属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-失败的上帝 作家的改口显示拉美左派的理论失败
1 | 宝玉总未听见这些话,只闻得一股幽香,却是从黛玉袖中发出,闻之令人醉魂酥骨. | Baoyu was not listening, however, so intent was he on the fragrance emanating from Daiyu’s sleeve, which he found intoxicating --it seemed to melt the marrow of his bones. | |
2 | 不知为什么缘故,他一直认为葡萄酒味道极甜,像黑莓果酱的味道,而且能马上使人喝醉。 | For some reason he had always thought of wine as having an intensely sweet taste, like that of blackberry jam and an immediate intoxicating effect | |
3 | 从窗子里吹进一阵阵醉人的清香。 | Through the window came in wafts of intoxicating of some strange animals. | |
4 | 大麻制品一种产生轻微快感、引起幻觉作用的毒品,如印度大麻、大麻麻醉剂或大麻烟,皆从该植物不同部分提炼出来 | Any of several mildly euphoriant,intoxicating hallucinogenic drugs,such as ganja,hashish,or marijuana,prepared from various parts of this plant. | |
5 | 对酒精或毒品上瘾者进行的治疗,它通常是一种受医疗监督的、用以除去体内有毒或致人上瘾的物质的方案. | To treat (an individual)for alcohol or drug dependence, usually under a medically supervised program designed to rid the body of intoxicating or addictive substances. | |
6 | 规定售卖酒类为非法的一个宪法修正案(一九二○年)在一九三三年被废止。 | An amendment outlawing sale of intoxicating liquors(1920)was repealed in 1933 | |
7 | 极不喜欢酒类. | have an aversion to intoxicating drinks | |
8 | 解毒疗法对酒精或毒品上瘾者进行的治疗,它通常是一种受医疗监督的、用以除去体内有毒或致人上瘾的物质的方案 | To treat(an individual)for alcohol or drug dependence,usually under a medically supervised program designed to rid the body of intoxicating or addictive substances. | |
9 | 解毒疗法一种净化酒精或瘾君子体内毒素的受医疗监督的治疗方案。该方案是克服生理或心理中毒的第一步 | A medically supervised treatment program for alcohol or drug addiction designed to purge the body of intoxicating or addictive substances.Such a program is used as a first step in overcoming physiological or psychological addiction. | |
10 | 九牛造活性成分的提取分离及活性检测 | Extracting and Separating Active Parts and Testing the Intoxicating Activity from Euphorbia Hylonoma Hand.-Mzt. | |
11 | 酒,酒精饮料含有酒精的能醉人的饮料 | Intoxicating liquor containing alcohol. | |
12 | 酒精,乙醇由糖和淀粉发酵后合成或取得并且广泛使用的一种无色、易挥发、易燃的液体,C2H5OH,无论纯酒精或变性酒精都可作为溶剂及用于医药、净化溶解、炸药和麻醉性饮料 | A colorless,volatile,flammable liquid,C2H5OH,synthesized or obtained by fermentation of sugars and starches and widely used,either pure or denatured,as a solvent and in drugs,cleaning solutions,explosives,and intoxicating beverages. | |
13 | 酒精饮料:任何含醇或乙醇的发酵酒如葡萄酒、啤酒或蒸馏酒,可用作陶醉剂。 | Alcoholic beverage Any fermented liquor, such as wine, beer, or distilled liquor, that contains ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, as an intoxicating agent. | |
14 | 酒一种饮料,尤指醉人的饮料 | A beverage,especially an intoxicating beverage. | |
15 | 妈妈正陶醉在刚才得到的荣誉中,加上今天晚上那些使她兴奋的事,她的心情特别舒畅。 | Mamma was so flustered with the honour which had just been shown to her, and with other intoxicating events of the evening, that her good humour knew no bounds | |
16 | 美宝莲,伴着五月的暖风,将它的新一代亚洲形象代言人章子怡带到你的身边,这一次,又会带给你怎样的惊喜呢? | With the intoxicating spring wind, Maybelline brings to you her Asia image speaker of the new generation-Zhang Ziyi. This time, what joyful surprises you will experience? | |
17 | 那些想喝得酩酊大醉的人是向命运挑战的人。 | The men who seek intoxicating cups are men who invite their fates | |
18 | 泥土的醉人的芳香叫人懒洋洋的,感到一种远离尘世的宁静。 | Intoxicating earth aromas induced lassitude and ethereal calm | |
19 | 潜水员呼吸压缩空气时,氮气在神经系统内聚积直至饱和,造成如醉酒般的头晕,感觉麻木,继之思维及手脚活动变得迟钝,其后情绪不稳与易怒。 | In divers breathing compressed air, nitrogen saturates the nervous system, causing an intoxicating light-headed, numb feeling, then slowed reasoning and dexterity, and then emotional instability and irrationality. | |
20 | 他发现自己的笨嘴拙舌居然能有这种魔力,不由自主地醉了;他要找些新的途径来使用他的魔力。 | It was intoxicating to find such magic in his clumsy words, and he longed to try new ways of using it | |
21 | 夏日的夜晚鲜花散发出一股近乎醉人的香气。 | On summer evenings the flowers gave forth an almost intoxicating scent. | |
22 | 饮酒喝某种酒的行为 | The act of drinking an intoxicating beverage. | |
23 | 有酒香的,有酒味的;易使人醉的或令人陶醉的 | Having the qualities or taste of wine;heady or intoxicating . | |
24 | 这门现在关着,偶或闪开了一条缝,便有醉人的脂粉香和细碎的笑语声从缝里逃出来。 | It was closed, but whenever it opened an inch or two an intoxicating perfume and silvery laughter escaped through the crack | |
25 | 这些花散发出使人陶醉[怡人]的香味。 | The flowers gave off an intoxicating scent [ a pleasant smell ]. | |
26 | ||1:该书以散文写就,饱含令人沉醉的力量。||2:但它是天然的宣传,是选择性真理的集合,是夸张是虚假也是讽刺画和阴谋论。||3:它是“依赖理论”的圣经,有着“拉美的欠发达是因为其他地方的发达,拉美的贫穷是源于我们土地的富有。(引自原文)”的珍贵见解。 | ||1:“Open Veins” is written in powerful prose, with intoxicating passion.||2:But it is also a work of crude propaganda, a mix of selective truths, exaggeration and falsehood, caricature and conspiracy theory.||3:It is the bible of “dependency theory”, the notion dear to the left that “underdevelopment in Latin America is a consequence of development elsewhere, that we Latin Americans are poor because the ground we tread is rich in resources.” | |
27 | ||1:资本市场的工作是处理信息,使储蓄流向最好的项目和公司。||2:这使得高级金融听起来很简单;实际上,它是动态的、令人陶醉的。||3:它反映了一个不断变化的世界。||4:例如,如今的市场正努力应对贸易战和低利率。||5:但它也反映了金融内部的变化,在不断的竞争中不断重塑自己,以获得竞争优势。||6:正如简报所述,最新的革命正在全面展开。||7:机器正在控制投资——不仅仅是单调的证券买卖,也是监管经济和资本配置的制高点。 | ||1:The job of capital markets is to process information so that savings flow to the best projects and firms.||2:That makes high finance sound simple; in reality it is dynamic and intoxicating .||3:It reflects a changing world.||4:Today’s markets, for instance, are grappling with a trade war and low interest rates.||5:But it also reflects changes within finance, which constantly reinvents itself in a perpetual struggle to gain a competitive edge.||6:As our Briefing reports, the latest revolution is in full swing.||7:Machines are taking control of investing—not just the humdrum buying and selling of securities, but also the commanding heights of monitoring the economy and allocating capital. | |
28 | 如今他作为一个成功的葡萄酒商人,接下来要告诉我们一个动人的故事。 | Now a successful vintner, he has an intoxicating tale to tell. | |
29 | 叶子和花朵中含有大麻二酚(CBD),一种无毒的化合物,可以减少焦虑和炎症。 | Leaves and flowers contain cannabidiol (CBD), a non-intoxicating compound that reduces anxiety and inflammation. | |
30 | 阿拉伯之春令他陶醉,他被感动了,他看到了社会改良的潜力,见证了一场戏剧性冲突。 | The Arab Spring was intoxicating to him, he was moved by it, and he saw the potential for improvement and a dramatic combat situation. |