1 | “她在那棵大栗子树底下哪。”那个被宠坏了的孩子一边回答,一边不顾他母亲的吆喝,仍拿苍蝇去喂鹦鹉,而鹦鹉对于这种游戏看来也很感兴趣。 | "She is under the big chestnut-tree," replied the spoiled brat, as he gave, in spite of his mother’s commands, live flies to the parrot, which seemed keenly to relish such fare | |
2 | 奥菲丽亚小姐用锐利的目光扫了他一眼,立刻就看出:他说话时,脸上流露出羞耻的红晕,内心抑制着恼怒的感情,嘴角微微翘起,含着讽刺的意味。 | Miss Ophelia looked keenly at him, and saw the flush of mortification and repressed vexation, and the sarcastic curl of the lip, as he spoke | |
3 | 宠辱若惊,贵大患若身. | Favour and disgrace goad as it were to madness; high rank hurts keenly as our bodies hurt. | |
4 | 但我心里很明白,我拿这些鱼去卖,换亚麻纺线--弗尔南多,这和施舍有什么两样呢!” | But I feel very deeply that this fish which I go and sell, and with the produce of which I buy the flax I spin,--I feel very keenly , Fernand, that this is charity." | |
5 | 德路斯这时已完全清醒,强烈地意识到情况的严重性.他小心翼翼地把枪管从灌木丛中向前推出,枪托贴着面颊… | Broad awake and keenly alive to the significance of the situation,Druse now brought the butt of his rifle against his cheek by cautiously pushing the barrel forward through the bushes… | |
6 | 洞察的有感知力的,尤指感知力强烈的 | Having the power of perceiving,especially perceiving keenly and readily. | |
7 | 发动机反应更敏锐,助力转向下降至中低度水平以使转向感更加直接,变速箱也同时转换至运动型换档特性。 | The engine responds more keenly , the steering′s power assistance is reduced at low and medium revs for a more direct feel and the transmission adopts sportier shift characteristics | |
8 | 风凛冽刺骨。 | The wind cuts keenly . | |
9 | 关于增强党员意识的思考 | Reflections on Being Keenly Aware of Party Membership | |
10 | 国家的主权、国家的安全要始终放在第一位,对这一点我们比过去更清楚了。 | We are more keenly aware that first priority should always be given to national sovereignty and security. | |
11 | 何谓贵大患若身?吾所以有大患者,为吾有身,及吾无身,吾有何患? | What does it mean to say that high rank hurts keenly as our bodies hurt? The only reason that we suffer hurt is that we have bodies; if we had no bodies, how could we suffer? | |
12 | 嘉莉同万斯太太一样神气地走进去,在领班为她安排的座位上坐下。她敏锐地注意到一切细小的动作 | Carrie walked with an air equal to that of Mrs. Vance, and accepted the seat which the head waiter provided for her. She was keenly aware of all the little things that were done--the little genuflections and attentions of the waiters and head waiter which Americans pay for. | |
13 | 她对于男性世界虽然所知极少,但作为女人也敏锐地觉察到了他那燃烧的目光。 | But she, who knew little of the world of men, being a woman, was keenly aware of his burning eyes | |
14 | 进入第三代的领导集体也必须有一个核心,这一点所有在座的同志都要以高度的自觉性来理解和处理。 | The third generation of collective leadership must have a core too,all you comrades present here should be keenly aware of that necessity and act accordingly. | |
15 | 进行激烈的军备竞赛 | Carry on a keenly contested arms race | |
16 | 据他说,他在国外感受最深的是,住在那里的人很令人惊讶,他们竟不知道广州。 | According to him, what he felt keenly in foreign countries is that people living there are surprisingly ignorant of Guangzhou. | |
17 | 可怜的孩子,他相貌平平,而且有自知之明。 | He’s as plain as a pikestaff,poor boy,and keenly aware of it. | |
18 | 没有人对这感觉得有她那样敏锐。 | None (=nobody)has felt it more keenly than she. | |
19 | 那侮辱深深地伤害了他。 | He felt the insult keenly . | |
20 | 那些精美的舞鞋和长统袜,饰有漂亮绉边的裙子和衬裙,还有花边、缎带、梳子、钱包,这一切的一切都激起了她的种种欲望,但她痛苦地认识到这里没有一样东西是她买得起的。 | The dainty slippers and stockings, the delicately frilled skirts and petticoats, the laces, ribbons, hair-combs, purses, all touched her with individual desire, and she felt keenly the fact that not any of these things were in the range of her purchase. | |
21 | 清醒地看到日趋激烈的国际竞争带来的严峻挑战,清醒地看到前进道路上的困难和风险。 | We must be keenly aware of the rigorous challenges brought about by the ever-sharpening international competition as well as risks and difficulties that may arise on our road ahead. | |
22 | 全党同志要牢牢把握这个根本要求,不断增强贯彻"三个代表"重要思想的自觉性和坚定性。 | All Party members must be keenly aware of this basic requirement and become more conscious and determined in implementing this important thought. | |
23 | 伤害…的感情;刺痛 | To injure the feelings of;hurt keenly . | |
24 | 身为一国政治领袖,马哈迪必须清楚认识到个人言的象征意义以及可能引起的外交后果。 | As a political leader of a country, Dr Mahathir should be keenly aware of the significance of his words, their political implications and impact on Malaysia’s foreign relations | |
25 | 随着孩子们的成长,她更热情的投入到对他们的教育中去。她成为积极推动加强数学、计算机、阅读和写作等方面教育的活跃分子。 | as her own children grew, she was keenly involved in their education. She became a vocal activist in the areas of mathematics, computers, reading and writing education. | |
26 | 他比从前更怕热. | He feels the heat more keenly than before. | |
27 | 他的痛苦而破碎的心,清清楚楚地感到这种体贴入微的友谊。 | His bruised heart keenly felt the comfort of the kindness | |
28 | 他非常神经过敏,自惭形秽得到了不可救药的地步。 | He was keenly sensitive, hopelessly self-conscious | |
29 | 他观察很敏锐但说话不多. | He observe s keenly but says little. | |
30 | 他观察敏锐,但是很少说话 | He observes keenly ,but says little. |