1 | 在键盘上按规定顺序排列的一行数字键。 | On a keyboard ,a row of numeric keys in an ordered sequence. | |
2 | 照相排字机:用光经一副菲林字模或一副数码字在菲林或相纸上曝光排字的机器;它通常由键盘、磁带、磁碟或由电脑系统所发出的讯号控制。 | Phototypesetting machine (Phototypesetter): A device for setting type by photographically exposing film or paper through a film matrix fount or a digital fount; usually controlled by keyboard , tape, disc, or signals from a computer system. | |
3 | 这是他创作的键盘音乐作品第一次被录制成唱盘。 | It is the first time that Skempton’s keyboard works have been recorded. | |
4 | 这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。 | The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard . | |
5 | 直接印纹版:小型柯式机的印版,用纸加上涂层而成。 | Direct entry phototypesetter: A small phototypesetting system which is self-contained, having its own keyboard , CPU and output device. | |
6 | 终端机:(1)电脑的输入/输出装置。它通常有作输入的键盘和作输出的电视萤幕或印字机。(2)输入装置。例如扫描仪,录影机或数码相机等。 | Terminal: (1)An input/output device for a computer. It usually has a keyboard for input and a video screen or printer for output. (2)An input device, such as a scanner, video camera or digital camera, etc. | |
7 | 字处理软件(如WORD、WPS)广泛用于办公系统以 | Word Processing Software such as WORD, WPS etc. is widely used in the office environment to prepare letters and memos. It allows the user to enter data on a keyboard | |
8 | 字符集:键盘上,贮记器上或机器上所能输出的全部字符. | Character set: The full range of characters in memory, on a keyboard , or available for output from a machine. | |
9 | 自动收发机:英文是“自动发送和接收”的缩写。指一种能接收和发送数据的电传打字机。接收的数据可以记在纸带上或由印字机印出,发送则经由键盘或纸带 | ASR: Short for Automatic Send and Receive. A teletypewriter having the ability to receive data and produce it on a printer or paper tape, and to send data entered through a keyboard or paper tape. | |
10 | 最常用的输入装置就是键盘。它看起来非常像一台打字机键盘,上面配置着一排排典型打字机的按键。 | The most common input device is a keyboard ,it looks very much like a typewriter layout ,as well as a number of additional keys used to enter special computer-related codes. |