属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-另一个地球? 远离家乡的家
1 | 我和我的妻子都谢谢你的礼物。 | My wife joins me in thanking you for the gift | |
2 | 我和我妻子都谢谢你的礼物。 | My wife joins me in thanking you for the gift. | |
3 | 我相信在座的每一个人都愿和我一同祝福你俩,×××先生和×××小姐婚姻美满幸福。 | I’m sure everyone here joins me in wishing you two, Mr ×××and miss ×××,the very best that life has to offer you in your marriage. | |
4 | 弦:将两点用曲线连接起来的曲线段. | Chord:a line segment that joins two points on a curve. | |
5 | 小溪同河流汇合。 | The Brook joins the river. | |
6 | 小溪与河流的汇合之处 | Where the creek joins the river. | |
7 | 新春佳节,普天同庆。 | During the joyous Spring Festival, the whole world joins in the jubilation. | |
8 | 一个核的核糖和下一个磷酸盐相连,形成核糖核酸的支柱。核糖磷酸基是各种辅的成分,微生物靠它来合成组氨酸。 | The ribose of one nucleotide joins with the phosphate of the next to form the RNA backbone. Ribose phosphates are components of various coenzymes and are used by microorganisms in synthesizing histidine. | |
9 | 幼小衔接课程现状的调查与反思-对广西幼儿园教师和小学教师的比较研究 | Reflection on a Survey about How Kindergarten Curriculum Joins Elementary Education-A Comparative Research on Kindergarten and Elementary-school Teachers’ Views of Curriculum in Guangxi Province | |
10 | 与...联结在一起 | joins up with;join up with;joined up with | |
11 | 在分隔胸腔和腹腔的肌质横膈的下界,食道和胃连接。 | Below the muscular diaphragm, which separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, the esophagus joins the stomach | |
12 | 在里昂,这列火车挂上了餐车。 | The dining car joins the train at Lyon. | |
13 | 这是去牛津的路与去伦敦的路的汇合处。 | This is where the road to Oxford joins the road to London. | |
14 | 这是一个普天同庆的日子。 | It is a day that the whole world joins in the jubilation. | |
15 | 这条路在前面与公路相接。 | This path joins the highway up ahead. | |
16 | 这条马路把两个村庄给连接起来了。 | This road joins the two villages. | |
17 | 这些街道污水管又相结一条污水支管。此支管与次干管连接,然后经主干管将污水送至污水处理厂。 | Several of these flow into a branch sewer,which joins first a sub-main and then a main sewer taking it to the treatment plant. | |
18 | 之后这孩子毕业了,也许继续深造,然后像编好的程序一样做下面的事:找个安全、稳定的工作,也许是个医生或律师,或参了军或进了政府部门。 | The child graduates, maybe goes on to graduate school and then does exactly as programmed: looks for a safe, secure job or career. The child finds that job, maybe as a doctor or a lawyer, or joins the Army or works for the government. | |
19 | 中国加入世界贸易组织后,对东南亚诸国是机遇,但更多的是压力。 | When it joins the World Trade Organisation, China will bring about greater pressure rather than more opportunities to the region. | |
20 | 中线从三角形顶点到对边中点的直线 | A line that joins a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side. | |
21 | 中线梯形非平行两边的中点连线 | The line that joins the midpoints of the nonparallel sides of a trapezoid. | |
22 | 中心销连接马车或其它车辆的车身和它的前轴的垂直栓销,一般起枢轴作用 | A vertical bolt that joins the body of a wagon or other vehicle to its front axle and usually acts as a pivot. | |
23 | 祝贺你们的结婚周年纪念日:爱连结我们的过去、现在和未来。 | On your wedding anniversary: Love joins our present with the past and the future . | |
24 | 自动接纸装置:在卷筒纸印刷机上的一种装置。它把新的纸卷接驳在快要用尽的纸卷上而无须停止印刷机更换。 | Auto-paster: System on a web-fed press that joins a new reel of paper to the nearly exhausted web of the previous reel without the necessity of stopping the press. | |
25 | 最小的一棵草参加无声的呐喊:“Wir sind!”(三十) | The smallest blade of grass joins in the soundless outcry."Wir sind!" (30) | |
26 | ||1: 它加入了另外两个类地球行星——Gliese 581d 和HD 85512 b—在过去的几年里被另外的仪器发现的。 ||2: 事实上,"类地球行星"这个词言过其实,Kepler 22b半径是地球的2.4倍,如果它和地球的组成大致相同,它的表面引力也将大约高达地球引力的2.4倍。 ||3:但是美国国家航天与宇宙航行局的天文学家仍不能确定它主要是气体的、液体的或是固体的。 | ||1: It joins two other Earthlike planets-Gliese 581d and HD 85512 b-discovered by another instrument within the past few years. ||2: In truth, the term "Earthlike" is a stretch. Kepler 22b has a radius 2.4 times that of Earth, and if it is made from roughly the same stuff its surface gravity will also be about 2.4 times as strong. ||3: But NASA’s astronomers remain unsure whether it is predominantly gaseous, liquid or solid. | |
27 | ||1:抽油机,海上钻井平台,炼油厂还有加油站,你看见的这些只是石油工业的冰山一角。||2:把它们连在一起的是一个庞大且几乎隐形的地下管网。||3: 它价值不菲,正因如此 ETP 公司于4月30日表示,愿意出价53亿美元收购 Sunoco 公司。 ||4: 美国国内的石油和天然气产量正快速增长,ETP 希望通过合并两家公司的管网,以输送更多油气产品。 | ||1: NODDING donkeys, offshore platforms, refineries and filling stations are the bits of the oil industry you can see. ||2: A vast and largely invisible network of underground pipes joins them all together. ||3: It is worth a lot, which is why Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) said it would pay $5.3 billion for Sunoco on April 30th. ||4: It hopes to pull together two networks and shift more of America’s booming oil and gas output. | |
28 | Raghuram Rajan加入印度储备银行 | Raghuram Rajan joins the RBI | |
29 | ||谷歌公布其稳定的季度收益(其中26%的收入来自广告费的投入)后,其股价首次突破1000美元。谷歌作为一个技术公司,加入仅有的少数几个股价超过1000美元的大公司行列。而更多的人可以买进谷歌的股票,因为目前它没有趁股价飙升分裂股权的打算。|| | Google’s share price surged above $1,000 for the first time after it issued solid quarterly earnings underpinned by a 26% jump in paid clicks from ads.|| The tech company joins just a handful of big firms with a share price over $1,000, though more could follow as companies now tend not to split their stock when the share price rockets.|| | |
30 | 它加入了另外两个类地球行星。 | It joins two other Earthlike planets. |