属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-铁娘子 Iron Lady
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欺骗的重要 The importance of tri
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-聪明不在 Not so smart now
1 | 王阳明致良知的认识论及其成圣主张 | Wang Yangming’s Espitemology of Intuitive Knowledge and His Idea of Saints | |
2 | 先验的有关独立于经验之外的知识的,先在的或以直觉为基础的 | Concerned with the a priori or intuitive basis of knowledge as independent of experience. | |
3 | 新款GS全力营造出“人车合一”的和谐氛围,让驾乘者倍感舒适惬意。 | The interior of the new GS also aims to make drivers and passengers feel at one with the car by providing an intuitive and naturally comfortable environment. | |
4 | 一种新的直觉模糊群的同态 | Homomorphisms of a New Kind of Intuitive Fuzzy Groups | |
5 | 艺术家画笔本能的,艺术的运动象征着其对自然的神秘移情,他的一系列山水和花卉题材象征着其对自然形态和力量的精神和谐的信仰。 | The artist’s intuitive , calligraphic brush movements symbolizing his mystical empathy with nature and his cyclic landscape and flower subjects expressing his belief in the spiritual harmony of natural forms and forces. | |
6 | 因此,设计过程就是一系列设计步骤的总框架,它把理性和直觉两个方面结合起来,有助于设计人员组织自己的工作、思维和情感,以作出最佳的设计 | The design process, then, is a framework of steps, incorporating both rational and intuitive phases, which aid the designer to organize his/her work, thoughts, and feelings in an effort to produce the best design solution possible. | |
7 | 因为控制器具有合理并且直觉的菜单结构,从而可以使汽车仪表板上的控制仪器的数量大大减少。 | Thanks to the logical, intuitive menu structure, the Controller effectively eliminates excess instruments from the dashboard. | |
8 | 因为它阻碍了直观的了解,但是它使逻辑的分析必须自立这一点变得很清楚。 | Since it bars intuitive understanding it did make clear that logically analysis must stand on its own feet | |
9 | 应该注意,提出一个设计方案确实包括理性方面(调查、分析、计划编制和施工知识)和直觉方面(把式样和造型结合起来的感觉、美学欣赏能力等)。 | It should be noted that producing a design does involve both rational aspects (inventory, analysis, program development, construction knowledge)and intuitive aspects (the feel of putting forms and shapes together, aesthetic appreciation, etc.). | |
10 | 这个工作需要技巧,直觉的猜测会起很大的作用。 | This is an art in which intuitive guessing plays an important part. | |
11 | 直觉的知识. | intuitive knowledge | |
12 | 直觉法则对国小六年级学生科学概念影响之研究 | The Influences of the Intuitive Rules on Science Concepts for the Sixth Grade of the Primary School | |
13 | 直觉决策及其可信度评估方法研究 | Intuitive Decision Making and Its Credibility Evaluation Method | |
14 | 专家用于求解问题的高级的但常常是不确切的经验法则和直觉推理法。 | The high-level,often imprecise rules of thumb and intuitive reasoning that experts use to solve problems. | |
15 | ||1:当索尼娅?甘地九月份回到印度,再次开始她国会党主席的工作时,原本混乱的状况一似乎下子秩序井然。||2:人们关于她的地位最恰当的描述是“王朝的精神领袖”,原本是因为她是拉吉夫的遗孀,而现在则更多的是因为她在政治上直觉敏锐,思想具有战略性,寡言慎行,对政治工作有绝对的掌控能力。 | ||1:When she returned to India in September and resumed her duties as president of the ruling Congress Party, the immediate crisis appeared to stabilise.||2:Mrs Gandhi’s position—which might best be described as a dynastic moral authority—now stems less from the fact that she is Rajiv’s widow than from her intuitive strategic sense and her discreet, often silent, ability to assert political control. | |
16 | ||1:对向往长生不老的人而言遗憾的是,凯夫做出了一个结论:永生是种幻想。||2:不过就事论事,他对此的解析的确很吸引人。||3:调查中,关于灵魂的部分对与之相关的“生机论”教义做了有力的攻击,即灵魂与身心二元论——这是一种非常直接,且许多人都相信的思想,他们认为某种超自然的力量赋予了生物生命,一个人的人格及意识能够超越死亡而存在。||4:基督徒会对凯夫探讨复活的章节感兴趣,因为他探讨了上帝重造已死者的肉体这一点是怎样一直做为各基督教派的教义保留下来的。||5:人们认为,一个人的灵魂,不同于其躯体,它终会上天堂或是下地狱,则是在该思想(上帝可以重造肉体)之后才发展出来的一种修饰。 | ||1:For the aspiring undying, Mr Cave unfortunately concludes that immortality is a mirage.||2:But his demolition project is fascinating in its own right.||3:The section on the soul is an able attack on the related doctrines of “vitalism”, the soul and mind-body dualism—the intuitive and still widely held body of ideas that hold that living creatures are animated by some sort of supernatural spark, and that an individual’s personality or consciousness can survive death.||4:The chapters on resurrection will interest Christians, as Mr Cave examines how the literal recreation, by God, of dead people’s bodies remains the doctrine of most branches of Christianity.||5:The idea of one’s soul, as opposed to one’s body, ending up in heaven or hell is a subsequent embellishment. | |
17 | ||1:科茨先生的论文无法令人完全信服。||2:他所采用的实验数据太少,把男性所垄断的交易员工作与女性为主的资产管理员工作做了区分,但却忽视了一个事实。很多带谨慎态度的长期投资者总会在牛市气氛中下错注。||3:直觉上知道生物反应能告知市场情绪是有他的道理的。||4:这本书把该想法具体化。 | ||1:Mr Coates’s thesis is not entirely convincing.||2:The experimental data are too scarce and the distinction he draws between the masculine world of risk-taking traders and the more feminised world of asset managers skips over the fact that many supposedly cautious, long-term investors made poor bets in the boom.||3:But it makes intuitive sense that biological responses inform the mood of the markets.||4:This book puts flesh on that idea. | |
18 | ||1:搜寻了生物学,神经生理学,免疫学和心理学的研究后,特里沃斯先生简要说明了欺骗和进化过程间的各种关系。||2:有些关系是天生的。比如,灰松鼠会造假窝,以防止别人偷抢它的橡木果实。||3:安慰剂有时和药一样有效,但却没有令人难受的副作用。||4:其他的例子则相对费解。||5:特里沃斯先生声称,从生物学角度,母体和父体遗传基因间的竞争会引起“自我分裂”的说法欺骗了大家。||6:人类记忆常常会有一个无意识的选择与扭曲的过程,促使我们相信讲给他人的假话。 | ||1: Mining research in biology, neurophysiology, immunology and psychology, Mr Trivers delivers a swift tour of links between deception and evolutionary progress. ||2: Some of it is intuitive . The grey squirrel, for example, cleverly builds false caches to discourage others from raiding its acorns. ||3: Placebos are sometimes as effective as medication without the nasty side effects. ||4: Other illustrations require more head-scratching. ||5: Mr Trivers argues that competition between our maternal and paternal genes can create “split selves”, which try to fool each other on a biological level. ||6: Human memory often involves an unconscious process of selection and distortion, the better to believe the stories we tell others. | |
19 | ||1:最后,作者得出结论,与其说人类的大脑是理性的集合,还不如说它更像一个轻浮的少年:反复无常,容易分神,缺少自觉意识。||2:当然这本书不是人们悲观的忠告。||3:书的标题有些拗口,但它表明了卡内曼’对认知的双层分类模型:“系统一,快速,受直觉引导,易犯上述的错误。||4:相比之下,系统二则缓慢,慎重思考,不易犯错误。||5:只有当我们面临着复杂的问题时,系统二才会启动,更多的时候,是让受直觉影响的系统一来替我们做决定。(读者可能会想到弗洛伊德的“本我”“超我”,但卡内曼在书中压根没有提这位贡献卓著的前人) | ||1: After all this the human brain looks less like a model of rationality and more like a giddy teenager: flighty, easily distracted and lacking in self-awareness. ||2: Yet this book is not a counsel of despair. ||3: Its awkward title refers to Mr Kahneman’s two-tier model of cognition: “System 1” is quick, intuitive and responsible for the quirks and mistakes described above (and many others). ||4: “System 2”, by contrast, is slow, deliberative and less prone to error. ||5: System 2 kicks in when we are faced with particularly complex problems, but much of the time it is all too happy to let the impulsive System 1 get its way. (Readers may be reminded of Freud’s “id” and “superego”, though Mr Kahneman never mentions this particular intellectual ancestor.) | |
20 | “很明显,市场人员的从直觉的层面知道时间很重要,”阿克(Aaker)说道。 | "Clearly, marketers feelat some intuitive level that this time is important, " says Aaker. | |
21 | “她很美,人很好,直觉不错,”罗宾说,轻描淡写地描述了一翻那人的特点。 | "She’s pretty, she’s nice, she’s intuitive , " Robin said, casually ticking off the qualities. | |
22 | “前严谨”阶段。在此阶段以一种非正式,直觉性的方式来教数学,建立在例子,模糊的符号,借助手势的基础上。 | The "pre-rigorous" stage, in which mathematics is taught in aninformal, intuitive manner, based on examples, fuzzy notions, andhand-waving. | |
23 | “这看起来似乎和直觉相反,但是看起来太阳核心确实比其他部分转的慢”,Sturrock说。 | "It may seem counter-intuitive , but it looks as if the core rotates more slowly than the rest of the sun, " Sturrock said. | |
24 | Grisbi最棒的地方是它的简单、直观和干净的界面,使得财务组织像一阵微风。 | The best thing about Grisbi is its simple, intuitive and clean interface that makes organizing your finances a breeze. | |
25 | ipad让用户通过比以往更亲密,直观和有趣的方式把应用程序,内容和互联网连接起来。 | iPad allows users to connect with their apps, content and the Internet in a more intimate, intuitive and fun way than ever before. | |
26 | MacBook是媒介,传递出来的信息是:技术应当简单、直观、有趣。 | The iPhone, the iPad and the MacBook are the medium; the message is that technology should be easy, intuitive , and fun. | |
27 | Toker博士说,当为员工建立一个有支持性的环境似乎是理所当然的,但很多工作环境都不能做到。 | While building a supportive environment for employees may seem intuitive , Dr. Toker says that many workplaces have lost their way. | |
28 | Xsmall咖啡机直观的一键式界面意味着“使用者不需要阅读繁复的菜单”,谢弗说。 | Xsmall’s intuitive one-button interface means "users don’t have to read the manual, " Schaffer says. | |
29 | 把每一人份量含有180-210卡路里的花生酱称为低热食品看起来可能有点不可思议。 | Calling peanut butter a diet food, with 180 to 210 calories per serving, may seem counter-intuitive . | |
30 | 比起普通摩托车来,它适合更有直觉的驾驶体验。 | It lends itself to a more intuitive driving experience than the average motorcycle. |