1 | (2)本章程的变更不会使董事的任何先前行为失效,只要该行为在未进行变更的情况下本应有效。 | An alteration of these articles does not invalidate any prior act of the directors that would have been valid if the alteration had not been made. | |
2 | (2)特别决议不会使董事在决议通过前所做的任何事情无效。 | The special resolution does not invalidate anything that the directors have done before the passing of the resolution. | |
3 | 保护检验、测量及试验设施,包括硬件与软件,免于不当之调整而使其校正设定失效。 | Safeguard inspection, measuring and test facilities, including both test hardware and test software, from adjustments which would invalidate the calibration setting. | |
4 | 本协议之条款可以分割。本协议任何一款无效不影响整个协议的效力。 | The terms of this agreement are severable. The invalidity of one clause does not invalidate the agreement. | |
5 | 不具有投标者资格的标书,不符合招标文件规定的标书,以及超过截止日期送达的标书,评标委员会有权决定其无效。 | The tender Assessment Panel may invalidate tenders that are submitted by unqualified tenders, or that are not in accordance with the conditions of the tender documents or that are submitted out of the prescribed time. | |
6 | 测量设备应防止可能使测量结果失效的调整. | The measuring equipment shall be safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement result | |
7 | 第十条当事人超越经营范围订立合同,人民法院不因此认定合同无效。但违反国家限制经营、特许经营以及法律、行政法规禁止经营规定的除外。 | Clause 10 Where the parties entered into a contract the subject matter of which was outside their scope of business, the People’s Court shall not invalidate the contract on such ground, except where conclusion of the contract was in violation of state restriction concerning, or licensing requirement for, a particular business sector, or in violation of any law or administrative regulation prohibiting the parties from participation in a particular business sector. | |
8 | 第四条合同法实施以后,人民法院确认合同无效,应当以全国人大及其常委会制定的法律和国务院制定的行政法规为依据,不得以地方性法规、行政规章为依据。 | Clause 4 After the Contract Law became operative, a People’s Court may only invalidate a contract in accordance with laws adopted by the National People’s Congress or its Standing Committee, or administrative regulations adopted by the State Council, and may not invalidate a contract in accordance with any local statutes or administrative rules. | |
9 | 对于其它许多影响通货膨胀的因素,是否使得失业-通货膨胀的消长关联,这一点,经济学家们众说纷纭。 | Economists differ as to whether the many other influences on inflation invalidate the idea of an unemployment-inflation | |
10 | 防止可能使测量结果失效的调整;在搬运、维护或贮存期间防止损坏或失效 | Be safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement result;be protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage. | |
11 | 将装入容器运输的物质或物品,可以其他物质或物品代替,除非这样做会使试验结果成为无效。 | The substances or articles to be transported in the packagings may be replaced by other substances or articles except where this would invalidate the results of the tests . | |
12 | 抗辩试图证明(诉讼或声明)是错的,或使(诉讼或声明)无效 | To attempt to disprove or invalidate (an action or a claim. | |
13 | 例证被引用于证明或驳斥某种论点或证明某种观点的例子 | An example that is cited to prove or invalidate a contention or illustrate a point. | |
14 | 签名的笔迹不对会使支票无效。 | A faulty signature may invalidate a cheque | |
15 | 取消,使无效 | To annul or invalidate . | |
16 | 全国人民代表大会常务委员会根据代表资格审查委员会提出的报告,确认代表的资格或者确定个别代表的当选无效,在每届全国人民代表大会第一次会议前公布代表名单。 | Based on the reports submitted by the Credentials Committee, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress shall affirm the qualifications of deputies or invalidate the election of individual deputies, and shall publish the list of affirmed deputies prior to the first session of each National People’s Congress. | |
17 | 任何有权收到成员大会通知的人士被意外遗漏 没有向其发出成员大会通知 或未收到成员大会通知 均不会使成员大会的议事程序无效 | Any accidental omission to give notice of a general meeting to or any non-receipt of notice of a general meeting by any person entitled to receive notice does not invalidate the proceedings at the meeting. | |
18 | 如果只有一方签字,契约即无效. | A contract is invalidate d if only one party signs it. | |
19 | 如信用证转让给一个以上的第二受益人,其中一个或几个第二受益人拒绝接受信用证的修改,此举并不影响其它第二受益人接受修改。 | If a Credit is transferred to more than one Second beneficiary(ies), refusal of an amendment by one or more Second beneficiary(ies)does not invalidate the acceptance(s)by the other Second beneficiary(ies)with respect to whom the Credit will be amended accordingly. | |
20 | 如指示中订定,不符指明格式或方式之处倘无实质影响便不会使该格式或方式无效,则须据此办理。 | if the instructions so provide, deviations from the specified form or manner not affecting the substance thereof shall not invalidate that form or manner. | |
21 | 使废除或使无效;使作废 | To annul or make void;invalidate . | |
22 | 使无效;废除 | To make null;invalidate . | |
23 | 使无效;使失效 | To make ineffective;invalidate . | |
24 | 通过法律手续使(遗嘱)无效 | To invalidate (a will)by judicial action. | |
25 | 我们有许多因不受控制的军事力量而导致专政的例子(塞缪尔·埃利奥特·莫里森)。instance是指被引述来证明论点、使论点无效或用来表明观点的一个范例 | Of the despotism to which unrestrained military power leads we have plenty of examples(Samuel Eliot Morison.An instance is an example that is cited to prove or invalidate a contention or to illustrate a point | |
26 | 因为公司被合并,合同已变得无效。 | Because the company has been taken over,the contract has been invalidate . | |
27 | 印刷或其他质量问题不会使有效得奖券失效。 | Printing and other quality control errors will not invalidate an otherwise valid prize claim. | |
28 | 用人单位违反前两款规定的,劳动者有权拒绝从事存在职业病危害的作业,用人单位不得因此解除或者终止与劳动者所订立的劳动合同。 | In the event that the Employer fails to comply with the provisions in the Article 30, the laborer may refuse to undertake the occupational-disease-inductive post, which shall not be used by the Employer as the excuse to invalidate or terminate the labor contract concerned. | |
29 | 用人单位应当及时安排对疑似职业病病人进行诊断;在疑似职业病病人诊断或者医学观察期间,不得解除或者终止与其订立的劳动合同。 | The Employer should have the patient concerned diagnosed in time. It is not allowed to invalidate or terminate the labor contract with the said patient during the diagnosis and medical treatment period. | |
30 | 证书未经证明而涂改应属无效。 | Uncertified alterations or erasures shall invalidate the certificates. |