1 | 很多人都选择通过慢跑、游泳或是到健身房健身来保持健康,不受诸如心脏病啊,糖尿病啊之类的疾病困扰。 | Many of us jog or swim or hit the gym in an attempt to keep fit, and to help ward off ailments like heart disease and diabetes. | |
2 | 或者,更本不要去花钱:外边有一个巨大精彩的世界,你可以步行、小跑、跑步,全免费! | Or don’t pay at all: There’s a big wonderful world out there where you can walk, jog or run for free! | |
3 | 就像,深呼吸,休息半天,享受整个周末,进行一个小时的慢跑等。 | You know, take a long bath, have an afternoon off, enjoy a long weekend’s vacation, go for an hour-long jog , etc. | |
4 | 就在几周前,巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)的竞选连任之路刚开始呈现出顺风顺水的态势。 | Just a few weeks ago, Barack Obama’s re-election bid was beginning to look like an easy downhill jog . | |
5 | 绝大多数英国人(71%)甚至一周不去健身房、不骑车、不慢跑、不游泳。 | The vast majority of us - 71 per cent - do not go to the gym, cycle, jog or swim even once a week. | |
6 | 柯切主任回忆起他在公园里的一次慢跑,那天正好撞见了古典文学系的系主任盖勒斯·威廉斯。 | Kitcher recalls a recent jog in the park, where he ran into Gareth Williams, department chairman in Classics. | |
7 | 科学家们说,笑对身体的好处相当于环绕公园锻炼。 | Laughter can do as much good for your body as a jog around the park, scientists have claimed. | |
8 | 理查德和丽莎沿着一条小路慢慢跑着。他们拐了个弯,跑过池塘上跨着的一座桥。他们面前出现了——一座小山。 | Richard and Lisa jog down a trail. They round a bend and cross a bridge above a pond. Ahead of them - a small hill. | |
9 | 历经暴雨、风雪又或荒漠的酷热,它仍将向前,永不回顾。 | Through the rains, the snows, or the desert heat, he would jog along, never looking back. | |
10 | 慢跑到附近的书报摊瞧一瞧吧。 | Jog over to your newsstand and take a peek. | |
11 | 每周慢跑三次,渐渐培养成跑三十分钟。 | Jog three times a week and gradually build up to thirty minutes | |
12 | 拿起一本书,慢跑一会儿,看一些有趣的录影,就可以达到了。 | So pick up a book, go for a jog , watch some funny videos and you’ll be set. | |
13 | 那就以3分30秒跑若干个800米,每个800米之间慢跑和你间歇跑相同的时间。 | Then train to run a bunch of 800s in 3: 30 each. Between the 800s, jog for the same number of minutes it took you to run your repeats. | |
14 | 你可能决定“连续慢跑十分钟”,而不是“更健康”。 | Instead of "get fitter" you might decide on "jog for ten minutes without stopping" . | |
15 | 你可以参加慢跑,和朋友一起吃晚餐,看喜欢的电视节目,不过别忘了吃早饭。 | Whether it’s going for a jog , meeting up with friends for dinner, or just watching your favorite TV show, don’t forget to take a break. | |
16 | 你可以在车上听,在漫步的时候听,或者是早晨穿衣服的时候。。。 | You can play them in your car, while you jog , or while you’re getting dressed in the morning. | |
17 | 你最后也应该以5分钟步行或者慢跑结束。 | You should also be finishing your run with a 5-minute walk or easy jog . | |
18 | 如果从没锻炼过,第一次慢跑后,你可能不会感觉到压力奇幻般的减轻。 | You may not feel a magical reduction of stress after your first jog , if you haven’t been exercising. | |
19 | 如果来人是布鲁诺,我会无声地让他进来后自己慢走回床上,而在我的耳中就会响起那些隐形的人们群情激动的欢呼声。 | If it happens to be Bruno, I let him in without a word and then jog back to bed, the roar of the invisible crowd ringing in my ears. | |
20 | 如果你并不追求高强度的运动强度而只想进行日常的慢跑,那么这张表将非常适用于你。 | This is a good chart to use if you are not concerned with running in higher intensity zones, but instead just want to go for a daily jog . | |
21 | 如果你觉得肌肉紧绷,需要先做个拉伸,至少要做个5到10分钟的慢跑作为热身。 | If you feel tight and need to stretch before, do it after you’ve warmed up with a slow five or ten minute jog . | |
22 | 如果你强迫自己慢跑一小时,你的自律能力就会相应地减弱。 | If you force yourself to jog for an hour, your self-regulatory capacity is proportionately enfeebled. | |
23 | 如果你讨厌慢跑,那就尝试团体性运动或打网球。 | If you hate to jog , try a team sport or play some tennis. | |
24 | 如果你讨厌每个人看着你运动,不要强迫自己去健身房或者在外面慢跑。 | If you hate the idea of anyone seeing you exercise, then don’t force yourself to go to a gym or jog outside. | |
25 | 散步,骑脚踏车,游泳,慢跑都可以成为你的终生锻炼计划项目之一。 | Walk, ride a bike, swim, jog , etc. Get into an exercise routine you like and stick to it for life. | |
26 | 散步或者慢跑。 | Go for a walk or jog . | |
27 | 散步时,他们不会选择街道,都会本能地前往公园或小河边。 | And when joggers jog they don’t run the streets. Every one of them instinctively heads to the park or the river. | |
28 | 史蒂文:过去我也慢跑,现在不跑了。 | Steven: I used to jog , but I don’t anymore. | |
29 | 史蒂文:几个月前,我慢跑根本不在话下。 | Steven: A few months ago, I could jog without any problem. | |
30 | 史蒂文:明天我就把跑鞋带来。我们中午一起去跑步好吗? | Steven: I’ll bring my running shoes tomorrow. Let’s meet for a jog at noon. OK? |