属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-麻省理工学院开发道德机器帮助自动驾驶汽车做出选择
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-宗教审查服务 上帝的外包工作
1 | 其中F系引进了燃料直接注入技术,H系则实现了1,000马力的功率。 | Variant F introduces direct petrol injection, variant H sees the advent of over 1,000 HP. | |
2 | 设计回归,经典再造-美国家电巨擘惠而浦公司发表系列概念式洗衣机 | Whirlpool Introduces New Designs of Washing Machine | |
3 | 为了进一步提高其受欢迎程度,BMW于1990年推出了一种新的后轮轴。 | To further improve motoring sensation, BMW introduces a new kind of rear axle in 1990. | |
4 | 镶嵌滚边编带所产生的厚度是缝纫机压脚不能越过的,因此需要一个特殊的压脚。 | Inserting a corded piping introduces bulk, which the machine presser foot is unable to surmount, therefore a special presser foot is necessary. | |
5 | 一项全球性禁止十几种危害海洋生物的耐久性合成化学品的法令即将出台,工业领域每年又生产出数以百计的新产品--它们很快会变成海洋食物链的一部分。 | And while a global ban on a dozen long-lived synthetic chemicals that threaten ocean life is close to becoming reality, industry introduces hundreds of new ones that quickly become part of marine food chains each year | |
6 | 英特尔公司本周推出四款新型台式机芯片组,为渴望获得丰富数字媒体、游戏和宽带体验的PC用户带来更高性能、可靠性和灵活性。 | Intel Corporation introduces four new desktop chipsets that bring higher performance, reliability and flexibility to PC users who demand a richer digital media, gaming and broadband experience. | |
7 | 有时候,可以藉由替代方案,更换会产生危害的机器物料或特性,例如可以用无毒的物质,或毒性较低的材料取代含氯清洁溶剂. | Sometimes it might be possible to replace the machine or material or other feature that introduces the hazard by an alternative. For example it might be possible to replace chlorinated cleaning solvents by a non-toxic method, or a less toxic material. | |
8 | 再婚把继父继母带进孩子的生活中,造成了孩子有几个家庭的可能性。 | remarriage introduces stepparents into children’s lives and creates the possibility of having several families | |
9 | 在IBM移植计划中第一家介绍Xeon Powered 1U服务器用户的主要销售商,可以从大量解决方案中进行选择,包括IBM等主要销售商的第一台基于Xeon的1U服务器。 | First Major Vendor Introduces Xeon Powered 1U Server Customers in the IBM migration program can choose from a wide array of solutions, including the first Xeon based 1U server from a major vendor like IBM. | |
10 | 在裙子方面今年的款式引进了新样子. | This year`s fashion introduces a new look in skirts. | |
11 | 在食品生产厂,食品加工设备(例如被加工食品的搅拌或传输设备)的布置位置通常会因更换润滑油或更换设备而导致食品污染风险。 | In a food manufacturing plant, the equipment used in food processing (e.g. for stirring or transporting the food being processed)is normally situated in locations such that to change the lubricant or replace the equipment introduces a risk of food contam | |
12 | 这会使光部分地退偏振。 | This introduces partial depolarization of the light | |
13 | 这首歌引出了这个剧中最重要的情节。 | This song introduces the most important part of the play. | |
14 | 这样就要引入热力学概念。 | This introduces thermodynamic considerations | |
15 | 证券交易所采取技术性停牌或者决定临时停市,必须及时报告国务院证券监督管理机构。 | If a stock exchange introduces technical measures to stop listings or decides to temporarily halt trading, it must immediately report this to the State Council’s securities regulatory body. | |
16 | 质量工程的最近发展简介 | Introduces the Newly Developed Situation of the Utilization of Quality Engineering | |
17 | 主要产品包括标准系列及铂金系列火花塞,使其有着最广泛的车型应用,从而满足广大客户的需要。 | Now ACDelco introduces traditional line and professional platinum line into China market to meet your requirement. | |
18 | ||1:拉莫斯的家人在她六岁时从菲律宾移民到了威斯康星州,她通过四个主要角色讲述了自己的故事。||2:除了简和阿特(简和阿特几十年前来到美国,在菲律宾抚养她的孩子),她还介绍了里根,一个年轻、白人、没有灵魂、迷茫的毕业生,后来成了简的室友;还有30多岁的余美,一个积极进取的人,一边经营着黄金橡,一边策划着自己完美的婚礼。||3:将这些人物简化为原型本是件容易的事,但拉莫斯女士对每个人都充满了感情、同理心和倾听心声的欲望。||4:这些女性共同讲述了一个美国的故事,在这个故事中,“如果你不富有,你要么强壮,要么年轻。” | ||1:Ms Ramos, whose own family emigrated from the Philippines to Wisconsin when she was six, tells her story through four main characters.||2:As well as Jane and Ate (who came to America decades earlier to support her children back in the Philippines), she introduces Reagan, a young, white, soulfully rudderless graduate who becomes Jane’s roommate; and Mae Yu, a 30-something go-getter who runs Golden Oaks while planning her perfect wedding.||3:It would have been easy to reduce these figures to archetypes, but Ms Ramos inhabits each one with affection, sensitivity and a keen ear for voice.||4:Together, these women tell a story of an America in which “you must be strong or young if you are not rich.” | |
19 | ||1:在这段时期,因为继承的缘故,她不得不经常搬迁—这类烦心事反倒丰富了她的叙述内容。||2:老姑娘和母亲总是寄居在有钱的侄子家中;孩子会成为膝下无子的亲戚的继承人。||3:一条来自东印度的披肩引出了费拉阿姨—她在二十一岁时乘船到孟加拉寻找结婚对象——和她的女儿伊莱莎的故事。||4:伊莱莎是个天性浪漫的私生女,她的先夫死于法国大革命的断头台上;后来她嫁给了奥斯汀的哥哥亨利。||5:这个轻佻娇纵的嫂子后来成了她在《曼斯菲尔德庄园》里玛丽.克劳福德小姐的原型。||6:亨利本人的军旅生涯也为她在《傲慢与偏见》中浮夸的“红制服”军人形象提供了素材。||7:而她作做海军的兄弟们则提供了海军生活的第一手材料。 | ||1: During this time the movements of family followed the flows of inheritance; a vexatious matter that drives Austen’s narratives. ||2: Old maids and mothers were often housed by rich cousins; a child might be made heir to childless relatives. ||3: An East Indian shawl introduces Aunt Phila—who at 21 sailed to Bengal in order to find a husband—and her daughter, Eliza. ||4: A romantic figure, and presumably illegitimate, Eliza first married a man who fell under the guillotine in the French Revolution, and later married Austen’s brother Henry. ||5: This coquettish cousin is fictionalised as Mary Crawford in “Mansfield Park”. ||6: Austen also drew on Henry’s militia experience for her depiction of flirtatious redcoats in “Pride and Prejudice”. ||7: Her midshipman brothers helped inform references to the navy. | |
20 | YouTube网站上的一则视频介绍了道德机器。 | A video on YouTube introduces Moral Machine: | |
21 | 对于发明者来说,快乐来自于成为某种类型的讲故事者,一个介绍角色的人,赋予每个角色属性(一个能够发明新技术的科学家;一个具有地质常识的矿工),然后为他们梦想新的场景。 | For the inventor the pleasure is from being a storyteller of sorts, one who introduces a cast of characters, bestows each with attributes (a scientist able to invent new technology; the miner with geological nous) and then dreams up novel scenarios for them. | |
22 | 罗马教廷在圣徒核查领域引入价格控制机制 | The Vatican introduces price controls on the saint-verifying business | |
23 | “这会给他引入其他女性的概念,”弗里德曼在接受《每日电讯报》采访时这样说到。 | "It introduces him to the concept of the other woman, " he said in London’s Daily Telegraph. | |
24 | 1998年:汉堡王在他们的菜单上推出了一种新食物:左撇子华堡,特别为那些左撇子设计的。 | Burger King introduces a new item to its menu: the Left-Handed Whopper, specially designed for southpaws. | |
25 | ConstantScan运算符可将一个或多个常量行引入到查询中。 | The Constant Scan operator introduces one or more constant rows into a query. | |
26 | Firefox新型音频应用程序接口为游戏开发者引入新的可能性。 | Firefox’s new audio API introduces new possibilities for game developers. | |
27 | MSBuild引入了一种新的基于XML的项目文件格式,这种格式容易理解、易于扩展并且完全受Microsoft支持。 | MSBuild introduces a new XML-based project file format that is simple to understand, easy to extend, and fully supported by Microsoft. | |
28 | RPC也引入了一些在本地过程编程里面不会出现的问题。 | RPC introduces a set of error cases that are not present in local procedure programming. | |
29 | Sandel教授在课程中这样介绍康德:最具挑战性和最有难度的思想家之一。 | Professor Sandel introduces Immanuel Kant -- one of the most challenging and difficult thinkers in his course. | |
30 | Sandel介绍了现代哲学家JohnRawls和他的“假定契约”理论。 | Sandel introduces the modern philosopher John Rawls and his theory of a "hypothetical contract. " |