属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国与伊斯兰国 再担重任
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-疾病传播 细菌与金钱
1 | 保持沉默是明智的。 | It would be judicious to remain silent. | |
2 | 范山模水,描眉涂目,都须凭藉理性在较长时间里才能完成的。 | It was a judicious painting method that took a long time to execute and was constrained by the shapes of the subject. | |
3 | 关于迹与行列式,以及更一般地关于对数与指数的关系,要进行一些审慎合理的猜测。 | A little judicious guessing should be done about trace versus determinant, and more generally, about logarithm versus exponential | |
4 | 国有单位在1月1日庆祝元旦是个更为明智的选择,这不仅能避免得罪任何人,还能让某些人群更高兴。 | Celebrating the civil new year on January 1 would be a more judicious choice for state organisations. Not only would they avoid offending anyone, but also make some people happier | |
5 | 拉尔夫对这个有见识的报告听得津津有味。 | Ralph had listened attentively to this judicious report | |
6 | 历史学家明智地运用称为‘理想类型’的探索方法发现过去(卡尔J.韦恩特劳伯) | The historian discovers the past by the judicious use of such a heuristic device as the ‘ideal type’(Karl J.Weintraub) | |
7 | 罗斯福明智地混合运用礼貌与严峻来解决这个困难。 | Roosevelt solved the difficulty by judicious mixture of courtesy and sternness | |
8 | 如果改造得当,这就不只是像一个普普通通的上等人家住宅,而是一座有学识,懂情趣,举止高雅,结交不凡的人家的住宅了。 | From being the mere gentleman’s residence, it becomes, by judicious improvement, the residence of a man of education, taste, modern manners, good connections | |
9 | 审慎(消极、内行)的意见. | judicious (negative, professional) advice | |
10 | 适当地利用吸收体,可以使前两种相应特性得到改善。 | The first two of these characteristics can be improved by the judicious use of absorbers | |
11 | 他变得更明事理、更有礼貌,也更体贴人了。他也乐于讨人欢喜。 | He became more judicious , more mannerly, more thoughtful, and eager to please | |
12 | 他变得更明事理、更有礼貌,也更体贴人了。他也乐于讨人欢喜每天晚上都要说:“妈妈,晚饭好极了。” | He became more judicious ,more mannerly,more thoughtful, eager to please."Good dinner, Mom. " he would say every evening. | |
13 | 他给了这个得体的劝告之后,就离开我们,这使我很开心。 | To my joy, he left us, after giving this judicious counsel | |
14 | 它们并不试图通过审慎地选择每一派中最合理的,最有吸引力的成分,以折衷两者的差异。 | They do not try to compromise the differences between the other two by a judicious choice of the best or most appealing elements from each | |
15 | 我将校正它们,我要抹掉那些会在另一个世界上对我造成恶劣影响的措辞,代之以更加恰当的文句。 | I will correct them striking out such clauses as could have a deleterious influence on the Other Side, and replacing them with clauses of a more judicious character | |
16 | 我们公司的领导为我们公司作出了明智的抉择。 | Our leaders made a judicious decision for our company’s future. | |
17 | 我们应该听取那位老人明智的意见。 | We should listen to the judicious opinion of that old man. | |
18 | 我相信他能作出明智的选择。 | I believe that he can make a judicious choice. | |
19 | 我又学会如何通过巧妙的大小标题,歪曲记者的意思。 | I also learned how to screw our reporters through the judicious use of headlines and subtitles | |
20 | 贤明的父亲鼓励儿女自作抉择。 | A judicious parent encourages his children to make their own decisions. | |
21 | 一切信用机构都要收取利息,按月结算年息可能高达百分之二十五,但是,只要你明智地使用信用卡购物,你就可以赊欠7个星期而不必付利息 | All the credit organizations charge interest on a monthly basis which may work out as high as 25 percent a year, yet judicious purchasing using a card can mean that you obtain up to seven weeks interest-free credit | |
22 | 一阵肆无忌惮的狂笑冲破了禁忌,轰然爆发。这种笑法让明白人简直想哭。 | The pandemonium of delight which turned itself loose now was of a sort to make the judicious weep | |
23 | 依靠这种合宜的选取,计算被缩减到可处理的规模。 | By this judicious choice the computations are reduced to a manageable size | |
24 | 用合理的修剪和管理措施可能连年收获。 | Cropping every year may be possible by judicious pruning and management | |
25 | ||1:奥巴马要做的还有很多,他还要继续发展联盟。||2:北约成员国土耳其最终表明它同意打击“伊斯兰国”,但还没有实际行动。||3:联合各同盟国需要耐心,灵活应变力和软硬兼施的高明手段。||4:奥巴马大概得拿出比以往都多的时间,同各国领袖好好煲一煲电话粥。||5:而且即使“伊斯兰国”组织被成功摧毁,如果他没能帮助当地温和势力及时填补空缺,新的麻烦又会接踵而至。 | ||1:There is much more for Mr Obama to do. The coalition-building is not complete.||2:Turkey, a NATO member, is at last suggesting it favours action against IS, but it needs to be seen to help.||3:Holding the alliance together will require patience, flexibility and a judicious mix of bullying and seduction.||4:Mr Obama will have to put in many more long hours on the telephone with world leaders than he has done so far.||5:And even if he succeeds in substantially destroying IS, new horrors may emerge from the ensuing vacuum if he does not help benign local forces to fill it. | |
26 | ||1:奎曼对人们熟知的疾病进行了全新的阐述,即使是最坚定的疑病者看了这本书之后也会产生另外的焦虑(听说过鹦鹉热吗?)||2: 本书最让人惊奇的章节之一是关于 HIV 的——针对这种病毒已经出版了很多相关资料。 ||3: 奎曼将几种不同类型的 HIV 追溯到20世纪初:该病毒可能是在当时由黑猩猩传染给人类的。 ||4: 然后,他审慎而明智地采用一种小说般的叙述方式将故事向前推进,针对 HIV 如何能够如此广泛传播提出了一些惊人的新证据。 | ||1: Familiar diseases are given a fresh gloss, while even the most devoted hypochondriac will find some new ones to worry about. (Ever heard of parrot fever?) ||2: One of the most surprising chapters is on HIV, about which much has already been written. ||3: Mr Quammen traces the various strains of HIV back to the beginning of the 20th century, when the virus is likely to have moved from a chimpanzee into a human. ||4: With judicious use of a fictional narrative he then draws the story forward, bringing in some startling new evidence for how HIV was able to spread so widely. | |
27 | ||1:虽然朱蒂先生从1987年开始在美国工作,但他的学术中心依旧落在了欧洲;在他的世界观里,第二次世界大战以及希特勒的恐怖主义才算是大事件。||2:这一系列的灾难所造成的后果便形成了一本主题为“战后欧洲史”(2005年出版)的书,这本长达1000页的巨著阐述了从主要战争的结束到苏维埃集权主义倒塌的这44年。||3:大多数购买此书的人都没有读过。||4:但只要是粗略读过此书的人都能得到这样的信息:欧盟曾是一个相当重要的实验,这个实验企图超越那些咒骂社会的理想民族主义者和民族分裂者。||5:朱蒂先生认为繁荣,现代化以及和平,再加上少许明断的淡忘,这些便能安顿魔鬼,而更何况民众呢。 | ||1:Though he worked in America from 1987, his intellectual centre of gravity was Europe; the defining event in his world view was the second world war, and Hitler’s Holocaust.||2:The aftermath of those catastrophes was the theme of “Postwar” (2005), a 1,000-page tome that dealt with the 44 years between the end of the main fighting and the collapse of the Soviet totalitarian empire that survived it.||3:It was a book more bought than read.||4:But even skimmers got the message: the European Union was a vitally important experiment, an attempt to transcend the ideological, nationalist and ethnic schisms that had cursed the continent.||5:Prosperity, modernisation and peace, plus a judicious dose of amnesia, would lay the ghosts to rest. | |
28 | ||1:选民、记者以及关注政治的民众貌似都高估了总统的权力。||2:当奥巴马总统2008年竞选成功入主白宫时,众多的美国民众被其国内改革和判断准确的实力与谦虚并重的国外政策弄得眼花缭乱。||3:确实,在经历了布什总统8年的牛仔外交之后,人们希望奥巴马能够拯救美国的国家形象。||4:自此以后,美国民众对世界如何看待美国总统及其怎样让国家富强的担忧已经分为两大阵营。一些人认为他不愿意使用军事力量,这让美国看起来十分懦弱,另一些民众则认为他干涉过多,让这个国家看起来很不近人情。 | ||1:VOTERS, journalists and just about everyone paying attention to politics all tend to overestimate the power of the president.||2:When Barack Obama won the White House in 2008, many Americans were dazzled by his promises of change at home and a more judicious mix of strength and humility abroad.||3:Indeed, it was hoped that Mr Obama would rescue America’s image after eight years of George Bush’s brand of cowboy-booted diplomacy.||4:Since then, America’s worries about how the world sees the president, and by extension the country, have divided between those who think he is aloof and reluctant to use military force, which makes America look weak, and those who think his administration intervenes too much, making the country seem callous. | |
29 | 凭借着精打细算,他告诉自己的兄弟,我指望这笔钱能让我度过艰苦的岁月。 | With judicious economy, he told his brother, I shall hope to make that carry me through the lean years. | |
30 | 但对卡梅伦而言,仅明智地保持距离是不够的。 | Judicious distancing, however, is not going to be enough for Mr Cameron. |