening to you before interrupting . | |
4 | “我们可以吗?”罗莎莉嘟哝着,打断了我的思路。 | "Shall we? " Rosalie murmured, interrupting my focus. | |
5 | “在后台”执行耗时任务(例如下载和数据库操作),但不会中断您的应用程序。 | Perform time-consuming tasks, such as downloads and database operations, "in the background, " without interrupting your application. | |
6 | “主要是静默,偶尔用突如其来的声音来打断一下。”他说。 | "Basically, bursts of sounds, interrupting the quiet, " he said. | |
7 | Hallinan提醒说还有更糟的,很多“安全”设备恰恰是在“最不合适的时刻打断司机的驾驶”来工作的。 | Even worse, Hallinan warns, many "safety" devices work "by interrupting the driver at the worst possible time. " | |
8 | LVM具备向DS4500动态添加和删除存储空间的能力,并不需要打断为正在运行的集群提供的服务。 | LVM provides the ability to dynamically add and remove storage to the DS4500 without interrupting service to the running cluster. | |
9 | SARS心理特征及心理干预对策与中医治疗探讨 | Discussion of psychic characteristics, psychic interrupting method and TCM treatment for SARS | |
10 | 抱歉打断您,对于您刚才所说的事情,我想说几句。 | Excuse me for interrupting you, but I’d like to say something about what you’ve just said. | |
11 | 别老是跟我打岔! | Don’t keep on interrupting me! | |
12 | 不像在一段对话里,邮件没有打断这回事-一个人能「说」到她说完,接着另一方做出反应。 | Unlike in a conversation, there was no interrupting ? one person could "speak" until she was finished, then the other responded. | |
13 | 不中断交通条件下更换桥梁支座 | Bridge Bearer Change without Interrupting the Traffic | |
14 | 从天亮到日落,我时时刻刻面对着它,一路上这道边界陪伴着我,没有任何人来打扰我的思绪。 | From morning until night I would have time to confront it. It was just me and the border -- without anyone interrupting my thoughts. | |
15 | 打断、走神或者催促对方赶快结束通常会被认为是粗鲁的。 | Interrupting , ignoring or hurrying the other person is considered rude. | |
16 | 打断这种睡眠会使他们昏昏沉沉,特别是因为他们也往往在晚上11点前入睡困难。 | Interrupting that sleep can leave them groggy, especially since they also tend to have trouble falling asleep before 11 p. m. | |
17 | 但这正是一个RSS阅读器应该做的——让你得到想要的信息在不打扰你的浏览。 | It does exactly what an RSS reader should do - gives you the info you want without interrupting your browsing. | |
18 | 对不起,打扰了,我想找他帮个忙。 | Excuse me for interrupting you, I want him for a help. | |
19 | 对不起打扰一下,你们实在太吵了。恐怕我不得不请你们小声点。 | excuse me for interrupting , but you are just making too much noise. i am afraid i am going to have to ask you to be a little more quiet. | |
20 | 对不起打扰一下,有电话找你。对不起打扰一下,有电话找你。 | Excuse me for interrupting , but there’s a phone call for you. | |
21 | 多次运行该脚本,然后相隔不同的时间中断运行,这将生成以下输出 | Running this script a couple of times, and then interrupting at different intervals, produces the following output. | |
22 | 发电机出口断路器遮断容量不足问题的解决 | Solution of Deficient Interrupting Capacity of Circuit Breaker of Generator Output | |
23 | 发电机断路器高非对称短路电流开断能力的探讨 | Discussion on Interrupting Capacity of Generator Circuit Breaker to Large Non-symmetric Short Current | |
24 | 高开断大电流开关柜温升的试验研究 | Temperature- Rise Test of High Interrupting and Rated Current Switchgear Cabinets | |
25 | 给我些时间让我表达想法,而不是打断我打字。 | Allow me time to get my thoughts out rather than interrupting my typing. | |
26 | 股骨干骺端髓内血运阻断诱发兔膝关节骨性关节炎模型 | An Experimental Osteoarthritic Model Induced by Interrupting Medullary Blood Supply of Distal Femoral Metaphysis in Rabbit | |
27 | 国产现场改性沥青密断级配混合料在广州中山一路立交桥的应用 | Application of Densely Interrupting Graded Mixture with Homegrown Site- Asphalt on Zhongshan Road Interchange in Guangzhou | |
28 | 基于CIM模型的短路电流实时监视软件 | Real-time check of circuit breaker interrupting capacity based on CIM | |
29 | 基于虚拟样机技术的塑壳断路器拒分现象仿真分析 | Simulation Study on the Anti-Interrupting of Trip Unit in Moulded Case Circuit Breaker Based on Virtual Prototype Technology | |
30 | 甲:对不起我打扰你了。 | eg: A: Sorry for interrupting you. |