属类:文学表达-外国名著-A MODERN COMEDY
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-瑞典政府 生命短暂
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-爱在潜逃路 惊悚小说也催泪
1 | 有些人认为,首相早就应该为其不负责任的行为而受到弹劾。 | Some people felt that the Prime Minister should have been impeached for his irresponsible actions | |
2 | 约翰写一篇社论指责该候选人作不负责任的言论。 | John wrote an editorial basing the candidate for irresponsible statement. | |
3 | 在索姆斯提出了解决办法之后,马乔里仍然坚持自己的要求,并向法庭提出诉讼。索姆斯和他的律师设法证明马乔里是一个毫无道德责任感的女人。 | After an offer of settlement from Soames, Marjorie still insisted on the apology and took her suit into court, Soames and his lawyer managed to prove that Marjorie was a woman of irresponsible morals. | |
4 | 在一个不负责任的人手中,一辆车可以变成一件杀人凶器。 | So a vehicle in irresponsible hands can be a most lethal weapon | |
5 | 这个提议我认为是很不负责任的。 | With respect to the proposal, I think it ’s quite irresponsible . | |
6 | 这样的例子为数不少,比较明显的有:鲁莽驾驶、非法停车、在不适当的场所使用手机和其他电子设备、不守时赴约。 | This is clearly manifested in the irresponsible way many of us drive and park our vehicles, the indiscriminate use of hand phones and other electronic devices, unpunctual for business and private appointments, to name just a few of our more glaring failings. | |
7 | 只对罪犯施以惩罚,不改变市场的根基是一种不负责任的行为。 | It is irresponsible to simply impose stricter regulations on wrongdoers without making changes in the foundation of the market. | |
8 | ||1:埃弗里特认为文化影响语法是可能的,但他并不确定。||2:他承认,关于引起语言差异原因的猜想已经成为多数不负责任的业余的语言学的主题。||3:文化在哪影响了语言、语言在哪影响了文化和认知(心理语言学研究的一个热门话题)、差异在哪是无关联的都很难计算。||4:埃弗里特提醒先天派,一个印象深刻的谦逊的合理的人是会考虑到乔姆斯基曾经笑话他是个骗子。||5:他的情况并不能完全证明,但值得一读,还有超越了人身攻击的回应。 | ||1:Mr Everett thinks it possible that culture influences grammar, but he is not sure.||2:He acknowledges that conjecture about what causes linguistic differences has been a staple of much irresponsible amateur linguistics.||3:It is hard to work out where culture has affected language, where language affects culture and cognition (a hot topic of psycholinguistic research), and where the differences are unrelated.||4:Mr Everett has taken a shot across the innatists’ bow, and an impressively modest and reasoned one given that Mr Chomsky once called him a charlatan.||5:His case is not wholly proven, but it deserves a serious reading, and a response beyond name-calling. | |
9 | ||1:勒文对此作出回击,称瑞典民主党的行为是“完全不负责任的”行为。||2:他决意表示,如果他还有机会组建新政府,会继续无视他们。||3:他声称,“中右翼”联盟会听取他们的意见。||4:在财政预算案投票之前,勒文无力地呼吁各联盟党派避免分歧,放弃支持瑞典民主党提交的财政预算案。||5:但12月02号深夜召开的会议之后,同盟党派拒绝商议新的财政预算案。 | ||1:Mr. Lofven fired back, calling the Sweden Democrats’ actions “utterly irresponsible ”.||2:And he promised that, should he be asked to form a new government, he will continue to freeze them out.||3:The centre-right alliance, he claimed, would let them have a voice.||4:Before the budget vote, Mr Lofven forlornly appealed to the alliance parties to avoid a crisis and reject support for their budget plans from the Sweden Democrats.||5:But after a late-night meeting on December 2nd, they refused to negotiate over a new budget. | |
10 | ||1:如果“不负责任”的奥巴马把恐怖分子从关塔那摩湾转移到堪萨斯的军事监狱,他将会使这一地区每一所医院和学校都成为(恐怖袭击的)活靶子。||2:这是该州参议员帕特 罗伯特持有的观点。||3:10月13号,面对不顾滂沱大雨,挤满购物中心的支持者,罗伯特议员保证:“起码我不会让这在我的眼皮底下发生。”他的言论随之赢来了诸多掌声和赞同。||4:这位78岁的共和党承诺,如有必要,他会中止一切参议院事务,来阻止奥巴马清空古巴的关塔那摩湾监狱,把其中剩余的犯人转移到堪萨斯州利文沃斯堡—美国安全级别最高的监狱所在地。 | ||1:IF AN “irresponsible ” Barack Obama moves terrorists from Guantanamo Bay to a military prison in Kansas, he would be painting a target on every hospital and school in the area.||2:That is the view of the state’s senior senator, Pat Roberts.||3:“Not on my watch,” Mr Roberts assured supporters huddled in a rain-lashed shopping mall in Wichita on October 13th, to much applause and nodding of heads.||4:Mr Roberts, a 78-year-old Republican, promises to halt all Senate business, if need be, to stop the president from emptying the prison camp in Cuba and sending its remaining detainees to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, home to America’s only maximum-security military prison. | |
11 | ||1:如今看来,税收出入似乎在今年越演越烈的总统竞选中的经济辩论里扮演了重要角色。||2:米特罗姆尼承诺将削减个人和公司税率并通过消除税收支出来支付税收削减。||3:有人谴责他的计划财政上并不可行,作为应对,罗姆尼承诺这一计划既不会增加赤字,也不会偏向富人,而不顾穷人和中产阶级。 | ||1:Tax expenditures now look likely to play a central role in the economic debates that are raging in this year’s election.||2:Mitt Romney has promised to slash personal and corporate rates and pay for the cuts by eliminating tax expenditures.||3:To fend off accusations that his plan is fiscally irresponsible and a giveaway to the rich, he has promised that it would not add to the deficit or favour the rich over the poor and the middle class. | |
12 | ||1:这名落魄的父亲虽然满嘴谎言,善于编造身份,也许是个危险人物,他将跑路六日娓娓道来,语言却也赏心悦目。||2:女作家不惜笔墨,主角形象丰满,读后令人同情,此乃小说最大亮点。||3:她笔下的埃里克时而富有远见卓识,时而滑稽古怪不负责任,时而自欺欺人,时而头脑清醒。||4:提到下定切断过去远逃异乡的决心时,埃里克如此解释:“每次我的女儿离开时,世界了无生机,我再也受不了了。”||5:他的叙述充满歉意和真诚,成就一部深刻思考绝望亲情的惊悚小说,其中不乏美丽的语言。 | ||1: The description of the next six days, written by this serial liar, self-inventor and troubled, possibly dangerous man, is riveting. ||2: Ms Gaige’s main achievement is to inhabit her protagonist so thoroughly that the reader cannot help but empathise. ||3: Eric is by turns insightful, funny, bizarre and irresponsible , at once self-deceiving and self-aware. ||4: Explaining his decision to cut and run, he writes: “I couldn’t take it any more, the way the wind went out of the world whenever my daughter left.” ||5: In his apologetic, heartfelt voice, the novel becomes an intense, often beautiful meditation on the desperate love of a parent for a child. | |
13 | “对于我们来说,中铝不是负责任的开采,是不负责任的开采。” | "To us Chinalco isn’tresponsible mining. It’s irresponsible mining. " | |
14 | “那当然。”她不满地看了我一眼,那意思好像是说她从来不是那种不负责的人让老公一个人购物。 | "Of course! " She gives me a sharp look as if to make clear that she would never be so irresponsible as to allow a husband to shop alone. | |
15 | “我们将提醒俄罗斯严重困扰我们的事务,”他说,“包括供应武器给不负责任的人。” | "We will remind Russia of matters that trouble us greatly, " he said, including "the supply of arms to irresponsible elements. " | |
16 | 2005年协议的推动方美国政府把北方的侵略行为称做“不相称且不负责任的”。 | The American government, a driving force behind the 2005 agreement, called the northern aggression "disproportionate and irresponsible " . | |
17 | HHS为其一再拖延的辩护理由毫无说服力且是不负责的。 | The Department’s justification for its continued delay is lame at best and irresponsible at worst. | |
18 | 奥巴马先生在他的初选中与石油公司、不负责任的房贷发放者及那些拿高薪却出口美国就业机会的老板们较劲。 | Mr Obama spent his primary campaign railing against oil firms, irresponsible mortgage lenders and overpaid bosses who export American jobs. | |
19 | 巴基斯坦拒绝接受这些缺乏依据和不负责任的指责、以及这些指责背后的态度和倾向。 | Pakistan rejects these baseless and irresponsible allegations and the attitude and proclivity behind them. | |
20 | 巴勒斯坦总统也说,巴勒斯坦领导人,在他们和他们的家属安全的时候,去鼓动冲突,是不负责任的。 | The Palestinian president said it was also irresponsible for Palestinian leaders to promote conflict while they and their families are safe. | |
21 | 保护欧元,安抚不想借钱给不负责任邻国的德国选民也许需要严格的政策。 | Hard discipline may be needed to preserve the euro, and to mollify German voters who do not want to bankroll irresponsible neighbours. | |
22 | 保险公司的无力偿付使得所有紧急状态“备份”资金被不负责任的借贷和支出所抹去,这肯定会毁了经济。 | Insolvency in insurers removes all emergency "backups" to irresponsible lending and spending, which would surely ruin the economy. | |
23 | 报复是心胸狭窄和不负责任的表现。 | Revenge is for the petty and irresponsible . | |
24 | 比所有往届美国总统加起来借得还多,这样是不负责任的做法。 | It is irresponsible to borrow more than all previous American presidents combined. | |
25 | 毕竟,自总统选举以来,我们已经忍受了许多有关白水事件的不负责任的报道。 | After all, we had endured a lot of irresponsible Whitewater stories since the campaign. | |
26 | 毕竟汉普顿旅社实际上是“三不管”经营的典型代表。 | Hampton House was, after all, practically the poster child for the "socially irresponsible " business. | |
27 | 不负责任的人往往将责怪转移到那些因素上,将它们表示为借口。 | Irresponsible people tend to shift the blame onto those factors, and vocalize them as excuses. | |
28 | 不仅是评击者们这么认为:奥西•阿迪莱斯还与他的老队友们一起,在接受他的“愚蠢”的,“不负责任”的决策。 | Not that the critics agree: Ossie Ardiles was still taking his old team-mate to task over his "stupid" and "irresponsible " decision making. | |
29 | 不要辜负梦想,不要去等那个“总有一天”,就让今天成为你新生活的起点。 | So don’t be irresponsible . Don’t wait until ’someday. ’ Make today the first day of the rest of your new life. | |
30 | 吃肉食,直接助长了这种对环境不负责任的产业并导致对全球变暖的严重威胁。 | Eating meat directly contributes to this environmentally irresponsible industry and the dire threat of global warming. |