属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴勒斯坦俘虏 为什么他们意义重大
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-流浪夏威夷 为迎合游客当地人付出沉重代价
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴勒斯坦俘虏 为什么他们意义重大
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-叙利亚内战 艰难时刻
1 | 黑人们在路上被逮捕了,并且被以莫须有的罪名送进了监狱。 | Negroes were arrested on the roads and herded into jails on cooked up stories | |
2 | 恐怖分子劫持了9名人质,并要求释放关押在以色列监狱的200多名巴勒斯坦人和2名德国恐怖分子。 | Nine more were taken hostage as the terrorists demanded the release of over 200 Palestinians in Israeli jails , along with two German terrorists. | |
3 | 使我第一次懂得中国监狱全部腐败情形的,是在湖南衡山县作调查时该县的一个小狱吏。 | The man who for the first time gave me a complete picture of the rottenness of Chinese jails was a petty jailer I met during my investigation in Hengshan County, Hunan | |
4 | 辛格先生的努力已使成千上万的狱中犯人学习了维帕萨那冥想术,这一技术作为悔过自新的工具已被印度政府推荐给所有的监狱应用。 | Mr. Singh’s efforts have led to thousands of inmates learning Vipassana and it is recommended by the Indian Government as a rehabilitation tool for use in all its jails | |
5 | 有些监狱的状况很糟糕。 | There are bad conditions in some jails . | |
6 | ||1:很少有其他问题能够像俘虏命运这样激发巴勒斯坦人的情绪。||2:几乎每一名巴勒斯坦人都有一名亲人、或者自己身陷囹圄。||3:人权组织估计自从1967年西岸及加沙被攻克以来,75万巴勒斯坦人遭受了以色列的牢狱之苦。||4:仅在今年前六个月就有2300名巴勒斯坦人被拘留。||5:尽管以色列将其统称为恐怖主义分子,巴勒斯坦人称其为asra或者战俘并通过广播与预算对他们及其家人加以支持。||6:因在2005年以失败告终的暴乱中合谋震惊以色列的100多起自杀炸弹袭击,一些人被判决。||7:但是,他们中许多人并未参与该流血事件却在17座以色列监狱中饱受折磨。 | ||1:Few issues stir Palestinian emotions as fiercely as the fate of prisoners.||2:Almost every Palestinian has a relative in jail—or has been there himself.||3:Human-rights groups estimate that 750,000 Palestinians have passed through Israeli prisons since the West Bank and Gaza were conquered in 1967.||4:Some 2,300 Palestinians were detained in the first six months of this year alone.||5:Whereas Israelis generally dub them terrorists, Palestinians call them asra, or prisoners of war, and devote large chunks of their public broadcasts and budget to supporting them and their families.||6:Some have been sentenced for complicity in the 100-plus suicide-bombings which shook Israel during the intifada (uprising) that fizzled out in 2005.||7:But many of those that languish in 17 special Israeli jails have no such blood on their hands. | |
7 | ||1:命令签署后,麦凯恩先生提出了个问题:“我们该把这些战俘送到那儿?”他的共和党同僚预计这些危险的恐怖分子可能会最终投入到当地的监狱。||2:事实上,奥巴马对此曾有设想,想在伊利诺伊州设置一所类似美国“超级监房”那样的设施,战犯一旦被投入监牢,就插翅难飞。||3:但右翼分子煽动公众的畏惧情绪,投票结果也表明公众对关闭战俘营怀有极大的不满情绪。||4:面对反对声浪,当时正被医疗保险改革搞得焦头烂额的白宫当局无暇他顾,对奥巴马提议的支持更是少之又少。||5:见势不妙,民主党人随即就打了退堂鼓。||6:在此后一系列涉及关塔那摩战俘营的投票中,两党都发出对总统关于关闭战俘营决策不满的呼声,进而要求对关闭战俘营的相关资金加以封锁,禁止将在押人员转到美国本土。 | ||1:“Where are we going to send them?” asked Mr McCain after the order was signed.||2:His Republican colleagues warned that dangerous terrorists could end up in local jails .||3:In fact, Mr Obama had in mind a facility in Illinois similar to America’s “supermax” prisons, from which no one has ever escaped.||4:But right-wingers stoked public dread and polls soon showed significant disapproval of the closure.||5:In the face of such opposition, and with little support from a White House distracted by health-care reform, the Democrats quickly backed down.||6:In a series of votes, both parties signalled their displeasure with the president’s policy, blocking funds for Guantánamo’s closure and banning the transfer of detainees to American soil. | |
8 | ||1:有几个城市采用一种截然不同的措施,即“住房优先”项目来减少无家可归人群。||2:特定的计划已实施从而让无家可归者在得到住房前具备“有房资格”,即没有疾病且有工作。与此同时,住房优先项目预先提供住房,之后为人们顺利入住提供必要的支持。||3:美国无家可归者跨机构委员会的马修·道尔蒂称,这样更省钱。否则,这些无家可归者将会在教委昂贵的服务机构间奔波,比如监狱、急诊室以及戒毒中心。||4:洛杉矶的一项研究发现在该项住房优先项目中,一人接受该项目国家将至少节省27000美元。 | ||1:Several cities have reduced homelessness by using a different approach, called Housing First.||2:Whereas typical schemes aim to get homeless people “housing ready”—that is, off drugs and in work—before placing them in homes, Housing First provides the home up front and then delivers the support needed to stay there.||3:This saves money, says Matthew Doherty of the US Interagency Council on Homelessness, as the homeless otherwise tend to ricochet between expensive services, such as jails , emergency rooms and detox centres.||4:A study from Los Angeles found that the public saves over $27,000 a year for every person in such a programme. | |
9 | 但是巴勒斯坦人知道其政府基本不会对对手更好。自从2007年6月巴方领土分裂为哈马斯统治的加沙以及阿巴斯的西岸,双方都围捕对方的积极分子。很多人在巴勒斯坦监狱饱受折磨,甚至有人被施以酷刑。 | But Palestinians know their governments often treat political opponents little better. Since the Palestinian territories were split in June 2007 between Hamas-ruled Gaza and Mr Abbas’s West Bank, both sides have habitually rounded up each other’s activists. Scores languish in Palestinian jails ; some have been tortured. | |
10 | 他决意激怒反对派,在冲突开始早些时候释放了圣战者。 | He set out to radicalise the rebels, releasing jihadists from his jails early in the conflict. | |
11 | 9天后,文章的作者也被高等法院投进了津巴布韦最恐怖的监狱之一。 | The story’s author had already had the case against him thrown out by the High Court after nine days in one of Zimbabwe’s ghastly jails . | |
12 | Klym也曾给医院和监狱打过电话,向人四处打听,并且还雇佣了一位私家侦探,试图找到Sladewski。 | Klym also tried to locate Sladewski himself by calling hospitals and jails , interviewing people and hiring a private investigator. | |
13 | 布告还补充说德国监狱里的罪犯“应该全数出狱”,并遣送到英格兰“这样能在那个国家更好的生活。” | The edict added that the felons in German jails "shall be emptied out" and sent to England "for the better peopling of that country. " | |
14 | 除此之外,令他们感到不安的是为什么要认为县的看守所将会好过州的监狱? | Besides, they fret, why assume that county jails will be any better than state prisons? | |
15 | 但加州也可将犯人转移至县监狱。 | But California can also transfer inmates to county jails . | |
16 | 但是,人权组织说道,在古巴的监狱里仍有200多位政治犯被关押着。 | But human-rights groups say there are still more than 200 political prisoners in Cuban jails . | |
17 | 但由于美军清理监狱时每个月都有约1500名犯人要转入伊拉克监狱,司法部门已经忙的不可开交。 | But it is sorely overstretched, with some 1, 500 people being brought into prisons every month as the Americans empty their own Iraqi jails . | |
18 | 到2012年,20座新监狱将投入使用,13所旧监狱关闭。 | Twenty new jails are to be opened by 2012, and 13 old ones shut. | |
19 | 对监狱进行比较需要谨言慎行,并且会给私立监狱的批评者们留下口实。 | Comparing prisons is tricky, and that leaves plenty of ammunition for critics of private jails . | |
20 | 和以前大部分的私人监狱一样,五个新监狱将由私人融资计划(简称PEI)建造和运营。 | Like most existing private jails , they are likely to be built and run through a Private Finance Initiative, or PFI. | |
21 | 很多人可能担心私人公司可能会从强大狱前游说中获利。 | Many also fear that firms which make money from jails form a powerful pro-prison lobby. | |
22 | 很多叙利亚监狱里的外国宗教极端分子都和宗教学校有染。 | Many of the foreigners who fetch up in Syrian jails are radicals who have been involved in religious schools. | |
23 | 还有更加令人担忧的事,地震时期,超过5,000名囚犯从监狱逃出,大部分现在仍逍遥法外。 | More worrying still, more than 5, 000 prisoners fled the country’s jails in the earthquake, and most remain at large. | |
24 | 加州刑事司法系统的一些部门(例如县监狱)此前已实施了禁烟。 | Some parts of California’s criminal justice system (county jails , for example) have already banned smoking. | |
25 | 监狱的巡视员发出警告:以现在的审判速度,监狱在九月之前就会住满犯人。 | At current rates of sentencing, the inspector of prisons warns, jails will be full by September. | |
26 | 监狱看守所手机屏蔽系统标准探讨 | Discussion on the Standard of Mobile Phone Screen System in Jails | |
27 | 监狱里的日间活动和体育设施经常是维持在最低程度,家属探监的条件也一样。 | Day-time activities and exercise facilities in jails are often minimal, as are conditions for family visits. | |
28 | 理论上讲,英格兰和威尔士的监狱刚够容纳80,000余人。 | In theory, the jails of England and Wales can accommodate just over 80, 000 people. | |
29 | 另一部分人强调没有身份的移民强加于公共服务上的压力,比如学校、医院和监狱。 | Others highlight the strain that undocumented immigrants place on public services, like schools, hospitals, and jails . | |
30 | 没有罢工权利的狱警们最近封锁了法国的监狱。 | Prison officers, who are not allowed to strike, recently blockaded jails around the country. |