1 | 《诗经》学史上两大公案发覆 | The Rediscovery on the Two Intricate Cases in the Study History of the Book of Songs | |
2 | ……然而,虽然他很少,却是一种简单的能量形式。这种能量从打开的窗口纷至沓来,深入到我自己和他人的头脑里无数狭小复杂的角落 | Yet, because he was so small, and so simple a form of the energy that was rolling in at the open window and driving its way through so many narrow and intricate corridors in my own brain and in those of other human beings | |
3 | 贝多芬田园曲中一段复杂的经过段 | the intricate passagework of a Beethoven pastorale. | |
4 | 此时的音乐一扫复调作品中细密的织体,主调音乐逐渐占上风。该时期的作曲先驱之一是德国的格鲁克。 | In place of the intricate texture of the polyphonic works, music now tended to be more homophonic. a pioneer composer of the period was C. Gluek. | |
5 | 从欧洲文艺复兴时代起,迷宫成为正规花园里的一个特色,是指由用高树篱隔开的复杂曲径组成的区域。 | From the European Renaissance on, labyrinths or mazes consisting of intricate paths separated by high hedges were a feature of formal gardens. | |
6 | 错综复杂的局面一种困难的或复杂的情况;纠纷 | A difficult or intricate situation;an entanglement. | |
7 | 电子计算机系统的复杂网络管理着这个现代化的炼油厂 | An intricate network of the computer system runs this modern petroleum refinery. | |
8 | 复杂的、错综的和涉及的 | Complex,intricate ,and involved. | |
9 | 复杂的拼图游戏 | An intricate jigsaw puzzle | |
10 | 故事曲折有致。 | The plot is intricate and full of interest | |
11 | 广州以通雕象牙球最为著名。一些牙球有数十层,每层有镂空花纹并能旋转。它们是令人赞叹的艺术珍品,表现了中国艺术家的杰出工艺水平。 | Guangzhou is well known for intricate hollowed-out ivory balls. Some have dozens of rings or layers, and each ring is carved with hollowed designs and able to revolve. They are really marvellous art treasures and show the excellent craftsmanship of the Chinese artists. | |
12 | 规模庞大的错综复杂的防御系统,防御据点,反坦克障碍物,碉堡和掩蔽设施等布满了整个地区。 | Vast intricate systems of fortifications, defended localities, and anti-tank obstacles, block-houses, pillboxes and the like, laced the whole area | |
13 | 国际形势错综复杂 | The current international situation remains intricate and complex | |
14 | 霍霍坎印第安人开发了复杂的运河网用于灌溉,这是前哥伦布时代北美最伟大的农业工程,这个成就在当时是不可逾越的。现在一些14世纪的运河已经恢复使用。 | The Hohokam Indians developed intricate networks of canals for irrigation, an agricultural engineering feat unsurpassed in pre-Columbian North America. Some 14th-century canals have been restored for use. | |
15 | 棘手的很难理解或解决的;令人困惑地错综复杂的 | Difficult to understand or solve;puzzlingly intricate . | |
16 | 她一直漫无目标地在道德的荒野中徘徊;那荒野同这荒林一样广漠、一样错综、一样阴森,而他俩如今正在这幽暗的林中进行决定他们命运的会谈。 | She had wandered, without rule or guidance, in a moral wilderness; as vast, as intricate and shadowy, as the untamed forest, amid the gloom of which they were now holding a colloquy that was to decide their fate. | |
17 | 藉由聚焦在一连串关于亭园中涉及物品之私人互动的轶事,作者剖析出诗文之互赠,与互赠之诗文两者间纠缠的连结。 | Focusing on a series of anecdotes about private transactions involving objects in gardens, the author dissects the intricate nexus between the exchange of poetry and the poetry of exchange. | |
18 | 据说一位皇帝十分赞赏一位能工巧匠做的一个精致的蝈蝈笼。 | It is said one of the emperors admired a particularly intricate grasshopper cage, one of his craftsman had constructed | |
19 | 开场由3个女性演员表演一段复杂的常规舞蹈,其中加入大胆的举起动作和技术调遣。 | The work opens with a trio of females who perform an intricate routine that incorporates daring lifts and skilful maneuvers | |
20 | 看到她们长得如花似玉,满了好奇和急于向他扑过来的热望。 | At length the path becoming clearer and less intricate , brought them to the eager desire to run to him | |
21 | 例如,历代名船工厂在其豪华的接待室里陈列了许多名船(如英国古代大型帆船“邦迪”、“卡蒂萨克”和其它名船)的精美的微缩模型。 | Historic Marine, for example, receives guests in lavish reception rooms filled with intricate replicas of the famous old British sailing ships Bounty, and Cutty Sark and other famous ships | |
22 | 灵巧的在设计和功能方面巧妙而复杂的;精巧的 | Ingenious and complex in design or function; intricate . | |
23 | 轮唱一种规范的,经常是由三种或三种以上声音构成的有韵律的复杂曲目,在17和18世纪尤其流行 | A canonical,often rhythmically intricate composition for three or more voices,popular especially in the17th and18th centuries. | |
24 | 洛可可式圣坛背壁装饰画的复杂细节. | The intricate detail of a rococo altarpiece. | |
25 | 没有人能够攀进复杂的专业术语的优雅迷宫(安东尼·初蒲)。 | No one could soar into a more intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology(Anthony Trollope. | |
26 | 每当我踏入这个世界,感觉到生物彼此之间以及每一生物与它周围环境之间,通过错综复杂的生命结构彼此相连的时候,我对它的美,对它的深层意蕴,都产生某种新的认识。 | Each time that I enter it, I gain some new awareness of its beauty and its deeper meanings, sensing that intricate fabric of life by which one creature is linked with another, and each with its surroundings. | |
27 | 迷宫:由错综复杂的信道和死巷构成的体系。 | Labyrinth(maze):System of intricate passageways and blind alleys. | |
28 | 迷宫一种复杂的建筑,里面的通道互相连接很容易使人迷路;曲径 | An intricate structure of interconnecting passages through which it is difficult to find one’s way; a maze. | |
29 | 苗族以色彩丰富,图案精美的服饰而著称。苗族妇女比男子服饰更绚丽。 | The Miao people are known for highly colorful, intricate costumes. Miao women are much more colorful than men. | |
30 | 某些政府因恐伊朗获胜,当伊拉克使用化学武器时,因循迁就,并找寻错综复杂的外交藉口而不予理会。这不但蔑视道德,也有违战略原则。 | Governments that temporize and seek intricate diplomatic excuses to look the other way,as they did when Iraq used chemical weapons because they feared Iran would win,are not only flouting morality.They are also flouting strategic sense. |