属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-摇篮将覆 The cradle will rock
1 | 一连串的询问扰乱了证人的思路 | The rapid-fire questioning jumbled the witness’s thoughts. | |
2 | 有人把卷宗弄乱了,现在我什么都找不到。 | Someone has jumbled the files, and now I can’t find anything. | |
3 | 这篇文章冗杂不堪。 | The article was lengthy and jumbled . | |
4 | 这些词藻堆砌在一起讲不通. | These words are jumbled up and don’t make sense. | |
5 | 这些号码不按顺序排列,全给搞乱了。 | The numbers are not in sequence, they are all jumbled up. | |
6 | 这些数码不连贯,都被弄乱了。 | These numbers are not in sequence, they are all jumbled up | |
7 | 最近发生的事情与她回忆起来的孩提时期的事混淆在一起了。 | Recent happenings were jumbled up in her mind with events recalled from early childhood | |
8 | ||1:将一部书信体小说搬上银幕需要很大的勇气,尤其当涉及复杂的心理学,例如本片。||2:然而琳恩·拉姆塞的这部同名电影却很优秀。蒂尔达·斯文顿在片中饰演伊娃。||3:该片的精髓表现在对伊娃的幽闭恐惧症想法那栩栩如生的描绘上。||4:剧本由罗里·金奈尔创作,风格极简。拉姆塞将伊娃那一团团模糊凌乱的文字转化成了一系列场景的拼贴,这些大都无言的场景能够唤起人们的回忆。||5:如今的伊娃生活在社会底层,只剩下一副当初的自己的躯壳。这些小片段从当前切换到曾经,不同年月的记忆互相交织,错综复杂。||6:同书里一样,凯文重要的施暴时刻被留在了末尾,但它那血腥的事实感染了之前的一切。 | ||1: It takes courage to adapt an epistolary novel for the screen, particularly one as psychologically complex as this one. ||2: Yet Lynne Ramsay’s film of the same name, starring Tilda Swinton as Eva, is excellent. ||3: The gift of this version is its visual rendering of Eva’s claustrophobic thoughts. ||4: With a minimalist screenplay written with Rory Kinnear, Ms Ramsay translates Eva’s clot of dark and messy words into a collage of evocative and mostly wordless scenes. ||5: These vignettes shift from the present—Eva living as a social pariah, a husk of her former self—to the past, and are jumbled with the non-chronology of memory. ||6: As in the book, Kevin’s big, violent moment is left until the end, but the bloody fact of it infects everything that comes before. | |
9 | 当印度在20世纪90年代经济对外开放的时候,高德瑞治必须减少混乱的营运方式并进行改进,就像安迪?高德瑞治主席所说: | When India opened up in the 1990s, it had to become less jumbled and to shape up, says Adi Godrej, the chairman. | |
10 | 不幸的是,这样的证据通常是以微小、杂乱的小片段形式存在的,而且,常常受到了污染。 | Unfortunately this evidence is often in the form of tiny, jumbled snippets and it is frequently contaminated. | |
11 | 大多情况下它们并不在意,但有一个版本却使这些鸟儿们几近发疯。 | In most cases, the finches didn’t seem to care. But one version of the jumbled song made the finches go bananas. | |
12 | 如果系统是乱七八糟的,那么系统可能通过许多路径进入不希望的状态,并且因此很难调试。 | If the system is a jumbled mess, then the system might get into an undesired state through any number of paths and so it is hard to debug. | |
13 | 石油勘探开发是一个庞杂的系统,需要最大程度地获取地下信息。 | Petroleum exploration and development was numerous and jumbled system. It needed to obtain the greatest extent underground information. | |
14 | 水壶里的水烧开了,扑克牌变得混乱,一股清新的风从窗子吹进来,牛排吃起来也像牛排了。 | The kettles boiled, the cards were jumbled , a fresh breeze blew in at the windows, and the beefsteaks tasted like beefsteaks. | |
15 | 所有线程的输出乱七八糟地混合在一起,而定时问题意味着输出语句不是以相对的线程顺序出现的。 | All the threads get jumbled up, and timing issues mean that the output statements are not going to come out in relative thread order. | |
16 | 他表示,开发商“鱼龙混杂”(即优质和劣质企业都有)。 | Developers were like "dragons and fish jumbled together" , he said, referring to a mixture of high and low-quality companies. | |
17 | 他想让花旗银行成为一个具有凝聚力的公司,而不是一个杂七杂八的“集团”,躲在同一顶保护伞下。 | Mr Prince wants to make Citi one cohesive company, rather than a jumbled group amassed under a single canopy. |