1 | 他们在那个牛奶瓶子里装了一些加了可食用红色素的水,告诉我这只是个假人,不是真的。 | They put water and red food dye in the jug and at that point explained to me that it was just a dummy, not a real person. | |
2 | 他仔细地看了看前臂上的一个纹身,那纹身图案是一个倒立的罐向下倾倒液体到水沟里。 | He examines a tattoo on his forearm. It’s an overturned jug spilling liquid down a drain. | |
3 | 它的同胞兄弟,安布洛西亚,拿起了一罐顶部带软木塞的东西。 | His twin, Ambrosia, took a jug of something with a cork in the top. | |
4 | 我们两个人脏并快乐着,他妻子拿出一个大水瓶给我们洗手。 | The two of us were filthy and sweaty. His wife produced a large water jug for us to wash our hands in. | |
5 | 我甚至因为工作量太大而取消了一些会议和JavaUserGroup方面的事(非常抱歉-我讨厌取消计划)。 | I even had to cancel some conference events and JUG meetings, because of the workload (sorry for that - I hate to cancel things). | |
6 | 我睁大眼睛,全神贯注,我发现自己在鼓手的面前跳舞,双手还抱着那只水壶。 | When I focused my eyes I realized that I was on my feet dancing before the drummers, still holding the water jug in my hands. | |
7 | 一壶珍贵的酒在战争结束时可以卖到40美元,而一个男人在这些日子里可能就只能赚50美元。 | One jug of the precious brew had sold for forty dollars at the end of the war. A man just might get fifty these days. | |
8 | 移开钢杯,立刻用一块干净的抹布擦拭蒸汽杆和喷嘴,再放一点蒸汽出来清洗一下蒸汽管。 | Remove the jug , immediately wipe the steam nozzle and wand with a clean damp cloth and purge a small amount of steam. | |
9 | 在这个大点上,我左脚发力向上站起抓第二个大点以完成整个动作。 | On this jug , I stand up my left feet to push up the second jug who finish the first sequence. | |
10 | 这个玻璃杯放在大罐口上恰好当个盖子。 | The glass fits on top of the jug to form a lid. | |
11 | 这就比如是一壶水:你自己都空空如也,拿什么去照顾孩子,非得把自己充满起来再说。 | Think of it like a jug of water: you can’t keep emptying yourself out to look after children around you without filling yourself up again. | |
12 | 最终让人感到尴尬的是,(前南斯拉夫)马其顿最好的葡萄酒却是“T’gazaJug”,翻译过来的意思则是“渴望南州”。 | Awkwardly, the best-known wine from (the former Yugoslav) Macedonia is "T’ga za Jug " , which translates as "longing for the south" . |