1 | 琼总是学我穿衣服。 | Jean always copies the way I dress. | |
2 | 冉阿让被控为“黑夜破坏有人住着的房屋入内行窃”,送到当时的法院。 | Jean Valjean was taken before the tribunals of the time for theft and breaking and entering an inhabited house at night | |
3 | 冉阿让绝对回忆不起他曾允诺过什么话,他呆着不能开口。 | Jean Valjean, who had no recollection of ever having promised anything, remained speechless | |
4 | 冉阿让气冲冲,嘴里唠叨不绝,瞒着孩子们的母亲把牛奶钱照付给玛丽-克洛德,他们才没有挨揍。 | Jean Valjean gruffly and grumblingly paid Marie-Claude for the pint of milk behind their mother’s back, and the children were not punished | |
5 | 冉阿让生在布里的一个贫农家里。 | Jean Valjean came from a poor peasant family of brie | |
6 | 冉阿让抬起头,仍旧坐着不动。 | Jean Valjean raised his head,he still remained seated | |
7 | 冉阿让太没有知识了,他虽然受了那么多的痛苦,但对这些事,却仍是迷迷糊糊的。 | There was too much ignorance in Jean Valjean, even after his misfortune, to prevent much vagueness from still lingering there | |
8 | 冉阿让先头好象是垂头丧气的,听了这称呼,忽然抬起头来,露出大吃一惊的神气。 | At this word, Jean Valjean, who was dejected and seemed overwhelmed, raised his head with an air of stupefaction | |
9 | 忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。法国思想家卢梭 | Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.--Jean Jacques Rousseau,French thinker | |
10 | 如果我们耽搁简,她会迟到的。 | If we delay Jean , she will be late. | |
11 | 圣·琪安海岛的平台上即刻挤满了看热闹的人。 | Immediately, and according to custom, the ramparts of Fort Saint-Jean were covered with spectators | |
12 | 虽然家里只有少许食物,珍仍然烹调了一顿盛餐。 | Although there was little food in the house, Jean concocted a splendid meal. | |
13 | 他穿着油乎乎的蓝色牛仔裤和一件剪去袖子的牛仔夹克。 | He was wearing greasy blue jeans and a jean jacket with the sleeves cut out. | |
14 | 他的好友名单中有一大堆国家元首和"前任们",他依然与英国首相布莱尔、加拿大总理克雷蒂安、南非前总统曼德拉等朋友保持着密切接触。 | In the meantime, he works his buddy list of heads of state and " formers," staying in close touch with friends like British Prime Minister Tony blair, Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrtien and Nelson Mandela | |
15 | 他的伙伴们替他起了个浑名,叫冉千斤。 | His comrades had nicknamed him jean the Jack-screw | |
16 | 他的母亲叫让·马弟,他的父亲叫冉阿让,或让来,让来大致是浑名,也是“阿让来了”的简音。 | His mother was named Jeanne Mathieu,his father was called Jean Valjean or Vlajean, probably a sobriquet, and a contraction of viola Jean, "here’s Jean." | |
17 | 他心里想,那个叫作冉阿让的人,脑子里苦恼太多了。 | He was thinking, no doubt, that this man, whose name is Jean Valjean, had his misfortune only too vividly present in his mind | |
18 | 他已不再是冉阿让,而是二四六○一号。 | he was no longer even Jean Valjean,he was number 24,601 | |
19 | 五百年来,有一个拉乌尔·德·傅,一个让·德·傅和一个托马·德·傅,都是贵人,其中一个是罗什福尔采地的领主。 | Five hundred years ago there was a Raoul de Faux, a Jean de Faux, and a Thomas de Faux, who were gentlemen, and one of whom was a seigneur de Rocefort | |
20 | 现在,他的法国同事将这个昵称升级为‘J6M’,意思就是:我,让·米歇尔,是世界的主宰。 | Now his fellow Frenchman have upgraded him to J6M--Jean -Marie Messier, moi-meme, maitre du monde’ (myself, master of the world) | |
21 | 现在我们看到的是Beauregard城堡。在它的建筑中部有一个双层画廊,其拱廊从一层往上延伸开来。它是由亨利二世的国务大臣JeanDeTheir授权修建的。这里绘画藏品的风格在世界上也是独树一帜。 | What we are looking at is the castle of beauregard. In this residence, the central part has a double gallery with arcades opening onto the ground floor. Which was commissioned by Jean de Their, secretary of state to Henri II. There is a collection of paintings quite unique in the world. | |
22 | 许多人现在仍然相信,无神论哲学会导致道德上的混乱状态。已故存在主义者让-保罗·萨特自己是无神论者。他承认,处于无神世界中的人类发现自己没有建立道德观的基础。 | Many people continue to believe that an atheistic philosophy leads to moral anarchy The late existentialist Jean -Paul Sartre, himself an atheist, conceded that human beings in a godless universe find themselves without any foundation for morality | |
23 | 忧伤是让人们接受教育的前奏,正如我们教鸟儿唱歌之前,先将鸟笼遮暗。--让保尔 | Sorrow seems sent for our instruction, as we darken the cages of birds when we would teach them to sing.--Jean Paul Richter | |
24 | 由拿破仑授意,查尔格林设计。凯旋门上刻满了装饰性浮雕,以纪念拿破仑的军事胜利 | Initiated by Napoleon, designed by Jean -Franois-Thérèse Chalgrin. Decorative relief sculptures celebrating Napoleon’s victorious military campaigns were executed on the arch. | |
25 | 由于那种痴望所特具的奇异效力,他的幻想延续越久,主教的形象也越高大,越在他眼前显得光辉灿烂,冉阿让却越来越小,也越来越模糊。 | By one of those singular effects, which are peculiar to this sort of ecstasies, in proportion as his revery continued, as the Bishop grew great and resplendent in his eyes, so did Jean Valjean grow less and vanish | |
26 | 约翰·克利斯朵夫的经历也就是每一个丢掉过去、开拓将来的天才人物的经历。 | The experiences of Jean -Christophe are those of every genius who turns from the past to serve the future. | |
27 | 约翰和琼是同胞,他俩都是爱尔兰人。 | John and Jean are compatriots because they both come from ireland | |
28 | 约翰现在跟琴要好,不过我想他们决不会结婚的。 | John and Jean are keeping company but I don’t think they’ll ever marry. | |
29 | 在琼结婚那天我们用电话给她发了个贺电。 | We telephoned Jean a greetings telegram on her wedding day. | |
30 | 在渥太华,加拿大总理克雷蒂安前天表示,如果美国领导联军攻打伊拉克,加拿大会考虑加入。 | In ottawa, Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien said Canada would consider the feasibility to join an American-led attack on Iraq |