1 | "讲故事会使我注意到平常不会注意的事情,"曾是内华达牛仔的Waddie Mitchell说。 | "Storytelling introduces me to things I might never have noticed,"" said Waddie Mitchell, a former Nevada cowboy " | |
2 | “by”引出做某事的人或东西,或介绍做某事的方法。 | “By” introduces what (or how)something is done by or the method by which it is done. | |
3 | “with”引出做某事所用的工具或器具。 | “With “ introduces the tool or instrument with which something is done. | |
4 | 《时尚·伊人》在第一时间传递国内外最新的流行服饰、美容产品,更全方位关注中国女性的职业发展、情感健康、生活方式。 | Trends COSMOPOLITAN introduces the latest overseas and domestic fashion of finery and hairdressing products, and focuses on the career development, mental health, and life style of the Chinese women. | |
5 | 《通讯世界》不仅介绍乐世界电信产业的最新信息,还对发展趋势,市场聚焦,商业应用进行了深度报道。 | Telecom World not only introduces the latest information on world telecom industry, but also organizes in-dept reports on operation trends, market spotlight, and application business. | |
6 | 1896年,戈特利布·戴姆勒推出全球首辆发动机驱动的平板卡车,证明发动机动力亦可用于货运。 | In 1896, Gottlieb Daimler makes it plain that engine power can also be used for goods transportation whereby he introduces the first engine-driven flatbed truck in the world. | |
7 | 1897年,戴姆勒汽车公司(Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft)(DMG)推出有效载荷为500-2000公斤的“商务厢式汽车”车型系列。 | In 1897, the Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft introduces a ″business van″ model series for payloads of 500 to 2000 kg. | |
8 | 1997年1月-LEXUS雷克萨斯在北美国际车展中推出其高性能轿车(HPS)之概念车。 | Jan. 1997--Lexus introduces the HPS (High Performance Sedan)concept vehicle at the 1997 North American International Auto Show. | |
9 | 1997年9月-LEXUS雷克萨斯第二代GS400和 GS300全新亮相。 | Sept. 1997 – Lexus introduces its next-generation GS 400/300. | |
10 | 1998年 首次引入社区店,在阿肯色开了三家社区店 | 1998 Wal-Mart introduces Neighborhood Market concept with three stores in Arkansas. | |
11 | 2003年3月-LEXUS雷克萨斯推出其限量版运动款GS300。该款车配备有全新的马鞍色真皮坐垫,青铜色全铝车轮以及独一无二的石墨珍珠色车身。 | Mar. 2003 – Lexus introduces a limited edition GS 300 SportDesign model. The 2003 SportDesign edition features new saddle-color leather seats, gunmetal-colored aluminum wheels and an exclusive Graphite Gray Pearl exterior. | |
12 | IDG每年都会为中国引进4~5种杂志,使合资杂志的数量已经达到了27种。 | Every year, IDG introduces four to five magazines to China, making the number of magazines with copyright cooperation reach 27. | |
13 | Volvo 向各个供应商介绍环保要求。 | Volvo introduces environmental requirements for suppliers | |
14 | Volvo 引入 EPS(产品设计中的环境优先战略)对汽车的使用周期进行评估。 | Volvo introduces Life-cycle assessment using EPS (Environmental Priority Strategies in product design) | |
15 | Volvo 引入内部环境审计。 | Volvo introduces internal environmental audits | |
16 | 埃克森美孚化工推出新型SANTOPRENE? TPV 可美化汽车外观 | ExxonMobil Chemical Introduces New Santoprene? TPV Grades Which Help Harmonize Car Appearance | |
17 | 本文会向您介绍数据库的概念,对 Access 稍作解释,然后为您提供一个该程序的教程。 | This article introduces you to the concept of a database, explains a little about Access, and takes you on a tour of the program. | |
18 | 本文简要介绍了纳米材料的结构、性能与应用,重点研讨了其制备工艺和所存在的问题。 | This paper briefly introduces the structure, properties and applications of nanomaterials. Their preparation processes and existing problems are highlighted. | |
19 | 本邮局隆重推出最新服务项目:凡购买礼仪鲜花一束,邮局为您免费邮递贺卡壹张。 | The post office grandly introduces the latest service: If you Buy a Bundle of greeting flowers, the post | |
20 | 成层法并非总能解决这类问题,因为这时常会引起另外的矛盾。 | stratification does not always work, since it often introduces other conflicts | |
21 | 第二本书会介绍他上大学时的情况,书中告诉我们,他在学业取得了非常惊人的进步,补袜子的技术非常高超,而且有用纸包书保护封面的新发明。 | The next book introduces him to the University, where we are informed of his amazing progress in learning, his excellent skill in darning stockings, and his new invention for papering books to save the covers. | |
22 | 第十二条 国家根据不同地区的经济发展水平和教育普及程度,实施以初中后为重点的不同阶段的教育分流 | Article 12 In light of the different levels of economic development and degrees of universal education in different areas, the State introduces a division of education, at different stages, chiefly among junior secondary school graduates, | |
23 | 第一乐章以缓慢的主旋律开始。 | A slow theme introduces the first movement. | |
24 | 感应器感应的物体,尤指靠电感运作的或将电感导入线圈的装置 | One that inducts,especially a device that functions by or introduces inductance into a circuit. | |
25 | 高校教学管理引入ISO9000族标准探析 | Analysis on Introduces the ISO9000 System Standard into the University Teaching Management | |
26 | 公司采用了有效的销售系统。 | The company introduces a streamlined system of distribution. | |
27 | 国家依法实行国有土地有偿使用制度。但是,国家在法律规定的范围内划拨国有土地使用权的除外。 | The State introduces the system of compensated use of land owned by the State except the land has been allocated for use by the State according to law. | |
28 | 接下来是这对流浪父子在这个工业革命所造就的流浪生活中历险的喜剧故事,卓别林在片头字幕上写道:“一部既使人发笑又可能使人一掬同情之泪的影片。” | What follows is a series of wandering father-son adventures for this castoff life from the Industrial Revolution in this comedy that Chaplin introduces in his opening title card as "a picture with a smile-perhaps a tear." | |
29 | 梅赛德斯-奔驰始终致力于在最短时间内把全球发布的最新车型投放到中国市场,这也是梅赛德斯-奔驰对中国市场的承诺。 | To show its commitment in the China market, the company always introduces the latest models to China within the shortest time after their world debuts. | |
30 | 能对油进行生物降解的细菌已经制造出来,用于油污的清除。遗传工程也引发了人们对基因逆向操作及其后果的恐惧(如耐受抗生素的细菌或新的疾病类型)。 | Bacteria capable of biodegrading oil have been produced for use in oil-spill cleanups. Genetic engineering also introduces the fear of adverse genetic manipulations and their consequences (e.g., antibiotic-resistant bacteria or new strains of disease). |