1 | 不和谐的颜色. | jarring colours | |
2 | 不一致的意见. | jarring opinions | |
3 | 刺耳的音调. | a jarring note | |
4 | 护垫,衬薄的、象靠垫一样的柔软材料,用来填装、定形或防止挤压、刮擦或其它伤害 | A thin,cushionlike mass of soft material used to fill,to give shape,or to protect against jarring ,scraping,or other injury. | |
5 | 坚固的木箱和箱内严密的填充可防止木箱受震、开裂。 | Solid packing and overall stuffing can prevent the cases from vibration and jarring . | |
6 | 例如几种颜色的花连衣裙与蓝白色条格的上衣搭配。因为上下两件有了三种或三种以上的颜色,所以会令人眼花缭乱。 | For example, could have any number of colors alongside navy and white. For both pieces to have three or more colors is inevitably busy and jarring to the eyes. | |
7 | 他们中的两个人一直争吵不休。 | Two of them had been jarring at each other. | |
8 | 现在蜂拥的人群――每个人看起来都和另一个一模一样――从我身旁走过,过去一批又拥来一批,步伐整齐,震动着大地。 | Now the surging men, each looking exactly like the other, parted and poured around me, jarring the earth, their feet stomping in unison | |
9 | 液压式上击器解卡的震击力计算 | Calculation of Impact Force in Jarring | |
10 | 震荡剧烈的掸击;震荡 | A violent jarring ;a shock. | |
11 | 震动,摇动,颠簸(如因受重击或猝然移动而产生的)突然震动或颠簸 | A sudden jarring or jerking,as from a heavy blow or an abrupt movement. | |
12 | ||1:安德鲁布朗写的传记就追溯到了洛特布兰特和帕格沃什会议的源头,但是这两者结合起来有时显得不和谐:在一个阶段,作者从讨论罗特布拉特在自己伦敦的医院里进行动物实验,又跳到了他反对核试验的风光历史中。||2:另一层面,作品中频繁穿插出现了大量的缩略词,委员会和不重要的人物的名字。要读下来还要指望维基百科。 | ||1: Andrew Brown’s biography traces the history of both Rotblat as a man and Pugwash as a group. That dual focus is occasionally jarring —at one stage he moves from a discussion about test animals in Rotblat’s London hospital to a sweeping history of attempts to ban nuclear testing. ||2: Acronyms, committees and minor players come thick and fast. Readers can expect to make frequent trips to Wikipedia. | |
13 | ||1:进一步来看,目前争论的焦点是“这场流行病将如何改变硅谷以及与之相关的大部分技术产业”。||2:危机将使得现有趋势加速发展。||3:兰迪·科米萨,来自另一家风投公司凯鹏华盈(Kleiner Perkins),他认为,在新冠出现之前硅谷就已有大批员工计划离开,未来的硅谷将继续分崩离析。||4:房价过高、几乎永久性的交通堵塞、以及数量惊人的无家可归者,这些问题将导致更多的人选择离开。 | ||1:Looking further forward, the debate now revolves around how the pandemic will change Silicon Valley—and with it much of the tech industry.||2:The crisis will accelerate existing trends.||3:The Valley will continue to spread out, reckons Randy Komisar of Kleiner Perkins, another vc firm.Even before the virus hit, an exodus of sorts was under way.||4:Exorbitant property prices, near-permanent traffic jams and the jarring number of homeless people have pushed a growing numbers to leave. | |
14 | ||1:实验对象在实验过程中也会听音乐。||2:一部分参与者听到的是到一段令人愉快的新和弦,同时向他们展现每个单词。||3:剩下的则在“was”这个引起错觉的单词出现时听到一段刺耳的音乐。||4:两组都停下了,但那些听到不和谐音符的人停得更久。||5:帕特尔假设这是因为理解句子结构以及和弦结构,利用了大脑中共享的、有限的资源。 | ||1:They also heard music as they performed this exercise.||2:Some were treated to a new chord in a pleasing progression with every word that was revealed.||3:Others heard a jarring chord at the moment they reached the trick word "was".||4:Both groups slowed down-but those given the discordant notes did so much more.||5:Mr Patel hypothesises that this is because sentence structure, and the structure of the harmony, draw on shared, limited resources in the brain. | |
15 | 8月24日联邦探员突袭纳什维尔的吉布森吉他工厂,此举发出一个不和谐的和弦音。 | So it struck a jarring chord when federal agents raided Gibson’s factories in Nashville on August 24th. | |
16 | 把一家电视网作为变革的动因这个观点让一些美国新闻人不快。 | The notion of a TV network as a change agent may be jarring to some US news people. | |
17 | 不过,虽有着种种悦耳的情绪音乐,但这一同盟却可能会在未来遇到更多刺耳的声音。 | But for all the pleasing mood music, more jarring notes are in prospect for the alliance. | |
18 | 不久,我就从同事们那边了解到一些消息,是关于对泽尔办事风格与态度发生不太和谐的改变有关的报道。 | Soon I got messages from colleagues reporting on a jarring change in Zell’s tone and demeanour. | |
19 | 对禁令的讨论发生之前,外汇市场出现了刺激神经的事件。 | The discussion of a ban came after jarring events in currency markets. | |
20 | 对于安排心理健康工作者到育儿中心和学龄前学校工作的观点不绝于耳; | The idea of assigning mental-health workers to child-care centers and preschools is jarring ; | |
21 | 对于许多人,尤其是那些向威尼斯文物保护慈善机构大量捐款的人来说,这种“镇定自若”的态度使他们感到颇为不快。 | For many, especially those who pour cash into Venice preservation charities, such phlegmatism sounded a jarring note. | |
22 | 会议中的很多人都没有真正地在公司某一块认真的工作,所以我确定我的话在他们听来是很刺耳的。 | Many of the people in the room had never really worked anywhere else, so I’m sure it was jarring to hear an outsider’s point if view. | |
23 | 接着新的证据又爆出来:同一位女士兵用皮带勒住一个裸体囚犯的脖子,让他伏在自己的脚边。 | Jarring new examples emerged: the same female soldier, holding a leash wrapped around the neck of a naked prisoner cringing at her feet. | |
24 | 另一方面,许多人认为声音的基本的物理属性,是决定听者感知为和谐或不和谐的关键。 | On the other hand, many think it’s the basic physical properties of sound that hold the key to perceiving sounds as appealing or jarring . | |
25 | 气管气幕空气喷枪空气弹簧航空集散站风动工具 | air jarring moulding machine air pipe air seal air spray gun air spring air terminal air tool | |
26 | 气管气幕空气喷枪空气弹簧航空集散站风动工具气动震实造型机 | air jarring moulding machine air pipe air seal | |
27 | 区别显而易见,尽管不冲突。区别显而易见,尽管不冲突。冲突 | Visually, the differences are obvious, although not jarring . | |
28 | 时代杂志昨日发布了部分摘要,读起来就像是蹩脚拙劣的模仿文。 | Parts of the excerpts released by Time magazine yesterday read like a jarring parody. | |
29 | 他接着说,一些后半生经历离婚或者遭遇相类似打击的人更有可能产生这种冲动。 | For some, he added, a divorce later in life or another equally jarring event may trigger that impulse. | |
30 | 他们可能希望用一种不同的方式,或在一些思想冲突较小的情形下寻求真相。 | They may wish to seek the truth in a different way, or in a less mind jarring set of circumstances. |