属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-匈牙利的抗议 反对欧尔班
1 | 耶鲁大学把我吓倒了,我没敢去应试,可是一位哥伦比亚大学的代表凭他三寸不烂之舌来说服我去应考时,我心想:他妈的,干吗不去试一试,管他呢,我不试怎么能知道自己行不行呢?1964年3月我竟然被录取了。 | Yale intimidated me, but when a Columbia representative came along with a spiel, I thought: Hell, why not? Goddamn it, I’ll never know unless I give it a try. March of ’64, I got in | |
2 | 有一个西班牙女孩由于从没学会阅读而接受特别教育。在班上,她相当胆怯,因此总不能与人交流,以至连基本的语音概念都没有。 | There was a Hispanic girl in special education because she just never learned to read. And she was terribly intimidated in class, so she never was able to communicate that she simply didn’t get the basic phonic concepts. | |
3 | 约翰威胁他弟弟,不准他把真相告诉父母。 | John intimidated his brother into not telling their parents the truth. | |
4 | 在班上,她相当胆怯,因此总不能与人交流,以至连基本的语音概念都没有。 | And she was terribly intimidated in class, so she never was able to communicate that she simply didn’t get the basic phonic concepts | |
5 | 这一点在克利福看来是毫无疑义了,可是克利福对他是很有礼貌的;对他的惊人的成功是含着无限羡慕的。所谓“成功”的财神,在半谦卑半傲慢的蔑克里斯的脚跟边,张牙舞爪地徘徊着,保护着他。 | To Clifford this was final and enough. Yet he was very polite to the man; to the amazing success in him. The bitch-goddess, as she is called, of Success, roamed, snarling and protective, round the half-humble, half-defiant Michaelis’ heels, and intimidated Clifford completely | |
6 | ||1:但是暴力在渗入。||2:印第乌斯青年队的主教练被杀害了,或许是因为他的叔叔不打算支付手机店的保护费。||3:永远不会有人知道,警察非常绝望,当地的记者非常害怕,所以几乎没有谋杀案被查处。||4:跟着是明星前锋的弟弟被枪杀,而教练决定当天比赛结束后再告诉他。 | ||1:But the violence seeps in.||2:The Indios’ youth-team coach was killed, perhaps because his uncle wouldn’t pay protection money on his mobile-phone shop.||3:(No one will ever know: the police are so hopeless, and local reporters so intimidated , that virtually no murder is investigated.||4:) Next, the star striker’s brother was shot dead, which the coach decided not to tell him until after the day’s game. | |
7 | ||1:两大对立政党的领导人,新民主党的Thomas Mulcair和自由党的贾斯汀·特鲁多,都没有利用这次事件来达到什么政治目的,同时也没有提出任何有关恐怖阴谋的理论。||2:“今天,我们在一个充满爱、多样性和和平的国度里醒来,明天我们仍会如此。”官方反对党领袖Mulcair先生这样说道。||3:特鲁多先生认为枪手是一名罪犯,并说加拿大是一个公平、正义和法制的国家,不应该因为畏惧而改变这一点。 | ||1:The two main opposition leaders, Thomas Mulcair of the New Democrats and Justin Trudeau of the Liberals, avoided making any political hay out of the incident, and neither posited any theory about a terrorist plot.||2:“We woke up this morning in a country blessed by love, diversity and peace, and tomorrow we will do the same,” said Mr Mulcair, leader of the official opposition.||3:Mr Trudeau referred to the gunman as a criminal and said that Canada was a nation of fairness, justice and the rule of law, and should not be intimidated into changing that. | |
8 | ||1:欧尔班早就明确表示他蔑视自由的准则。7月26号,他在罗马尼亚的伯伊莱图什纳德发表演讲时就已经表达的不能再清楚了,他认为匈牙利仍然会保持民主,但会成为一个“不自由国家”。||2:欧盟已经不愿意也不能够让欧尔班改变想法。||3:相反,入境限制表示最大的压力还是来自美国。||4:最近,美国总统奥巴马把匈牙利、埃及和阿塞拜疆列入公民社会受到威胁的国家。||5:青民盟内部对于如何机智地应对超级大国的关注日益上升。 | ||1:Mr Orban has long made clear his disdain for liberal norms, never more so than in his speech in Baile Tusnad, Romania, on July 26th when he said that Hungary would remain a democracy, but become an “illiberal state”.||2:The European Union has proved unwilling or unable to rein him in.||3:Instead, as the entry-ban row shows, the pressure is mostly coming from America.||4:President Barack Obama recently bracketed Hungary with Egypt and Azerbaijan as countries in which civil society felt intimidated .||5:Concerns are growing inside Fidesz about the wisdom of taking on the world’s superpower. | |
9 | ||1:在2016年与希拉里·克林顿的辩论中,特朗普就已经逼近了规则的底线。他打断希拉里讲话、进行人身威胁(并承诺要将她关进监狱)。||2:而这次在克利夫兰,特朗普更是无视规则。||3:他对乔·拜登进行打断、反驳和诋毁,甚至有时也会打断主持人。||4:他事事挑剔、皱着眉头、怒不可遏、冷嘲热讽。||5:他的满腹牢骚和凶狠至极让人害怕。||6:也同样很可笑。||7:如果他不是美国总统,这可能一度看起来很滑稽。 | ||1:Debating Hillary Clinton in 2016, Mr Trump strained the rules to the limit; he interrupted and physically intimidated his opponent (and promised to jail her).||2:In Cleveland he largely ignored them.||3:He interrupted, contradicted and traduced Joe Biden, and sometimes also the moderator, Chris Wallace of Fox News.||4:He cavilled and scowled; he huffed and he ranted.||5:The ferocity of his claimed grievances was formidable.||6:It was also ludicrous.||7:It might once even have seemed comical, were he not America’s president. | |
10 | 而投机者将受到“灵活信贷额度”及橱柜中其他工具的威胁 | And speculators would be intimidated by the "flexible credit lines" and other tools in its cupboard, | |
11 | “男人们走进珠宝店买他们第一件珠宝的时候总会有些压迫感。”蓝色尼罗河的总经理黛安.厄文说。 | "MEN are intimidated when they go into a jewellery store to buy their first diamond, " says Diane Irvine, the chief executive of Blue Nile. | |
12 | “我们为这届奥运会而惊叹,印象深刻,完全给镇住了,但我们并没有被吓倒,”他表示。 | "We have been dazzled, we have been impressed, we have been blown away by these games but we have not been intimidated , " he said. | |
13 | 阿巴斯的情报官员恐吓了曾就对德哈兰的镇压行动进行报道的独立记者。 | Mr Abbas’s intelligence chiefs have intimidated independent journalists who have reported on the crackdown. | |
14 | 被私人私教和健身视频主持人吓到了? | Intimidated by buff personal trainers and fitness-video hosts? | |
15 | 比我聪明的女人让我害怕(这就是为何97%的女性都让我畏惧)。 | I am intimidated by women who are more intelligent than I am (which explains why I’m intimidated by about 97% of the female population). | |
16 | 不要因为你读不出餐馆菜单上花哨的菜名而胆怯。 | Don’t be intimidated by fancy words you cannot pronounce seen on restaurant menus. | |
17 | 成千上万的女性被逮捕或威逼恐吓,仅仅是因为她们在大街上没有按照伊斯兰教义着装。 | Thousands of women were arrested or intimidated because they did not adhere precisely to Islamic dress code on the streets. | |
18 | 除了将尤科斯公司逼上绝路,俄罗斯还不时地以切断石油或天燃气供应,以此来威胁邻国。 | In addition to mugging Yukos, it has often intimidated its neighbours with threats to cut off their oil or gas supplies. | |
19 | 但是菲亚特总经理不能正常如厕,他觉得被这些地毯、鱼缸吓到了。 | But the managing director of Fiat couldn’t move his bowels. He felt intimidated by all those carpets and aquariums. | |
20 | 关注于专业实践的小且具体的步骤,并且不要被眼前的凶险吓到。 | Focus on small, concrete steps toward professional fulfillment and don’t get intimidated by the enormity of what lies ahead! | |
21 | 过错在于英国统治阶层。它在如此长的时间如此深深地被诱惑和恐吓,这样的事情再也不能发生。 | The fault is the British establishment’s and it must not be seduced and intimidated , so profoundly and durably, again. | |
22 | 赫德勋爵,说实话,您这样一位声名显赫的资深政治家为我做引见令我有些诚惶诚恐。 | I confess I am a little intimidated , Lord Hurd, at being moderated by a veteran statesman of your distinction. | |
23 | 很大部分原因是我们努力做出巨大改变的时候受到了威胁。 | Much of this is because we get intimidated trying to make drastic changes. | |
24 | 很多人被发行一本电子书给吓坏了,或者把它拖延上几个月(或者几年)仅仅因为它看起来太难了。 | Many people are intimidated by publishing an ebook, or put it off for months (or years) because it seems too hard. | |
25 | 很多质疑本阿里和他执政的记者,或者被拷打、投入监狱、投诉或者威胁。 | Many journalists who cheek Mr Ben Ali or his regime have been beaten, imprisoned, sued or intimidated . | |
26 | 后来,节目制作人把它与之前另一名漂流者边哭边说被我恐吓的镜头连在了一起。 | The programme-makers then cobbled this together with old footage of another Castaway crying, and saying that she was intimidated by me. | |
27 | 尽管阿拉萨尼亚说政府对为他提供资金的支持者进行了威胁,但他也承认电视节目对选举进行了客观公正的报道。 | Mr Alasania says the government intimidated his financial backer, but acknowledges that television coverage of the campaign was balanced. | |
28 | 尽管并没有哪个政策明令禁止人们前来,但严肃阴森的阿什莫尔必然会令游客望而却步。 | And while it was not official policy to discourage visitors, the grim Ashmolean certainly intimidated them. | |
29 | 经济上的自由能够产生焦虑和踌躇。在生活当中,因为我继承了一大笔钱我的能力曾经被怀疑。 | Financial freedom can produce anxiety and hesitancy. In my own life, I have been intimidated about my abilities because I inherited money. | |
30 | 看到他穿着一双紧紧夹在踏板上的鞋,我一时间被吓到了,不过一会儿就习惯了。 | I was temporarily intimidated by the fact that he was wearing shoes that actually clipped into the pedals, but I got over it. |