属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-气候变化 高举环保大旗
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-深陷危机 泰国局势急转直下
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-乌克兰危机 不是同一场电影
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯干涉美国大选 各自为战(1)
1 | 冲突;抵触冲突,如发生在相互对立或不可调和的思想间的 | A conflict,as between opposing or irreconcilable ideas. | |
2 | 该理论与事实不一致。 | The theory is irreconcilable with the facts. | |
3 | 国内国外的各种不可调和的矛盾,就像一座火山,每天都在威胁美国帝国主义,美国帝国主义就是坐在这座火山上。 | irreconcilable domestic and international contradictions, like a volcano, menace U.S. imperialism every day. U.S. imperialism is sitting on this volcano | |
4 | 合伙人的分歧看来无法调和。 | The partner’s differences seem irreconcilable . | |
5 | 合伙人之间的分歧似乎难以调和。 | The partners’ differences seem irreconcilable . | |
6 | 互相冲突的声明. | irreconcilable statements | |
7 | 可是这是不调和的。 | But the two are irreconcilable | |
8 | 那对分居的夫妻不可能和解。 | The separated couple was irreconcilable . | |
9 | 如水火不相容 | Irreconcilable as fire and water | |
10 | 善与恶不可调和。 | Good and evil are irreconcilable . | |
11 | 死敌. | irreconcilable enemies | |
12 | 他们是不共戴天的仇敌。 | They are absolutely irreconcilable enemies. | |
13 | 他们是那样腐化,那样充满日益增多的无法解决的内部争吵,那样被人民唾弃而陷于完全的孤立,打了那样多的败仗,因此他们就必不可免地走向灭亡。 | They are so corrupt, so torn by ever-increasing and irreconcilable internal quarrels, so spurned by the people and utterly isolated and so frequently defeated in battle that their doom is inevitable | |
14 | 他在卡普里岛引起了三场不可和解的冕仇。 | He had aroused three irreconcilable feuds in capri | |
15 | 同某人势不两立 | Be irreconcilable to [with] sb | |
16 | 我们必须采取这些步骤,因为由于目前存在的看来是无法调和的分歧,苏联不可能采取这些步骤。 | We had to take those steps because the Soviet Union could not, because of differences that they have that at the present time seem to be irreconcilable | |
17 | 我们永远不能一致--彼此的看法无法调和 | We can never agree our views are irreconcilable | |
18 | 与某人势不两立. | be irreconcilable to (with) sb | |
19 | 在爱默生心目中,不可调和的极端之间没有你死我活的斗争,两者渴望接近而耳鬓厮磨。 | For Emerson there is no cruel war of irreconcilable extremes; extremes nuzzle one another in their eagerness to come together | |
20 | 在结构中,评论家宣称在真正的文本中不可能找到含义,只能通过各种各样方式并通常是双方不可互相调和的,读者为了寻找含义而构建起来的‘虚拟文本’上才能找到(丽贝卡·戈尔茨坦) | In deconstruction,the critic claims there is no meaning to be found in the actual text,but only in the various,often mutually irreconcilable ,‘virtual texts’ constructed by readers in their search for meaning(Rebecca Goldstein) | |
21 | 这是一个不可调和的矛盾。 | This is an irreconcilable conflict. | |
22 | ||1:当各国领导人齐聚巴黎讨论有关减少温室气体排放的问题,北京被厚厚的雾霾笼罩。||2:在首都的某些地方,大气细颗粒物的含量达到了最低安全指标的30倍。||3:尽管空气污染和气候变化不是一件事,但生活在城市的中国居民认为他们都会在我们呼吸的过程中毒害我们的健康。||4:灰蒙蒙的天空似乎和领导人在法国所承诺的美好意愿不太相符。 | ||1:WHEN world leaders gathered in Paris to discuss cutting planet-heating emissions, a pall of smog hung over Beijing.||2:In parts of the capital levels of fine particulate matter reached 30 times the limit deemed safe.||3:Though air pollution and climate change are different things, Chinese citydwellers think of them in the same, poisoned breath.||4:The murky skies seemed irreconcilable with the bright intentions promised in France. | |
23 | ||1:事实上,民主争论更加复杂。||2:脱欧公投不仅是欧洲怀疑论的表现,也是一种更广泛的挫败感的表现。||3:它暴露了过去左右两党分裂所掩盖的按年龄、地区和阶级划分的分歧。||4:公投以来的激烈争论非但没有弥合这些分歧,反而导致双方的分歧进一步扩大。||5:推翻投票结果可能会使他们无法和解。||6:但是,采用英国退欧这样的协议不大可能治愈这些创伤。||7:事实上,退欧公投在某种程度上是左派对遥远而冷漠的精英统治的抗议,这种形式的退欧可能会让这些问题变得更糟。||8:对不负责任的统治者的愤怒不会因为一项协议而得到缓解,在该协议中,英国听从了它不能选出来的人的命令。||9:而那些只想把事情办完的人可能会发现,英国退欧仅仅标志着围绕英国与隔壁巨头关系的全国性争论的开始。 | ||1:In truth, the democratic argument is more complicated.||2:The vote to leave was an expression not just of Euroscepticism but of a wider frustration.||3:It exposed divisions by age, region and class that the old left-right party divide had covered up.||4:Far from bridging those divides, the bitter arguments since the referendum have if anything caused the two sides to move even further apart.||5:Overturning the vote would risk making them irreconcilable .||6:But adopting a Brexit deal like the one on offer would be unlikely to heal those wounds.||7:Indeed, to the extent that the referendum was a howl by the left-behind against rule by remote and uncaring elites, this form of Brexit could make those problems worse.||8:Anger at unaccountable rulers would not be assuaged by a deal in which Britain followed orders from people it could not elect.||9:And those keen just to get the whole thing over with might find that Brexit marked only the beginning of national argument about the relationship with the behemoth next door. | |
24 | ||1:现在僵局仍然持续。||2:该国应该进行新的选举。||3:英拉应该通过选举来获得直面其非民主保皇主义反对者的权力。||4:但是大选不是解决问题的方法,因为反对者仍将抵制选举。||5:素贴应经提议为显要人物建立一个“人民议会”,但是塔克辛支持者会认为这是一个旨在将他们排除在外的圈套。||6:敌对双方无法调和的差异已经湮没了泰国的法院,军队甚至整个君主政体,并让其陷入万劫不复之地。||7:忍受满腹不满情绪多年的投资者也整天惶惶不可终日。||8:满腔热血已在今年挥洒殆尽。||9:随着塔克辛支持者扬言街头冲突,更大范围内的暴力活动将会愈演愈烈。 | ||1:Now stalemate beckons.||2:An election is supposed to happen.||3:Ms Yingluck should have had the right to confront her undemocratic royalist foes at the ballot box.||4:But an election is no solution because the opposition will boycott it.||5:Mr Suthep has proposed a “people’s council” of the great and the good, but Thaksinites will rightly see it as a stitch-up designed to keep them out.||6:The irreconcilable differences between the two sides have swallowed up Thailand’s courts, its army and even the monarchy—and left Thailand at the abyss.||7:Investors, having borne years of simmering discontent, are taking fright.||8:Blood has already been spilled this year.||9:The prospects of wider violence are growing as Thaksinite supporters threaten conflict on the streets. | |
25 | 不可调和的力量正角逐着想要控制这个国家。 | Irreconcilable forces are tussling for control of the capital. | |
26 | 民意调查显示,大多数共和党和民主党人对某些事情的看法不可调和,而CIA前领导人则断言确实如此。 | Polling shows most Republicans and Democrats hold irreconcilable views on something that the former head of the CIA asserts is a settled fact. | |
27 | 大多数分析家认为,塔利班不可调和的意识形态的部分仍然是少数。 | Most analysts think that the irreconcilable ideological component of the Taliban remains in the minority. | |
28 | 但恐惧不仅仅如此,国王的存在减轻了不可调和的政治分歧,而一旦他驾崩,这些分歧将会失控。 | It is that the king’s death will remove a moderating influence that has kept irreconcilable political differences in check. | |
29 | 对什么是“好女人”的问题我们的文化制造出了两种几乎不可调和的描述。 | Our culture has created two almost irreconcilable descriptions of a "good woman. " | |
30 | 基督教与奴隶制。无法妥协的冲突。 | Christianity and slavery. Irreconcilable conflicts. |