属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-墨西哥边境工厂 兵临城下
1 | (当然了,像日本式的汽车会产生一些体积小的问题,但美国人是些善于发明创造的人)。 | (Granted, the Japanese cars have presented some logistical problems, but Americans are an inventive people.) | |
2 | “动画片《猫和老鼠》中充满了不可思议的创造力和没完没了的恶作剧噱头,诙谐幽默,这就是汤姆和杰瑞之所以能吸引各个年龄段观众的原因。” | The shows are incredibly inventive and witty with an endless stream of gags, which is why they appeal to all ages. | |
3 | 出类拔萃的创造发明能力源于不屈不挠的坚定信念。 | Exceptional creative or inventive capacity is the product of an inexhaustible willingness to take great trouble. | |
4 | 但需要满足几个条件,其一,具有新颖性,其二,具有创造性(强于有经验的工匠所创造来的东西),其三,可以应用于工业实践。 | Thereof which is new, involves an inventive step, is higher than a skilled craftsman can produce and is susceptible of industrial application. | |
5 | 第三十五条 依照专利法第三十一条第一款规定,可以作为一件专利申请提出的属于一个总的发明构思的两项以上的发明或者实用新型,应当在技术上相互关联,包含一个或者多个相同或者相应的特定技术特征; | Article 35 Two or more inventions or utility models belonging to a single general inventive concept which may be filed as one application in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 31 the Patent Law shall be technically interrelated and contain one or more same or corresponding special technical features. | |
6 | 电气设计中的发明原理分类研究―发明原理之No. 21至No. 40 | Research on Inventive Principles Classification of Electrical Design: Principles No. 21 to No. 40 | |
7 | 电气设计中的发明原理分类研究―发明原理之No.1至No.20 | Research on Inventive Principles Classification of Electrical Design: Principles No. 1 to No. 20 | |
8 | 发明创造的能力. | inventive powers | |
9 | 发明问题解决理论在一种新型微型并联机器人设计中的应用 | The Application of Theory of Inventive Problem Solving in a New Micro-Parallel Robot Design | |
10 | 富有想象力的有很多主意的;创造性的或有创见的 | Having a profusion of ideas;creative or inventive . | |
11 | 她的发言吐语显得真挚,不流于俗套,在她聚精会神侃侃而谈的时候,使人觉得象是一位具有高度文化修养的人在用外语发表意见。 | There was something earnest and inventive in her tone, which at times, in its strained deliberation, suggested a person of high culture speaking a foreign language | |
12 | 灵巧的拥有创造性天才和想象力的 | Marked by inventive skill and imagination. | |
13 | 谋求发明新式武器工作继续不断,凡是有创造性头脑的人或者喜欢探索的人要为他们过剩的智力找个出路,这是极少数剩下来的活动之一。 | The search for new weapons continues unceasingly, and is one of the very few remaining activities in which the inventive or speculative type of mind can find any outlet | |
14 | 努力提高科技水平,普及科技知识,引导人们树立科学精神,掌握科学方法,鼓励创造发明。 | Great efforts should be made to raise the scientific and technological level, popularize science and technology, guide people to take a scientific approach and master scientific methods, and encourage them to be creative and inventive . | |
15 | 全国十大优秀发明企业家 | the Ten Famous Inventive Enterprisers of China | |
16 | 如今呈现在我们面前的这个美好的世界是由那些具有清晰头脑和创造才智的勤奋不息的人们所创造的。 | The wonderful world which lies before us today has been built up by hardworking men with clear heads and inventive genius | |
17 | 苏格兰人既富于冒险精神又富于创造精神. | (The)Scots are an adventurous and inventive people. | |
18 | 他是个精力充沛,富有创造性的人,经常要尝试新东西。 | He was a restless and inventive man who was always trying new things | |
19 | 他天生具有发明才能。 | He is endowed with an inventive mind. | |
20 | 他有发明的天才。 | He has an inventive genius. | |
21 | 太阳风公司鼓励员工不拘一格,不断发明新方法,以不断满足甚至超过客户的期望,在太阳风,没有人会对你说:“这是我们的惯例”,也没有人会说:其它公司怎么怎么… | At solarwind, we encourage "out-of-the-box" thinking in the development of inventive and resourceful ways to meet and exceed the expectations of our clients. You won’t hear anyone at Synygy saying "...but that’s how we’ve always done it." You also won’t hear "...but that’s how other companies do it." | |
22 | 一件发明或者实用新型专利申请应当限于一项发明或者实用新型。属于一个总的发明构思的两项以上的发明或者实用新型,可以作为一件申请提出。 | An application for a patent for invention or utility model shall be limited to one invention or utility model. Two or more inventions or utility models belonging to a single general inventive concept may be filed as one application. | |
23 | 有发明才能的头脑. | an inventive mind | |
24 | 有目的,有意图的细节安排. | The purposeful or inventive arrangement of parts or details | |
25 | 在巴西,获得专利权的实质性要件是具有完全的新颖性、创造性(即在该领域内有经验的人看来不是很常见),以及工业实用性 | The requirements for obtaining a patent in Brazil are absolute novelty, inventive activity (i.e. it should not be obvious to a person skilled in the art), and present industrial application. | |
26 | 这个奖金猎人我很欣赏,勇敢又有创意 | This bounty hunter is my kind of scum.Fearless and inventive | |
27 | 这一装置是他那长于发明的头脑的产儿。 | This device is the offspring of his inventive mind. | |
28 | 自从工业革命以来,大批量生产的“竞争优势”已从简单的小批量生产能力转移到具有企业家的冒险、创新精神、市场经营和销售技能和管理技能上来了。 | Since the Industrial Revolution the competitive advantage in mass production has moved from the simple ability to produce quantities of anything, to inventive entrepreneurship, to marketing and sales expertise, to management skills | |
29 | 但是穆诺兹觉得自己想说什么就说什么,因为他为墨西哥北部的出口公司找到了圣杯:不仅仅是加工制造,而是如何制造。 | But Mr Muoz feels free to say what he likes, because he has found the holy grail for exporters in northern Mexico. He has brought inventive flair, not just deft fingerwork, to the process of making things . | |
30 | 发明之战 | Inventive warfare |