1 | 你的举动毫无道理. | There’s not a shadow of justification for your behaviour. | |
2 | 汽车金融公司自领取营业执照之日起,无正当理由 3 个月不开业或开业后自行停业连续 6 个月的,由中国银行业监督管理委员会收回其许可证,并予以公告。 | The China Banking Regulatory Commission shall revoke the license to conduct financial business and issue a public notice of the revocation if the auto financing company, after receiving the business license, fails without justification to open business within three months, or, without approval, stops operation for six consecutive months after business commencement. | |
3 | 认知辩明的伴随性命题 | The Supervenient Proposition of Cognitive Justification | |
4 | 任何成员均有权就GATT1994的正当理由或就可能未根据本条规定进行通知的任何限制向TMB作出反向通知,供其参考。 | It shall be open to any Member to make reverse notifications to the TMB, for its information, in regard to the GATT 1994 justification , or in regard to any restrictions that may not have been notified under the provisions of this Article. | |
5 | 如存在科学理由,或一成员依照第5条第1款至第8款的有关规定确定动植物卫生的保护水平是适当的,则各成员可采用或维持比根据有关国际标准、指南或建议制定的措施所可能达到的保护水平更高的卫生与植物卫生措施。 | Members may introduce or maintain sanitary or phytosanitary measures which result in a higher level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection than would be achieved by measures based on the relevant international standards, guidelines or recommendations, if there is a scientific justification , or as a consequence of the level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection a Member determines to be appropriate in accordance with the relevant provisions of paragraphs 1 through 8 of Article 5. | |
6 | 如果有科学依据或如果认为有关的国际文本提供的保护水平不足够,成员国可以采用更高的保护水平。 | Members may choose to adopt a higher level of protection than that provided by international texts if there is a scientific justification or if the level of protection provided by the relevant international texts is considered to be inappropriate. | |
7 | 使用核武器是没有任何正当理由的。 | There can be no justification for using nuclear weapons. | |
8 | 虽然分字和齐行是两个不同工序,但它们常常一起进行,以便分字提高齐行效果。 | Although hyphenation and justification are each separate processes, they are often used together so that hyphenation may enhance the results of justification. | |
9 | 他没有理由缺席。 | There is no justification for his absence. | |
10 | 他们说服杰弗逊,由他撰写初稿,初稿在6月28日提出时,内容只有几处遭修改。宣言开头时宣示了个人权利,然后细数了乔治三世(GeorgeIII)种种暴虐的法令,以致不得不寻求独立云云。 | Jefferson was persuaded to write the draft, which was presented with few changes on June 28. It began with a declaration of individual rights and then listed the acts of tyranny by George III that formed the justification for seeking independence. | |
11 | 他们只对事实的证明持有争议--不是任何具体的责任事实证明,而是在决定论看来进行任何证明的可能性。 | They simply contest the justification of the facts--not the justification of any specific fact of responsibility, but the possibility of any justification whatsoever in the determinist view | |
12 | 微行隔:在字行间加上很小的间隔,主要是用来调整版面的深度,以避免不理想的转栏或转版的情况. | Carding: The insertion of very small amounts of additional space between lines of type, generally to assist vertical justification in order to avoid an undesirable page or column ending. | |
13 | 为警方暴行而作的在理性上站不住脚的辩护。 | an intellectually untenable justification for police brutality. | |
14 | 我不明白有什么理由要把这家公司分成几个小公司。 | I can see no justification for dividing the company into smaller units. | |
15 | 我从自己的亲身经历中得出的教训匙只是喜欢某人并不能成为向他说出你内心秘密的理由。 | In my experience, just liking someone is not a justification for telling them the secrets of your heart. | |
16 | 我认为没有理由把公司划分成小单位 | I can see no justification for dividing the company into smaller units | |
17 | 我想他反正会以养家为理由来进行辩解. | I suppose that, in justification , he could always claim he had a family to support | |
18 | 无正当理由3个月不开业或开业后自行停业连续6个月的 | Fails without justification to open business within three months, or, without approval, stops operation for six consecutive months after business commencement. | |
19 | 限于这样一种严格的例外,那种从表面上区分州外产品与本州产品的立法,由于缺乏无可辩驳的正当理由很可能被判为违宪。 | Subject to this very narrow exception, legislation which on its face distinguishes out-of-state items from domestic items seems likely to be held unconstitutional, in the absence of compelling justification | |
20 | 要求解释或证明为正当;质疑. | A demand for explanation or justification ; a calling into question. | |
21 | 一线希望;几乎没有理由的期待 | To hope with little reason or justification . | |
22 | 应对用以确定允许进口的数量和价值的标准提供正当理由。 | Appropriate justification shall be provided as to the criteria used to determine allowable import quantities or values | |
23 | 应另一成员请求,一成员在制定、采用或实施可能对其他成员的贸易有重大影响的技术法规时应按照第2款到第4款的规定对其技术法规的合理性进行说明。 | A Member preparing, adopting or applying a technical regulation which may have a significant effect on trade of other Members shall, upon the request of another Member, explain the justification for that technical regulation in terms of the provisions of paragraphs 2 to 4. | |
24 | 有理由说,她是当今英国舞台上最杰出的女演员之一。 | It can be said, with some justification , that she is one of the greatest actresses on the English stage today. | |
25 | 有些老年人由于怕死而感到心烦意乱,对青年人来说,有这种感觉是有其正当理由的。 | Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. In the young there is a justification for this feeling. | |
26 | 有些老年人由于怕死而感到心烦意乱,对青年人来说,有这种感觉是有其正当理由的。 | Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. In the young there is a justification for this feeling. | |
27 | 有些老人为死的恐惧所困扰。假如年轻人有这种恐惧,那也没有什么可说的。 | Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. In the young there is a justification for this feeling. | |
28 | 有正当理由需要延长筹建期限的,应当在筹建期限届满前书面向中国银行业监督管理委员会提出申请 | If the applicant has justification for prolonging the preparation stage beyond the prescribed period, it shall submit a written application to the China Banking Regulatory Commission before the original deadline falls due | |
29 | 有正当理由需要延长筹建期限的,应当在筹建期限届满前书面向中国银行业监督管理委员会提出申请,经批准可以延长 3 个月。 | If the applicant has justification for prolonging the preparation stage beyond the prescribed period, it shall submit a written application to the China Banking Regulatory Commission before the original deadline falls due, and may extend the preparation stage for up to three months subject to the approval. | |
30 | 增量预算法:一般只需对上期预算水平的增加部分(或减少部分)加以说明的预算过程。 | Incremental budgeting: A budget process in which justification is generally required only for increments (or decrements)to previous budgeting levels. |