属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-影讯猎杀本拉登 美国之夜
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新的资金流向 New rivers of gold
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-腹中发现 恐龙吃什么
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-恐龙吃什么 腹中发现
1 | 具有跳跃的非Lipschitz系数正-倒向随机微分方程解的存在性 | Existence of Solutions for Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps and Non-Lipschitzian Coefficients | |
2 | 空中特技比赛要有2次不同的特技跳跃,强调起跳、高度、距离、适当的姿势、动作的完成和着地。 | The aerials competition consists of two different acrobatic jumps , stressing takeoff, height, distance, proper style, execution and landing. | |
3 | 马跳过了障碍物。 | The horses raced over the jumps . | |
4 | 那匹马越过了所有的障碍物。 | The horse cleared all the jumps . | |
5 | 那只敏捷的棕色狐狸从一条懒狗身上跳过。 | The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. | |
6 | 女子田径跳跃项群发展态势的比较研究 | Study on Development Tendency Compare between Chinese Jumps Event-group | |
7 | 起跑犯规,本·约翰逊抢跑。 | False start, Ben Johnson jumps the gun. | |
8 | 轻快热烈的迪斯科舞曲 | A disco that really jumps . | |
9 | 三大指数周二大部分时间都在平盘上下游走,但是走势温和,未出现最近几个交易日大起大落的情况。 | These three main indexes all went around the level line, but with a mid wave. Big slumps or jumps as in several recent trading days did not happen | |
10 | 跳的微分性及其金融数据中的辨识算法 | The Differential Character of Jumps and Disentangling Application in Financial Data | |
11 | 兔子可以跳得很远。 | A rabbit can make long jumps . | |
12 | 我不喜欢常常训斥学生的那种老师。 | I don’t like the teacher who often jumps all over his students | |
13 | 我最喜欢场地跳跃赛。每一场比赛都像是在攻克一个难题:当我在一次行程中通过12到15个障碍时,我必须不断地计算高度、速度和距离。 | I enjoy stadium jumping the most. Each competition is like attacking a puzzle; I must constantly calculate height, speed and distance as I move through the 12 to 15 jumps on a course. | |
14 | 下一个参加比赛的人使我吃惊,她在半分钟之中跳了139下(指跳绳)。 | The next contestant surprised me. She made139 jumps in half a minute. | |
15 | 形势清楚了。 | The cat jumps . | |
16 | 一类非时齐非Lipschitz条件下带跳的倒向随机微分方程的适应解及比较定理 | Adapted Solutions and Comparison Theorem of a Class of BSDE with Jumps under Non-Time-Homogeneous and Non-Lipschitz Conditions | |
17 | 一类随机环境中可跳无穷远点的随机游动 | A Class of Random Walks with Unbounded Jumps in Random Environments | |
18 | 一些具有非固定步循环图中生成树的个数 | The Number of Spanning Trees in Some Circulant Graphs with Non-fixed Jumps | |
19 | 以名家风度的弹跳把观众看得眼花缭乱的花样滑冰者 | A figure skater who dazzled the audience with virtuosic jumps . | |
20 | 在奥运会空中特技滑雪赛中,每位选手每轮可以跳2次,第一轮比赛的前12名进入决赛。 | In the Olympic aerials event, each skier performs two jumps per round. After the first round,the first 12 move to the final round. | |
21 | 在奥运会跳台滑雪赛中,每位选手在普通跳台和大跳台上有两次正式试跳机会,得分是根据跳跃的距离和空中的姿势决定的。 | In Olympic ski jumping events,each competition takes two official jumps on the normal and large hill.Scores for each jump are evaluated on the distance and style. | |
22 | 这匹马跳过了所有的障碍物 | The horse cleared all the jumps | |
23 | 这时安全出口处一阵响动,随后跳进来了为爱而疯狂、痴迷的约翰·德莱尼,他企求爱伦与他一同离开,奔向东部海岸或布朗克斯或者任何一个有着意大利式天空的地方。 | Then there was a rattle of the fire-escape, and into her room jumps the mad and infatuated John Delaney, entreating her to flee or fly with him to the Riviera, or the bronx, or any old place where there are Italian skies | |
24 | 这台打字机跳字,需要修理。 | This typewriter jumps and needs repairing. | |
25 | ||1:从一个国家到另一个国家,书中还给出了一些有趣的国家组合。||2:拿印度和中国对比已经不新鲜了,于是沙尔曼发现了印度和巴西的文化相似性,比如他们都“饭点很迟”、“个性十足”还很“随意不拘束”。||3:他希望菲律宾能够避开墨西哥式的“大亨经济”——在国内市场庇护下,大企业家主宰却不利国家整体经济发展的经济模式。||4:凯末尔曾强加给穆斯林教徒政教分离政策,作者将其与东欧那昙花一现的共产主义类比。||5:他认为在温和派领导人埃尔多安的领导下,土耳其已成为了一个自由的国度,其流行文化横扫中东,可与风靡亚洲的“韩流”相媲美。 | ||1: As it jumps from one country to the next, the book throws up some intriguing juxtapositions. ||2: Dissatisfied with the obvious parallels between India and China, Mr Sharma sees a cultural kinship between India and Brazil, countries united in their “late dining habits”, “colourful personalities” and “casual informality”. ||3: He hopes that the Philippines will escape Mexico’s fate as a “tycoon economy” dominated by fat cats in sheltered domestic markets. ||4: He likens Kemal Ataturk’s imposition of secularism on Turkey’s Muslim population to the imposition of communism on eastern Europe. ||5: Under the moderately Islamic leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he argues, Turkey is now free to be itself. Its pop culture is rolling across the Middle East like the “Korean wave” sweeping Asia. | |
26 | ||1:凯瑟琳·毕格罗的一部十分精彩的惊悚电影—猎杀本·拉登,就像剧中女主角一样大获成功。||2:电影首先出现的2001年9月11日双子塔上一些将要死去的人的拨打紧急电话一些列画面,接着镜头转入两年后,一位有着强烈复仇愿望的红发女郎玛雅查看“黑暗监狱”里的基地组织幕后老板的审讯。 | ||1:KATHRYN BIGELOW’S superb new thriller about the hunt for Osama bin Laden, “Zero Dark Thirty”, hits the ground running like its heroine—and never draws breath.||2:After a montage of emergency calls made on September 11th 2001 by doomed people in the twin towers, the film jumps ahead two years to Maya, a red-headed avenging angel and ferocious CIA analyst, who is watching the interrogation of an al-Qaeda paymaster in a so-called “black prison” run by the American agency. | |
27 | ||1:明显增长的一个原因是数据更容易得到了。||2:汇款邮寄公司譬如西部联合公司和速汇金公司已经提高其对中央银行的上报。||3:自从2001年9月11日起已经加强了监管力度这导致汇款大数量的增加,尼日利亚报告2007年汇款收入将近翻了一番。||4: 那些政府对上报信息敏感的地方,经济学家已经采取了其他的方法。||5:比如印度对于汇向孟加拉国的汇款进行严厉的检查。||6:但是通过检查银民数据,世界银行预计每年有38亿美元穿越边境线。 | ||1:One reason for this apparent boom is simply that the data are better.||2:Money senders such as Western Union and MoneyGram have improved their reporting to central banks.||3:Oversight has tightened since September 11th 2001.||4:This has led to big jumps in some numbers: Nigeria posted a near-doubling of remittance receipts in 2007.||5:Where governments are sensitive about providing information, economists have used other methods.||6:India, for instance, subjects remittances to Bangladesh to stringent tests. | |
28 | 那细长的脚趾暗示着O’Connor博士小盗龙也是树栖的。在一个需在枝桠间跳跃、滑行的生活环境中,它的羽毛可能对它的日常活动有所帮助。 | That elongated toe suggests to Dr O’Connor that Microraptor, too, was arboreal, and hints that its feathers may have helped it to move through an environment where hops, jumps and flaps between branches were a regular part of its daily activity. | |
29 | 在一个需在枝桠间跳跃、滑行的生活环境中,它的羽毛可能对它的日常活动有所帮助。 | was arboreal, and hints that its feathers may have helped it to move through an environment where hops, jumps and flaps between branches were a regular part of its daily activity. | |
30 | “如果你找寻系统的薄弱环节,”一位美国前官员说,“这个环节就马上出现。” | "If you look for the weak links in the system, " said one former American official, "this one jumps out. " |