1 | 国民党死硬派就是这样倒霉的,他们坚决地反对人民,站在人民的头上横行霸道,因而把自己孤立在宝塔的尖顶上,而且至死也不悔悟。 | The reason the Kuomintang die-herds are in trouble is this: they have stubbornly opposed the people, ridden roughshod over them and thus have isolated themselves on the pinnacle of a pagoda; moreover, they will not repent, even unto death | |
2 | 好几个村庄因大雪与外界隔绝。 | Several villages have been isolated by the heavy snowfall. | |
3 | 洪水使好几座村庄与外界隔绝了。 | Several villages have been isolated by the floods. | |
4 | 护送和普遍一致的监视曾经使他完全孤立。 | The escort and the universal watchfulness had completely isolated him | |
5 | 患者立即隔离了起来。 | The sufferers immediately isolated . | |
6 | 黄体酮卵巢的原始黄体荷尔蒙,其中黄体荷尔蒙以纯净的形态被隔离。它已不再用于科研 | A crude hormone of the corpus luteum from which progesterone can be isolated in pure form.No longer in scientific use. | |
7 | 她开门进来,眼里不时流出颗颗泪珠。 | She opened the door and came in, her eyes leaking isolated and unpunctual tears. | |
8 | 仅有少数树和得以在隔离的隐蔽处残存下来。 | Only a few species are capable of surviving in isolated pockets | |
9 | 局部地区的天花病突发 | An isolated outbreak of smallpox | |
10 | 绝缘栅场效应晶体管;绝缘栅场效应晶体管 | isolated -gate field effect transistor (IGFET) | |
11 | 科学家们已分离出引起这种流行病的病毒。 | Scientists have isolated the virus causing the epidemic. | |
12 | 拉瓦锡,安托万·洛朗1743-1794法国化学家,被认为是现代化学的奠基人。他分离出空气中的主要成分,证明了氧气在燃烧中所起的作用从而否定了燃素理论,并把化合物进行了分类。拉瓦锡在恐怖统治时期被处死 | French chemist who is regarded as the founder of modern chemistry.He isolated the major components of air,disproved the phlogiston theory by determining the role of oxygen in combustion,and organized the classification of compounds.Lavoisier was executed during the Reign of Terror. | |
13 | 来源树是孤立和生长在非典型条件下。 | The source tree must be isolated and growing under atypical conditions | |
14 | 两个以前相隔离的种因为某种大的气候变迁而接合在一起。 | These two previously isolated species coalesced because of some large climatic change | |
15 | 另一种被少数电厂采用的方法是采用大容量的发电机断路器或发电机负荷开关,它们接在发电机出线端和至机组用电变压器的分相封闭式母线分接头之间。 | Another approach which is being applied in a few plants is the use of her a high capacity generator circuit breaker or a generator load-break switch located between the generator terminals and the isolated -phase-bus tap to the unit auxiliary transformer. | |
16 | 麻黄素一种白色,无味,粉状或结晶状碱,C10H15NO,从麻黄属植物中提取或人工合成。用于治疗过敏和哮喘 | A white,odorless,powdered or crystalline alkaloid,C10H15NO,isolated from shrubs of the genus Ephedra or made synthetically.It is used in the treatment of allergies and asthma. | |
17 | 曼彻斯特大学教育学教授阿伦·斯密瑟斯说,“用人单位说他们需要毕业生有诸如解决问题和共同协作的技能。但是我认为这类专门性技能是不可以分离或测验出来的。” | Alan Smithers, professor of education at Manchester University, said: "Employers say they want graduates to have skills such as problem-solving and teamworking but I don’t believe such generic skills can be isolated or tested." | |
18 | 每到冬天,墨西哥中部的一座孤山顶上就栖满一种橙褐色的大蝴蝶。 | An isolated mountaintop in central Mexico is covered each winter with orange-and-black monarch butterflies | |
19 | 每一个种姓继而被分成许多阶层,因此印度教的总体结构由2000多个等级或阶层组成:每一个等级有其特殊的工作和功能,并且每一个等级几乎与其余的等级隔离开来。 | Each caste in turn is subdivided into many layers, so that the total structure of Hinduism consists of well over 2,000 castes, or stations, each with its own specific tasks and functions, and each largely isolated from the rest | |
20 | 美国一意孤行,干扰会议茕茕孓立,暴露了美国以“世界人权法官”自诩的虚伪性,凸显了美国政府霸权行径的狂妄和孤立。 | Behaviors of the United States at the conference revealed its hypocrisy when it professes itself as "a world judge of human rights" and show how arrogant and isolated the hegemonic acts of the US government are | |
21 | 那位病人与其他病人隔离了。 | The patient was isolated from the rest. | |
22 | 那些不能开车的人最无助,其中有买不起车的穷人,被孤立在郊区“飞地”中的儿童,还有上了年纪的老人。 | Those who can’t drive are the most marginalized--the poor who cannot afford cars, children who are isolated in suburban enclaves, and the elderly | |
23 | 僻静的或幽静的地方 | A secluded or isolated place. | |
24 | 羟基茜草素,红紫素一种从茜草属植物中提取出来用作生物染色剂和商业染料的淡红晶状化合物C14H5O2(OH) | A reddish crystalline compound,C14H5O2(OH)3,that is isolated from madder root for use as a biological stain and commercial dye. | |
25 | 人患传染病时通常要(与他人)隔离 | When a person has an infectious disease, he is usually isolated ( from other people) | |
26 | 如果从明朝中叶算起鸦片战争,有三百多年的闭关自守,如果从康熙算起,也有近二百年。 | China remained isolated for more than 300 years from the middle of the Ming Dynasty to the Opium War, or for nearly 200 years counting from the reign of Kang Xi. | |
27 | 如果喷注时期延续得足够长,隔开的涡流区的影响被抵消。 | If the injection period is extended long enough, the effects of isolated eddy cavities are neutralized | |
28 | 肾上腺素白色到褐色之间的晶体化合物,C9H13NO3,由某些哺乳动物的肾上腺提取或人工合成,用作心脏兴奋剂、血管收缩剂和支气管肌松弛剂 | A white to brownish crystalline compound,C9H13NO3,isolated from the adrenal glands of certain mammals or synthesized and used in medicine as a heart stimulant,vasoconstrictor,and bronchial relaxant. | |
29 | 苏联的经验,在这个问题上也给我们指出了方向,我们的有些同志却没有注意,他们老是孤立地互不联系地去看这些问题。 | In this matter too, Soviet experience points the way, yet some of our comrades pay no attention and always see these questions as isolated and unconnected | |
30 | 虽然在各城市骑过的路面常是破碎的和崎岖的,但在有的孤立的荒凉地方我们骑过的某些新铺的大道不比任何美国的公路差。 | But in isolated wilderness we cycled some newly paved highways as good as any in the U. S., while invariably going over cracked pavement and potholes in the cities |