属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 学历 VS 工作 (2)
1 | 我得把电话号码记下来,以免待会儿忘记。 | I’ll just jot down their phone number before I forget it | |
2 | 我得把他们的电话号码赶快记下来,以免待一会儿忘记 | I’ll just jot down their phone number before I forget it | |
3 | 我得赶快把他们的地址写下来,免得忘了。 | I’ll jot down their address before I forget it. | |
4 | 我们的正当要求绝不打任何折扣:我们一丝一毫也不退让。 | We abate nothing of our just demands: not one jot or tittle do we recede | |
5 | 我想请人将这个地方打扫一下,使它到处一尘不染。 | I want this place cleaned so that there is not one jot or tittle of dust or dirt anywhere. | |
6 | 我一点都不理会他们的感受 | I don’t care a jot for their feelings | |
7 | 我一点也不在。 | I don’t care a jot . | |
8 | 我最好把它记下来。 | I ’d better jot it down . | |
9 | 相信我,我根本没有钱,一个子儿也没有。 | Believe me,I’ve got no money with me at all,not one jot or tittle. | |
10 | 在书写合同的同时,你可能随时会想到一些需要添加条款、措词和问题,要尽快记在便笺簿上,因为他们太容易忘了。 | It is normal to think of additional clauses, wording and issues while writing a contract. Jot these down on a pad as you write; they are easily forgotten. | |
11 | 赞誉,来自通用汽车及其国内的合资企业,也来自其他世界知名的汽车制造商! | it has received acclaim from GM and its domestic jot ventures,as well as from other global automakers. | |
12 | 找到您要借的那本书或杂志的目录卡,记下它的索书号码。 | Find the particular item you’re looking for. Jot down the call number. | |
13 | 这儿的天气和巴西一样热,而且由于更靠近赤道,比巴西还热。 | And I felt the heats every jot as great here, and greater too, being nearer the equinox | |
14 | ||1:但是一旦伊万结婚了,成为两个小女孩的母亲,她能草草地写下一行字或者一个点子就已经很开心了,可那不是她的生活。||2:她的生活现在围绕着做饭,洗碗,换尿布和喂食;把水壶放到煤气灶旁,把裙子搭在椅子上,这样早上就不会有褶皱了。||3:这些事充满着小的凌乱和疏忽,都很重要,比如把面包忘在收银台前面,或者东西没有洗干。 | ||1:But once she was married and the mother of two small daughters, happy if she could jot down just one line or one image, that was not her life.||2:Her days now revolved round cooking, washing up, nappies, feeds; lifting the kettle to the gas stove, setting her skirt over a chair to have it without creases for the morning.||3:They were full of small untidinesses and oversights which assumed huge importance, like the loaf forgotten by the cash register, or washing left wet. | |
15 | ||1:富特的政治辨别力自始就不怎么样。||2:1974至75年期间,他第一次进入政府内阁,出任劳工部大臣,在处理与工会的关系上,他是应受指责的。||3:用当时一位政府内阁成员的话说:“这种相互妥协的关系变成一边倒。政府给,他们取”。||4:工业补贴、住房补贴、甚至食物补贴大量花掉,以求与工会达成低工资协议。||5:所有这一切都得到了富特先生满腔热忱的支持。但在免于形成高工资协议上毫无效果。 | ||1: His political judgment was dodgy from the beginning. ||2: In 1974-75, when he first went into government as employment secretary, he was responsible for relations with the trade unions. ||3: In the words of one cabinet member of the time, “The relationship was one of give-and-take. The government gave and they took.” ||4: Industrial subsidies, housing subsidies, even food subsidies flowed out in an effort to buy low pay settlements. ||5: All were enthusiastically supported by Mr Foot. None made a jot of difference to escalating wage agreements. | |
16 | 在第二轮测试时,Golle博士发现那些去读大学的人,他们的性格变化不大。 | When it came to the second round of tests, Dr Golle found that the personalities of those who had gone to university had changed not a statistically detectable jot . | |
17 | “某种情况下,病人的状况非常糟糕,以至于无法注意并记下名字,”levin女士说。 | "In a way, the patient is in the worst position possible to make notes and jot down names, " said Ms. Levine. | |
18 | 安倍无法解决这些问题,他本人也对国内的政策不太关心。 | Mr Abe failed to address these concerns. Domestic policy interests him not a jot . | |
19 | 把Word2002用作电子邮件编辑器时,快速记下手写的短便条,然后将它作为电子邮件发送。 | Jot down a short, handwritten note and send it as an e-mail message when using Word 2002 as your e-mail editor. | |
20 | 保持井井有条并记下重要的想法,看看这些工具吧! | Keep yourself organized and jot down any important thoughts with these helpful Firefox tools. | |
21 | 不管你去哪里,都随身携带一个小笔记本,或者任何东西,让你随时记下新的想法。 | Bring a small notepad with you everywhere you go, or at least something where you can jot down your ideas. | |
22 | 打个电话,或者写个便条,或者发封电子邮件向你的员工致意。 | Pick up the phone, jot a note, or send an email. | |
23 | 大多数什叶派和库尔德人并不在乎法庭审判上那些细枝末节的错误。 | Most Shias and many Kurds do not care a jot about the technical defects of the trial. | |
24 | 但大多数银行的结构尚未发生丝毫变化。 | But the structure of most banks has not changed one jot , yet. | |
25 | 但在免于形成高工资协议上毫无效果。 | None made a jot of difference to escalating wage agreements. | |
26 | 但在我看来,这在理论上是一个不错的安排,尽管在实际上它可能一点用也不起。 | But it seems to me an excellent scheme in theory, though in practice it may not make a jot of difference. | |
27 | 多数什叶派和库尔德人看起来欢迎判决结果,他们不关心庭审是否存在技术瑕疵。 | Most Shias and many Kurds seem to welcome the verdict: they do not care a jot about the technical defects of the trial. | |
28 | 很多白领都喜欢把他们每天的消费支出记下来然后拿到网络上跟别人分享。 | Many white-collar workers today love to jot down and share their everyday spending record on the Internet. | |
29 | 即使是笔记本电脑也能被自己用来做记录。 | Even envelopes can be used to jot down a quick note to yourself. | |
30 | 记事本和笔能让客人有地方做计划,记下定餐地点和留宿时的日记。 | A notebook and a pen provides your guests with a place to make plans, jot down dinner reservations and journal about their stay. |